December 9, 2016
Board Members in Attendance: Dale Bushey, Carolyn Clouser, Manny Diaz, Preschous Hunlen, Gladys Leon, Yonnie Slimmer, Ann Spottswood, Jerrold Sulcove, Bob Thomas, & Dr. Linda Thomas Worthy
Policy Council Liaison: Sandra Pardun
Guests in Attendance: Edward Straley & Jaclyn Davidson of Boyer & Ritter
Staff in Attendance: Jessica Hatch, Jessica Kreigline, Nicole Nicholson, & Elaine Snider
Board Members Not in Attendance: Kris Browne & Dr. Paul Sick
Manny Diaz called the meeting to order at 11:38am
Minutes: The minutes from October 2016 were reviewed (see attached). Carolyn Clouser made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Gladys Leon seconded the motion. The motion passes unanimously.
Financial Report: Elaine Snider gave the Financial Report (see attached packet). Dale Bushey made a motion to accept the Financials from October and November 2016. Yonnie Slimmer seconded the motion. The motion passes unanimously. The budgets have been reworked and Elaine stated that she and Nicole are looking to how to spend those monies. She mentioned the possibility of hiring a third person for Marion Elementary and hiring an additional EHS Resource Teacher.
990 Report: The report is complete however it is still in the review process and will be tabled for now. Elaine Snider will be uploading the completed report and will send out an email vote.
Audit Report: Jaclyn Davidson and Ed Straley presented the audit for fiscal year 2015-2016 to the Board of Directors. There were no adjustments made and no findings or concerns found in the audit. Dale Bushy made a motion to accept the Audit Report. Bob Thomas seconded the motion. The motion passes unanimously.
Human Resources:Dale Bushey presented the Human Resource Procedures. Dale made a motion to approve the Human Resource Procedures. Ann Spottswood seconded the motion. The motion passes unanimously.
Director’s Report: Nicole Nicholson provided the Directors Report (see attached report). She stated that she met with the regional office to discuss the monitoring for Leadership, Governance and Management Systems. The reviewresulted in a non-compliance which is still outstanding and the corrective action plan not received. The Regional Office feels that technical assistance training is needed and advised Nicole to draft a letter requesting an extension for the corrective action plan. Nicole Nicholson was informed by the Regional Office that we will be getting a new Program Specialist and that current Program Specialist has resigned as of today.
The Board acknowledges that they are aware of Cindy Ash’s resignation of the Executive Director position. Manny Diaz informed that board that Cindy Ash resigned due to not feeling supported by the Board as well as relocation. There was discussion regarding the search for a new Executive Director. Bob Thomas made a motion to have Dr. Paul Sick chair the search team with his selection of search team members and board direction. Dr. Linda Thomas-Worthy seconded the motion. The motion passes unanimously. Sandra Pardun questioned what role or responsibilities does the Policy Council have in the role of hiring an Executive Director. Bob Thomas informed the board that Policy Council must review the candidate after Board selection. Manny Diaz stated that he would like to have a longer resignation notice written within the contract. Dale Bushey suggested a 4 week resignation notice. Bob Thomas re-affirmed the email vote appointing Nicole Nicholson as Interim Executive Director. Yonnie Slimmer seconded the motion. The motion passes unanimously.
There was much discussion regarding the additional roles and responsibilities that Nicole Nicholson has taken on since Cindy Ash’s resignation.
There was additional discussion regarding turnover. Manny Diaz stated that employee turnover is national problem within Head Start due to wages. Elaine Snider stated that most employees who leave are teacher assistants while lead teachers only account for about 10 percent of turnoverand leave primarily for the school districts. Nicole Nicholson stated that the educational requirements are changing in the new standards especially for family advocates and home visitors. This has incited change in wage levels for the Family Advocates, and the Human Resource department is working on the change for the Home Visitors. Dr. Linda Thomas-Worthy questioned if additional funds will be supplied to meet these new education standards. Nicole Nicholson stated that is a concern for all Head Starts, and we have not received guidance on funding the new standard requirements.
The Board went into Executive Session to discuss personnel.
Fall Child Outcomes report: Jessica Hatch presented the Child Outcomes report for the fall of 2016 (see attached). Physical development is right on track with no concerns. Social/Emotional, Language and Cognitive development are all at 50 percent so there is room for growth. Literacy and Math are still low. Jessica stated that the January PAN will be focusing on literacy and math. She stated that she is also looking for materials with a math focus in mind as well as trainings and professional development with that focus.
HR/Finance committee report: No report was given due to meeting adjournment.
Strategic Plan/Evaluation committee report: No report was given due to meeting adjournment.
Nominating/Bylaws committee report: No report was given due to meeting adjournment.
Health Advisory committee report:No report was given due to meeting adjournment.
EHS Leadership report: No report was given due to meeting adjournment.
Bob Thomas made a motion to adjourn the meeting and skip the rest of the agenda. Ann Spottswood seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m. The next Board meeting will be held Wednesday, January25th, 2017 at 4:30 p.m. at 785 Fifth Avenue, Chambersburg PA.