Oldham Council
Annual Report of Activities 2017
Councillor name Julia Turner
Ward Name Crompton
I have been a Liberal Democrat Councillor representing Crompton Ward since 2015.
The ward actually comprises of High Crompton, Low Crompton, Rushcroft, Cowlishaw, Royton and Shaw. A ward that I am passionate about, made up of terrace properties and green open space.
During my time as a Borough Councillor I have held many different roles on outside bodies, but the roles I enjoy best are those that let me work with the residents I am proud to represent – for example Shaw and Crompton Events Group.
Participation at Council meetings and committees
I have attended almost every single Council meeting (missing due to ill health) and participate by proposing notices of motions, asking questions of the Administration and debating. I have found the meetings interesting, if not a little nerve wracking at times!
It has given me a better understanding of the varied topics, issues and policies raised.
Some of the ones I find particularly interesting are those that directly impact the borough of Oldham, rather than the wider conurbation.
Participation at District Partnerships
I am a member of the District Executive Health and Well-being sub-group. I attend meetings discussing health related issues. The group is made up of Councillors, officers and relevant partners. The idea of the group is for a joined up thinking approach, acknowledging the need to work at a local level in tackling some of the health and well-being issues.
As part of the District Exec we have provided Events lights on the Big Lamp Roundabout, as we feel this is a significant gateway into the area.
We have paid for two AEDs and are awaiting the installation of a third.
Participation in Training/Member Development Programme
Safeguarding Children and Adults
Dementia Friends
Elected Member contribution to Get Oldham Working
I regularly promote any job opportunities via my Facebook and Twitter.
Co-operative difference
I still can't get to grips with the Council’s co-operative approach. For years people have been able to call on the Council for all sorts of services and it is a struggle for them to change that habitat. Council tax has gone up and services have got less, people seem unwilling to do more themselves.
Participation on outside bodies and partnerships
Corporate Parenting Panel
Oldham Council Music Awards
Ward work
v Allocated money for investigation with flooding on Grasmere Road, Royton
(Crompton ward)
v We have a number of schemes planned from highway improvements to
environmental works
v We have provided and refilled grit bins which do not quite meet the Councils criteria
but we believe they are of benefit to a number of residents in the area
v Provided the funding to the Christmas Lights Switch On
v Allocated money for environmental improvements to the Big Lamp roundabout
v Funded a number of Wild flower planting at sites in and around Shaw and Crompton
v Funded a Defibrillator, storage unit and fitting at the Life Long Learning Centre
v Funded leaflets and delivery of dog fouling leaflets across the whole ward
Ward surgeries
Ward surgeries are carried out every Thursday between 7.30pm- 8.30pm at the Life Long Learning Centre in Shaw. Shaw and Crompton colleagues make sure that between us every Thursday is covered for advice sessions.
My details are in the public domain and are on the Council website they are as follows:
35, Scowcroft Lane, Shaw, OL2 7BB
Home: 01706 848164 (with answer machine service)
Mobile: 07805 298847 (with answer machine service)
Twitter: @CllrDWilliamson
Achievements during the year
My achievements throughout the last twelve months have been to help local residents and the community to the best of my ability.
Our District Plan, which is on the Council’s website, provides details of our priorities for the area and shows our achievements.