English Core Course (E31101)


T. Woranan Puengkam

The Foreign Language Learning Subject Group

Nawaminthrachinuthit Satriwitthaya Phutthamonthon School

Name: ……………………..……………………… M.4/……. No.:……...

Date ...... Signature ...... Teacher
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Worksheet Unit 1a : Heroes and Villains

Part I. Write down in full sentences. Who has got ……………?

1.Frodo Baggins has got curly brown hair. / a. curly brown hair
2.Peter Pan ………………………………………………………. / b. pointed ears
3.Saruman ……………………………………………………… / c. a long white beard
4.Captain Hook ………………………..………………….…… / d. a black moustache
5.The Wicked Queen ……………………………………………. / e. a magic mirror
6.Snow White…………………………………………………… / f. a sharp metal hook instead of a hand
g. a magic staff
h. a broad-brimmed hat
i. shiny black hair and rosy cheeks

Part II. Find out the meanings of these adjectives describing character.

Is it positive or negative? (คำคุณศัพท์ที่ใช้บรรยายบุคลิกลักษณะของบุคคล)

1. polite = ……………………………….. / 2. considerate = ……………………………..
3. cunning = ……………………………….. / 4. dangerous = ……………………………..
5. caring = ……………………………….. / 6. kind =………………………………..
7. vain = ……………………………….. / 8. cold-hearted = ……………………………..
9. evil =……………………………….. / 10. greedy =………………………………..
11. brave =……………………………….. / 12. honest =………………………………..
13. mischievous = ……………………………. / 14. daring =………………………………..

Part III. What are they like?

1. Frodo Baggins is ………………………………………………………………………………..

2. Peter Pan is ………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Saruman is ……………………………………………………………………………………….

4. Captain Hook is ………………………………………………………………………………….

5. The Wicked Queen is……………………………………………………………………………..

6. Snow White is …………………………………………………………………………………..

Part III. Match the vocabulary and their meanings.

…………..1. / defeat (v): / a. a certain time in the past
…………..2. / all-time (adj / b. beat
…………..3. / mission (n): / c. strong force
…………..4. / power (n) / d. a special task that needs to be completed
…………..5. / once (adv / e. best/worst/etc ever
…………..6. / rule (v): / a. nasty, evil, wanting to hurt
…………..7 / wizard (n): / b. someone who carries a ring
…………..8. / ring bearer (n phr): / c. govern, reign, control
…………..9. / cruel (adj): / d. a man who has magic powers
…………..10. / wise (adj): / e. knowledgeable, somebody who has experience and knowledge about a wide number of things
…………..11. / laugh (n): / a. most beautiful (woman)
…………..12. / band (n): / b. take someone as a prisoner
…………..13. / kidnap (v): / c. a thin flat piece of cloth, elastic, metal or other material put around something to fasten or strengthen it.
…………..14. / capture (v): / d. take a person away illegally by force, usually in order to demand money in exchange for releasing them
…………..15. / fairest (adj): / e. the noise we make when we are happy/amused group
…………..16. / dress up (phr v): / a. the heroes win the battle against the villains
…………..17. / poisoned (pp): / b. can’t stop myself from
…………..18. / eventually (adv): / c. be sympathetic towards what someone is suffering
…………..19. / good win over evil (phr): / d. containing a deadly substance
…………..20. / can’t help (exp): / e. put on different clothes to disguise oneself
…………..21. / feel for (phr v): / f. gradually, in the end

Part IV. Read the text and answer these questions.

1.  What is the writer’s main purpose in writing the text?

A. to describe how heroes catch villains
B. to describe some well-known heroes and / C. to tell some well-known cartoon stories
D. to tell some well-known fairy tales villains

2.  What does the writer say about Saruman?

A. He was not always evil.
B. He is the writer’s favourite character. / C. Frodo wants to destroy him.
D. He has lost a valuable ring.

3.  Which of the statements is true of Captain Hook?

A He works on his own.
B He has a partner called Jolly Roger. / C He has a black beard.
D He takes care of his appearance.

4.  What is the writer’s opinion of villains?

A. They are more important than the heroes.
B. He likes them more than the heroes. / C. He is happy to see them lose.
D. They are just as important as the heroes.

Part V. Tell the class about your favourite film or TV hero(ine)/villain. Talk about:

-  the character’s name - where he/she appears

-  character - appearance - what happens in the story

Name: (Clark Kent/Superman – hero)

Appeared: in a comic strip, films and TV series

Character: brave, caring

Appearance: handsome, tall, strong, dark hair

Story: is sent to Earth from Krypton as a child.

Grows up to discover he has special powers. He uses these powers to fight evil.

Name: ……………………………………………………………………….

Appeared: ……………………………………………….………………………..

Character: …………………………………….………………………………….

Appearance: ………………………….…………………………………………….

Story: ……………………………………………………………………….

Worksheet Unit 1b : Vocabulary Practice

Part I. Scan the text.

What type of texts are A and B? They are j_b ad_ _ _ t_ _ _m_ _ ts.

Where could you find them? They could be found in a n_wsp_p_r or on a n_ _ i_ e b _a_ rd.

What do they give? They probably give i_f_rm_t_ _n or d_t_ _ls about the job advertised.

Read the texts. Which advert:

1 wants actors to advertise something? ……
2 asks people to apply by post? …….… / 3 only wants three people? ………
4 wants only male actors? ………
A. /

Part II. Use these adjective to fill in. a. selfish b. optimistic c. polite d. caring/sensitive

e. cruel f. vain g. easy-going/patient h. generous

1. What do we call a person who has good manner? ……………………

2. What do we call a person who likes to hurt or upset people? ………………………

3. What do we call a person who shows understanding of other people’s needs? ………………

4. What do we call a person who is very proud of their looks? …………………

5. What do we call a person who expects good things to happen? …………………

6. What do we call a person who cares only about himself/herself? ………………

7. What do we call a person who doesn’t get upset or angry? …………………

8. What do we call a person who gives more than is usual? …………………

Part III. Match the adjectives to their opposites.

……….1. polite
……….2. patient
……….3. honest
……….4. sensitive / ……….5. friendly
……….6. caring ……….7. selfish .
/ a. unselfish
b. dishonest
c. impolite
d. impatient / e. unfriendly
f. insensitive
g. uncaring

Part IV Read the conversation then a) fill in with these phrases. b) write the names in the pictures.

/ a. he’s got long curly hair
b. is the make-up artist
c. the one wearing a blue suit
d. with the beard and moustache.
e. with the shoulder length hair

Philip: Sarah, thanks a lot for inviting me to the end-of-filming party. I’m really excited to be here.

Sarah: That’s alright, Philip. I hope you enjoy it.

Philip: I suppose all the stars of the film are here, eh?

Sarah: Yeah, but a lot of the production crew are here, too. For example, do you see that guy

over there near the stereo?

Philip: You mean that tall man with dark brown hair – 1)……………………….?

Sarah: That’s him. He’s just putting on a CD. That's Chris, the Director of Photography. He’s very good at his job.

Philip: And what about that short man over there? Can you see? He’s wearing a jacket and

tie and 2) ………………...

Sarah: Oh, that’s Sam. He wrote the music for the film’s soundtrack.

Philip: Yeah, he looks like a musician alright!

Sarah: Now, see that group of people over there? Well, the older woman wearing the suit – with the grey hair and glasses – 3)………………, Joanna. You should see some of her creations. They’re absolutely fantastic!

Philip: And who’s that slim young woman 4) …………? Is she an actress? She’s very pretty.

Sarah: Her name’s Laura, and she’s a production assistant. I can introduce you if you like.

Philip: That would be great, but I think she’s with that thin, dark-haired man 5) ………….

Sarah: You mean Alex. No, she’s not with him. Come on over and meet her.

Worksheet Unit 1c : Grammar in Use

Part I. Read Ann’s email and find examples of :

……1. a fixed future arrangement.
……2. an action happening around the time of speaking.
……3. a timetable
……4. a permanent state
……5. a temporary situation
……6. a habit/routine
……7. an action happening now / a.  I get up at 8 o’clock…
b.  Tonight, I’m having dinner with…
c.  …Sarah is calling me…
d.  College life is very exciting…
e.  …lectures start at 9:30.
f.  …I’m taking six different courses this term…
g.  …I’m working very hard these days.

Part II. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous.

1 A: …………………..…………. (you/do) anything interesting this weekend?

B: No, I…………………..…………. (study) for my Biology exam.

2 A: Why …………………..…………. (you/be) in such a rush?

B: Because …………………..…………. (my train/leave) in ten minutes.

3 A: What …………………..…………. (James/do)?

B: He …………………..…………. (he/work) at the Natural History Museum in the city centre.

4 A: …………………..…………. (you/like) your flat?

B: Not really. Actually, I …………………..…………. (look) for a new one at the moment.

5 A: Nina …………………..…………. (look) nervous.

B: She is. She…………………..…………. (see) the dentist this afternoon.

6 A: …………………..…………. (he/want) to go to the theatre this evening?

B: He can’t. He …………………..…………. (have) an important business appointment.

7 A: Why …………………..…………. (not/Anna/come) to work these days? Is she ill?

B: No, she’s on leave. She …………………..…………. (get) married next week.

8 A: How much …………………..…………. (the brain/weigh)?

B: About 2% of your total body weight, and ………..…………. (it/use) 20% of your body’s energy.

Part III. Listen and match the people to what they are doing. There is one extra picture.

/ Read and fill in the blanks with these phrases
or sentences.
a. Could you do me a favour
b. Simon playing his guitar!
c. meet them for lunch later on.
d. Could you have a look at
e. Actually, I haven’t seen his dog, either.

SFX: (sounds of sb cooking – chopping on wooden board, saucepan lid being lifted, sauce

bubbling, ping of oven timer, etc)

Fiona: Hi, Sue! Have you seen George?

Sue: No, I haven’t seen him since this morning. 1……………………

Fiona: OK, that explains it – he must have taken her for a walk.

Sue: Why are you looking for him?

Fiona: We’re meeting Paul and Steve at 12 o’clock. They’re out shopping at the moment, but

we’re supposed to 2…………………………………

Sue: I see. Well, don’t worry – I’m sure he’ll be back soon. 3.……………….. while you’re waiting?

Fiona: Of course. What is it?

Sue: 4………….. what Kate and Jill are up to? They’re in the playroom, painting, but they’re

unusually quiet.

Fiona: Sure. By the way, where’s that music coming from? It can’t be 5…………………………..

Sue: No, it’s the radio. Simon’s in the living room, talking to Miranda on the phone again!

Fiona: Oh. Isn’t Miranda traveling around Europe these days?

Sue: That’s right! She’s in Sicily now ...

Part IV Phrasal verbs: Explain the phrasal verbs in your language. Then, complete the sentences.

1 John has to get …………. early in the morning.

2 He can’t get ………..….the shock of being in the car accident.

3 How do you get ………..…. your neighbours?

4 She’s happy because she’s ………. her old job………..
Worksheet Unit 1d : Personal qualities.

Part I. Personal qualities

A. Find out the meanings of these adjectives describing personal qualities.

1. honest = …………………………….. / 2. fair = ……………………………..
3. popular =…………………………….. / 4. patient = ……………………………..
5. sensitive =…………………………….. / 6. friendly =……………………………..
7. determined =…………………………….. / 8. quick-thinking =……………………………..
9. calm =…………………………….. / 10. humorous = ……………………………..
11. intelligent=…………………………….. / 12. polite=……………………………..
13. generous=…………………………….. / 14. responsible=……………………………..
15. easy-going =…………………………….. / 16. patient =……………………………..
17. reliable =…………………………….. / 18. sensible =……………………………..
19. shy =…………………………….. / 20. a bit lazy =……………………………..
21. stubborn =…………………………….. / 22. cheerful =……………………………..
23. honest =…………………………….. / 24. ambitious =……………………………..
25. gets upset easily =……………………… / 26. forgetful =……………………………..
27. a bit impatient =…………………………

B. What should a good leader be like? Circle three qualities above which you think are important. Compare your choices with your partner’s.

A: I think a good leader should be honest, calm and determined,don’t you?

B: Yes, those are important qualities. But I think he should also be fair.

Part II Expressing surprise and concern