Eddie’s Million-Insult Generator

[You need to have Macros enabled for the button to work]

abhorrent / absurd / abnormal / aardvark
addled / abominable / abominable / abscess
antiquated / annoying / annoying / ant
atrocious / apology for a / apology for a / ape
awful / backstabbing / backward / ass
bad-mannered / big-bummed / big-bummed / baboon
barbaric / big-nosed / big-nosed / blockhead
barely-human / bilious / bilious / boil
bastardised / beastial / bloated / bonehead
batty / boorish / boorish / brat
bestial / boring / borderline / buffoon
boring / brainless / brainless / bug
cocky / bumbling / bumbling / cockroach
contemptible / comical / comical / cabbage
cow-faced / conceited / conceited / clown
creepy / cowardly / cowardly / codpiece
cursed / crazed / crazed / cow
daft / damnable / damnable / crack-pot
demonic / dastardly / dastardly / crank
dense / decomposing / decomposing / damnation
depraved / defective / defective / demon
depressing / degraded / degraded / depravity
deranged / demented / demented / devil
dippy / despicable / despicable / dim-wit
dirty / dilapidated / dilapidated / dirty dog
disgusting / disagreeable / disagreeable / dodo
disreputable / disgrace to a / disgrace to a / donkey
dizzy / disturbed / disturbed / drip
dozy / dribbling / dribbling / dullard
dung-eating / dunderheaded / dunderheaded / dumpling
egotistical / eccentric / eccentric / dunce
farty / excremental / excremental / dung-heap
feeble / excuse for a / excuse for a / dustbin
festering / faecal / faecal / earwig
fetid / fatuous / fatuous / excrement
flea-brained / feather-brained / feather-brained / excreta
foolish / fiendish / fiendish / fart
foul / fish-faced / fish-faced / ferret
frivolous / flabby / flabby / fiend
ghastly / flatulent / flatulent / pile of filth
grotesque / flea-bitten / flea-bitten / fish
hideous / foul-smelling / foul-smelling / flapdoodle
horrific / furry / furry / flea
horse-faced / gargantuan / gargantuan / follicle
idiotic / goofy / goofy / frog
ignorant / greasy / greasy / garbage
imbecilic / hairy / hairy / haemorrhoid
inadequate / half-mad / half-mad / hag-fish
incontinent / hellish / hellish / hobgoblin
infuriating / horrifying / horrifying / horror
insignificant / impudent / impudent / hound
juvenile / incompetent / incompetent / ignoramus
knock-kneed / inconsequential / inconsequential / infection
loony / indecent / indecent / insect
malodorous / inhuman / inhuman / knave
mangy / insectoid / insectoid / leper
manky / insult to a / insult to a / lizard
mindless / irritating / irritating / mongrel
mouldering / lousy / lousy / monkey
muddle-headed / mad / mad / monstrosity
nappy-wearing / malfunctioning / malfunctioning / mule
noxious / maniacal / maniacal / nincompoop
pathetic / miserable / miserable / nitwit
pimply / moronic / moronic / obscenity
pompous / nauseating / nauseating / pest
predatory / Neanderthal / Neanderthal / pig
psychopathic / pant-pooping / pant-pooping / plague-dog
pumpkin-headed / peculiar / peculiar / potato
puss-filled / pestilent / pestilent / psycho
rabid / petulant / petulant / puss-head
rat-faced / pile of / pathetic / ratbag
repugnant / pissy / pissy / rectum
repulsive / protozoan / protozoan / rodent
ridiculous / puny / puny / rotter
rotting / putrid / putrid / rubbish-dump
shitty / rancid / rancid / schmuck
sickening / reeking / reeking / shitface
silly / regurgitated / regurgitated / shitheap
sinister / retarded / retarded / slime-bag
slimy / rotting / rotting / slug
sly / semi-conscious / semi-human / snake
small-brained / silly / silly / sow
smelly / slack-jawed / slack-jawed / spit-ball
snot-nosed / squelchy / squelchy / squid
sordid / stinking / stinking / swine
sour-faced / stupid / stupid / toe-rag
spew-making / sub-animal / sub-animal / toilet
spineless / swaggering / swaggering / tree-stump
stinking / swinish / swinish / turd
stomach-churning / tasteless / tasteless / turnip
sub-human / treacherous / treacherous / vileness
uncouth / ugly / ugly / viper
uninteresting / uncivilised / unwashed / vulgarity
urine-soaked / unmentionable / unmentionable / warthog
vacant / villainous / villainous / wasted space
vacuous / vomit-filled / vomit-making / weasel
venomous / vulgar / vulgar / weed
vomit-worthy / washed-out / washed-out / worm
weedy / wet / wet / wreck
wooden / woolly / woolly-minded / zero
END / END / scrotum-faced / loon
END / simpleton

Apart from the obvious use for this piece of flapdoodle (look it up), i.e. insulting friends, family, colleagues and enemies, I’ve also used it in counselling kids with anger issues or who are targets of teasing. Learning to be impassive or amused when being teased or insulted can be useful training to cope with provocations (or imagined provocations).

Eddie Gallagher 2007