January 17, 2017

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As the Honors Chorus Concert approaches, I would just like to take a moment to thank you for your cooperation and your time in preparing for this event. The students have been working very hard in the in-school rehearsals with me and (I hope) have been practicing diligently at home on their own time. I also wanted to remind you about the upcoming dates that you and your child have agreed to be available for when you signed off on the Honors Chorus audition form in October. Again, thank you for allowing your child to be a part of such a musically advanced and maturing opportunity.

On Thursday, February 2nd, all participating students will be bussed to and from Central Dauphin Middle School at 9 a.m. (one of the instrumental teachers will be meeting them to see that they get on the bus at Paxtonia) to rehearse with our guest conductor. Students should come to school WITH A DISPOSABLE BAG LUNCH AND THEIR FOLDER OF MUSIC. The students will return to their home schools at 1:30 pm on Thursday.

On Saturday, February 4th, the day of the concert, we will begin rehearsing at 9:30 a.m. at the CENTRAL DAUPHIN MIDDLE SCHOOL. Students should again bring a DISPOSABLE BAG LUNCH and arrive dressed for the concert, as we will have a full day of rehearsing prior to show time at 3pm! Please bring a snack for the afternoon. Students may bring a disposable water bottle, labeled with their name. Concert dress will be nice clothing (no jeans) and comfortable low-heeled shoes (please try to avoid sneakers).

The doors of the auditorium will open at 2pm on the day of the concert. Come early to get a good seat!

PLEASE NOTE: In addition to singing in the elementary chorus portion of the program, our students will be singing with the middle school and high school honors choruses in the closing number of the concert. Your student will be staying until the end of the concert and will be available to leave by 4:45 at the latest. Our day does not end until that final piece is sung—an amazing opportunity to be part of a 400 voice chorus—so please do not plan to leave early.


Miss Victoria Childers