I acknowledge that we are meeting on the traditional country of the Aboriginal people of Australia and pay respect to Elders past and present. I recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land.
Date: 13/03/2017
Time: 6.08pm
Venue:Council Room
Education Vice President : Julian Hasleby +
General Secretary : Carmel Hooshmand +
Murdoch International Association : Kombo Mash +
Murdoch Post-Graduate Association : Alexander Drane +
Disability Representative : Donna Gatt +
Queer Representative : Cody Lam +
Indigenous Representative : Jordan Barham-Shepherd +
Women’s Representative : Bronte Evans +
External Representative : Josh Boardman +
Sustainability Representative : Kendal Lynch +
Ordinary Guild Councillors
Ordinary Guild Councillor1) : Lili Vos +
Ordinary Guild Councillor 2) : Dean Wicken +
Ordinary Guild Councillor 3) : Penny Kent +
Ordinary Guild Councillor 4) : Rueben Schneider +
Ordinary Guild Councillor 5) : Kyle Williams +
Ordinary Guild Councillor 6) : JarradBouckaert +
Absent without Apologies:
Andy Hunter
Evan Battalis – General Manager
Nomination Of Chair
Indigenous Representative, OGC-5 and OGC4 volunteer as nominees.
Each Candidate takes turns in briefing why they would suit the position of chair. Council votes by raise of hands.
Votes in favour of each nominee for chair
14 Councillors present.
Kyle Williams – 0
ReubenSchneider- 5
Jordan Bartham-Shepard -11
- Jordan is now Chair
The General Secretary briefly explains the procedure and formatting of motions, when they are needed, when they are redundant, and what motions should first be filtered through other appropriate channels.
Meeting times
OGC-5 proposes that meetings should go on for as long as needed to complete the agenda.
OGC-2 supports this position
EvanBattalis (General Manager)
- Sometimes things can be refined by going through executive council first, before they get to council, and so these meetings don’t need to be so long if some agenda items can be handled by exec first.
Motion 4.1
OGC-5 Moves
“That meetings be held as long as needed to complete the agenda”
Seconded by President
17 Councillors Present
14 In Favour
1 Against
2 Abstentions
Indigenous Collective Room
Indigenous Representative:
- At the beginning of 2016 Kulbardi took over the maintenance of this room and it was in bad condition. Because of this Kulbardi would like to clean it up and run it at their own expenses. They would like to operate it themselves including holding the key and opening and closing the room themselves.
Motion 4.2
The Indigenous Representative moves:
“That the maintenance and upkeep of the Indigenous collective room is the responsibility and at the expense of Kulbardi”
(No seconders- as this is forwarded by the Chair and does not require a seconder)
17 Councillors present
17 In favour
0 Against
0 Abstentions
MISA Room Renovations:
Council discusses posibilites for room changes. Key Points:
- If we are making changes to this room we do it properly, so that the room looks attractive to students.
- Evan Battalis (General Manager):
- I advise extreme caution. Where does the money for renovations come from? Our budget is locked into place. We need to run this by the finance manager and general manager first before it comes to council. Before we bring motions regarding cost’s or big projects brought to council they need approved quotes.
- Other ways to change the room are considered like cleaning and low priced décor.
- Further deliberation on changes need to be made so no vote will take place.
EvanBattalis Leaves 7.16pm
The organisation Mannkal offers scholarships for students, and would like an opportunity to present at Murdoch campus, to hold an event for students who might be interested in what they offer.
Council holds general discussion on the nature of the event.
Motion 4.3
EVP moves:
“That the Guild host an event in conjunction with the Mannkal Economic Education Foundation to showcase the charity's scholarship opportunities available to students”
Seconded by President
17 Councillors Present
17 In favour
0 Against
0 Abstentions
Motions- OCG-2
On the matter of the meaning of abstentions:
- If people abstain it should not mean a for or against, the meaning of an abstention should be honoured in votes.
OCG-2 withdraws motion1)
“That standing orders be amended to ensure that the intent of an abstention is honoured and it does not, by default, count as a 'no' vote.”
- Due to lack of proposed amendment.
OGC-2 withdraws motion 2) “That council agrees to clarify the notice requirements for a meeting, given conflicting definitions in standing orders”
- Due to lack of proposed amendment.
OGC-2 withdraws motion 3) “That council return all Executive pay levels to standard”
- As pay levels were standardised previously.
Motion 4.4
OGC-2 moves that:
“Council implements a policy that the grievance officer is elected by silent ballot”
Seconded by the President
17 councillors present
17 In Favour
0 Against
0 Abstentions
OGC-2 withdraws motions :
5) “To set the date for clean-up campus day”
- Due to insufficient background
6) “ That the Murdoch Guild officially revert (change) its name to Murdoch University Guild of Students”
7) “That the logo and branding for The Guild be adjusted to reflect this change.”
- As these changes have already been made.
MUPSA Representative and OGC-6 leave 7.28pm
Disabilies Representative leaves 7.30pm
ADF at market days
In previous years the ADF has not been allowed to attend MarketDaze. Council wishes to re-explore this.
Motion 4.5
President moves that:
“Council approves for the ADF to be allowed to attend MarketDaze”
Seconded by OGC-5
14 Councillors Present
13 in Favour
0 Against
1 Abstention- Cody Lam.
MUPSA Representative and OGC-6 return7.40pm
Business Cards
Personalized business cards are proposed as an idea to help students engage with the council.
Council discusses points for and against, including cost vs benefits.
Motion 4.6
President moves that:
“We print personalised cards for the Executive council, and the collectives”
Seconded by OGC-6
16 Councillors Present
16 In Favour
0 Against
0 Abstentions
Guild Olympics
Council holds a general discussion on the idea of a guild Olympics where schools and clubs and societies can play each other in sporting events.
We should go through the projects team to launch it.
Motion 4.7
President moves
“That the guild supports the promotion of a Guild Olympics where faculties compete against one another”
Seconded by General Secretary
16 Councillors present
16 In favour
0 Against
0 Abstentions
Animals on Campus:
The President would like to have various animals on campus for special event days such as festival day and stamp out stress day.
Motion 4.8
President moves that:
“That the Murdoch Guild has Puppies, Kittens and Australian animals in on Clubs and Socs day (e.g. Koala Bear & perhaps a snake)”
Seconded by OGC-4
16 councillors present
15 for
0 Against
1 Abstention
Mandurah Campus Café:
There is a potential for a café on Mandurah Campus which will need the support of Guild council. Key points of discussion:
- We have fittings in place already, good idea to put a café in there.
- Last year they ran a café at a loss, we should seek private tenants to run it for us
- We need to look into hiring staff, how much profit and loss etc.
Motion 4.9
EVP moves that:
“Council approves creating and operating a café in the available space at the Mandurah Campus- conditional to a business plan”
Seconded by OGC-4
16 councillors present
16 In Favour
0 Against
0 Abstentions
OGC-2 left 7.50pm
Paying association heads
The executive council met and found this not to be possible for the 2017 term due to our regulations, our legislation and our budget.
Council Discusses this matter, key points:
- Can we increase productivity of councillors and increase popularity of events by making these position paid?
- Should we pay MISA and MUPSA specifically opposed to other positions?
- Should we actively reward volunteer councillors who do more hard work than others?
- Let’s compare to other universities, UWA and Curtin. Paid vs not paid councils.
- Let’s look at this conversation in future.
- We signed up as volunteer councillors, it shouldn’t be that hard to do our positions without being paid.
- Andy Hunter (observer): I recommend to look at other incentives. There are other ways to reward hard working councillors.
Security Escort Service
We have been approved by the University for a Portion of SAFF funding to host a security escort service on campus. Will get back to council with any issues arising from this.
President calls meeting shut at 8.12pm