


Eat. Drink. Sleep. Eat. Drink. Sleep. That isthe daily life of everyone of us. And[F.E.1], finally,

how longmuch timediddowe spent [F.E.2]spendto eat ? [F.E.3]Thousandsofhours ? Not really. Between 13

and 17 years. 13 and 17 yearseating with family, friends, at home, at restaurants, everywhere.

Between 75 000 and 100 000 meals[F.E.4]. The questionnow is, now,: “are we really what we eat”?

Foodindirectly reflects, indirectly,[F.E.5]how we are – can not we noteasilyguess easily if

someone is worried about environment and animals ifwhenthere isareonly fruits and vegetables

in histheir[F.E.6]kitchen ? - and The way we eatlearnreveals a great part of what we are to thea lot

of us at others. Indeed, andFor example, a recent study proved that there are similitariesbetween

our eating habits and our sexual behaviour [F.E.7]! So,[F.E.8]Therefore, you shouldbe careful if you meet

someone who ordersto you in restaurant or—even worse—if this personn is obsessed by the

number of calories there are inthis or thistheir[F.E.9]meal – sheyou[F.E.10]would probably not have a great

time in bed !

What is more, our eating habits also reveals our past, our family and itstheirvalues. Indeed,

somefamilies give a value of communication to mealsuse food as a means of communication:

it is a moment where everybody talk abouthimselfthemselvesand histheirjourney[F.E.11]. To another

family, mealsfoodcould havehasno significations : you eat becauseyour body needs it and that

is all. ThisThat way, you would not find the same kind of food in onethis or thisfamilyor

another, one having frozen dinner and tinned food and the other only fresh fruits and vegetables,

spending maybe one or two hours in his kitchen, preparing a great dinner. These references we bore

within us are not minors[F.E.12].

Eating habits are a part of us and theyis a way to sell ourselves to others. Now, you know

that you should be careful and keep one'syou[F.E.13]r eyes open when you will share a meal with you future, great, and wonderful girlfriend or boyfriend !

326 mots.

+ You had some really interesting ideas, namely how food and sex relate!

- You did not take into account the comments I made about writing an essay (punctuation, weak forms, etc)

- Syntax!! There should be a bare minimum of a subject/verb in your sentences.

- Careless English (did spent, habits reveals, etc.)

Final grade: 08/20

[F.E.1]Never start a sentence with «and»…

[F.E.2]You might want to check how your auxiliary/verb agree!

[F.E.3]Also, check your punctuation. There’s no spacing before an exlamation mark in English!

[F.E.4]That’s a truely great idea to use statistics!! But you should write full sentences with a main verb and all…

[F.E.5]Commas in English are not used as often as in French.

[F.E.6]Everyone/Anyone/No one/Someone est repris par le pronom pluriel their/they/etc.

[F.E.7]That’s good to know!! Next time don’t forget to quote your sources.

[F.E.8]Never start a sentence with «so»…

[F.E.9]Là aussi «person» repris par le pluriel car on ne sait pas si homme ou femme.

[F.E.10]Be less specific—that could be a man too! We also have desires and frustrations =)

[F.E.11]Manon! I already told you in your last essay that a «journey» is a trip!!! I don’t think they’ve all travelled =P You should say something along the lines of «their day».

[F.E.12]What do you mean??

[F.E.13]You started with «you» so keep it consistent.