FY15 Faculty Personnel Matters

If you notice errors in this document, please notify Nancy Traen.

This document is included in the Reference Manual which is available on the Faculty/Staff Portal. To access this document, log into the Faculty/Staff Portal and click on "Reference Manual" (bottom of page) and then click on “Faculty Personnel Matters." Complete language for the MnSCU - IFO agreement can be found at http://www.ifo.org/

All dates listed in bold in this document indicate contract dates.
IFO/MnSCU Agreement Mandated Dates…………………………………………………... / 2
Professional Development, Evaluation and Nonrenewal Procedures……………...………... / 3
Community Faculty Evaluation……………………………………………………………….. / 6
Promotion/Tenure……………………………………………………………………..…….… / 8
Sabbaticals……………………………………………………………………………………… / 11
Professional Study/Travel………………………………………………………………………. / 14
Professional Development Grants………………………………………………….…………… / 15
Phased Retirement……………………………………………………………………………… / 18
Department Chair Elections……………………………………………………………….…….. / 19
Department Chair, Curriculum Coordinator, Support Staff Roster (Appendix A)……….…….. / 21

These procedures and timetables are based on the 2013-2015 MnSCU-IFO agreement.

Distribution: D. Malhotra

G. Arthur

M. Siddiqui

D. Melendres

J. Jones

S. Raddatz



Office Managers

IFO/MnSCU Agreement Mandates Dates for Promotion, Tenure and Nonrenewal


Nov. 1, 2014 / Notice of nonrenewal for probationary faculty following their first year
Nov. 15, 2014 / Written promotion request to immediate supervisor
Jan. 31, 2015 / Department/program submits recommendation regarding tenure and/or promotion to faculty member and immediate supervisor
May 1, 2015 / Faculty comments, following negative tenure recommendation to Provost/Academic Affairs Vice President
May 1, 2015 / Recommendation from Provost/Academic Affairs Vice President regarding tenure and/or promotion to President
June 15, 2015 / Tenure and promotion decisions from President
Aug. 1, 2015 / Notice of nonrenewal for second or subsequent year probationary or nontenure track faculty
Jan. 15, 2016 / Deadline for nonrenewed probationary faculty member to meet with President
Oct. 15, 2016 / Evaluations for previous academic year must be complete
All dates listed in bold indicate contract dates.

Professional Development, Evaluation and Nonrenewal Procedures

Articles 22 and 25

First Year Faculty FY14 Plans

Aug. 29, 2014 / Deadline for meeting with Dean/Executive Director
Oct. 3, 2014 / Plan to department, through department chair
Oct. 10, 2014 / Department chair response to plan and any comments by members of the department sent to faculty member
Oct. 17, 2014 / Plan to Dean/Executive Director
Oct. 27, 2014 / Dean/Executive Director response sent to faculty member
Oct. 31, 2014 / Plan to Provost/Academic Affairs Vice President
The Dean’s Office sends materials to personnel file

A new faculty member with an appointment beginning after fall semester will work with the Dean/Executive Director to develop a shortened schedule for preparation of a professional development plan.

Probationary (appointed to .50 FTE or more), Fixed-Term (with appointments of .75 or greater) and Tenured Faculty FY15 Reports and Evaluations/FY16 Plans

Historic Timeline – May be used for FY15 submissions

NOTE: If a faculty member applies for promotion or tenure, she or he may request, in writing, to use the report and evaluation done for promotion or tenure in lieu of the year-end report and evaluation.

Feb. 27, 2015 / FY15 year-end report to Dean/Executive Director;
FY16 plan to department, through department chair
Mar. 6, 2015 / Department chair response to plan sent to faculty member;
FY16 plan to Dean/Executive Director
Mar. 20, 2015 / Deadline for faculty meeting with Dean/Executive Director
Apr. 3, 2015 / Dean/Executive Director's draft evaluation and response to plan to faculty member
April 15, 2015 / Faculty member's PDR response to draft evaluation and final plan to Dean/Executive Director
May 8, 2015 / Dean/Executive Director's response to plan and final evaluation to Provost/Academic Affairs Vice President. The Dean’s Office sends materials to personnel file

Probationary (appointed to .50 FTE or more), Fixed-Term (with appointments of .75 or greater) and Tenured Faculty FY15 Reports and Evaluations/FY16 Plans

Alternate Timeline – May be used for FY15 submissions


·  If a faculty member applies for promotion or tenure, she or he may request, in writing, to use the report and evaluation done for promotion or tenure in lieu of the year-end report and evaluation.

·  Tenured Assistant and Associate Faculty: PDP/every four years; Progress Report/Annually.

·  Tenured Full Professor: PDP/every four years; Progress Report/Summary report in year two and full report in year four.

May 08, 2015 / Preliminary PDR to dean - optional
Aug. 28, 2015 / PDR due to department chair and dean; department chair distributes to of the department
Sept. 11, 2015 / Comments from the department are forwarded to the faculty member and the appropriate dean. Faculty member may revise PDR based on comments
Sept. 25, 2015 / Meetings with faculty members who are submitting PDRs must be complete
Oct 5, 2015 / Written summary of dean’s assessment of the faculty members accomplishments, along with suggestions to guide future professional development activities and any upcoming tenure and/or promotion applications sent to the faculty member and to the official personnel file
Oct. 23, 2015 / PDPs due to department chair; department chair distributes to members of the department
Nov. 2, 2015 / Written comments from department members due to faculty member; faculty member may revise plan based on comments
Nov. 9, 2015 / PDPs to dean
Nov. 20, 2015 / Dean’s comments to faculty member
Dec. 1, 2015 / PDPs and comments sent to official personnel file

Faculty Nonrenewal for those hired in FY14

NOTE: This is at the beginning of the faculty member's second year.

Aug. 18, 2014 / Executive Director’s (if applicable) nonrenewal recommendation based on evaluation for FY14 to Dean, (copy to faculty member, hand delivered or registered mail)
Aug. 29, 2014 / Dean’s nonrenewal recommendation based on evaluation for FY14 to Provost/Academic Affairs Vice President (copy to faculty member, hand delivered or registered mail)
Sept.12, 2014 / Provost/Academic Affairs Vice President nonrenewal recommendation to President (copy to faculty member, hand delivered or registered mail)
Sept.12, 2014 / President’s invitation to meet with faculty member if nonrenewal is recommended
Nov. 1, 2014 / Deadline for nonrenewal notice from President to faculty member

Probationary Faculty Nonrenewal for those hired prior to FY14

May 22, 2015 / Executive Director’s (if applicable) nonrenewal recommendation based on evaluation for FY15 to Dean (copy to faculty member, hand delivered or registered mail)
May 29, 2015 / Dean’s nonrenewal recommendation to Provost/Academic Affairs Vice President, based on FY15 evaluation (copy to faculty member, hand delivered or registered mail)
June 12, 2015 / Provost/Academic Affairs Vice President nonrenewal recommendation to President (copy to faculty member, hand delivered or registered mail)
June 12, 2015 / President’s invitation to meet with faculty member if nonrenewal recommended
Aug. 1, 2015 / Deadline for nonrenewal notice from President to probationary faculty member after first year
Jan. 15, 2016 / Deadline for interview with president at the request of a probationary faculty member who has been given notice of nonrenewal. Any change in the decision to nonrenew shall be communicated to the faculty member within fifteen days of that meeting

Community Faculty Evaluation

Art. 10, Related Sections & Art. 22, Related Sections

Community faculty who wish to be reappointed should submit progress reports after their first year of employment at Metropolitan State University and biennially thereafter.

(Art. 10, Sec. J, Subd. 6(a); Art. 22, Sec. C, Subd.1)

First year community faculty
May 1, 2015 / Deans office sends email reminder of professional development report (PDR) due date
June 1, 2015 / Community faculty provides PDR to:
Community Faculty Professional Development Reports
Metropolitan State University
700 E. 7th Street
St. Paul, MN 55106-5000
Or delivered to the appropriate college dean’s office
June 15, 2015 / Reports will be made available to the appropriate department faculty for review.
Aug. 15, 2015 / Dean will review PDR and keep on file for two academic years.
Experienced community faculty
Biennial reports required / Last name A through M (odd numbered years)
May 1, 2015 / Deans office sends email reminder of professional development report (PDR) due date.
June 1, 2015 / Community faculty provides PDR to:
Community Faculty Professional Development Reports
Metropolitan State University
700 E. 7th Street
St. Paul, MN 55106-5000
Or delivered to the appropriate college dean office
June 15, 2015 / Reports will be made available to the appropriate department faculty for review
Aug. 15, 2015 / Dean will review PDR and keep on file for two academic years.
Experienced community faculty
Biennial reports required / Last name N through Z (even numbered years)
May 1, 2016 / Deans office sends email reminder of professional development report (PDR) due date.
June 1, 2016 / Community faculty provides PDR to:
Community Faculty Professional Development Reports
Metropolitan State University.
700 E. 7th Street
St. Paul, MN 55106-5000
Or delivered to the appropriate college dean office
June 15, 2016 / Reports will be made available to the appropriate department faculty for review.
Aug. 15, 2016 / Dean will review PDR and keep on file for two academic years.

Article 10, Section J, Subdivision 6a states:

“Community faculty shall report achievements to the Dean at the end of each evaluation cycle as required by Article 22. This report may be used in reappointment recommendations and decisions.”

Article22, Section C

The table for the Schedule and Frequency of Professional Development Reports states that Community Faculty are responsible for providing “Progress Reports: First year, biennially thereafter.”

Article 22, Section F

“Community faculty members shall submit a report documenting achievements under Article 22, Section B, related to Criterion 1. The report shall be submitted to the Dean/immediate supervisor at the end of each evaluation cycle. Deans/immediate supervisors shall make these reports available to departments for use in reappointment recommendations and decisions.”

Criterion 1 in Article 22, Section B is “Demonstrated ability to teach effectively and/or perform effectively in other current assignments.”


Article 25

Nov. 15, 2014 / Notification of intent to apply for promotion (not tenure) to Dean/Executive Director
Jan. 24, 2015 / Faculty submit complete application/dossier for promotion and/or tenure to the department chair and the dean.
Jan. 31, 2015 / Department recommendations on promotion and/or tenure to Dean (copy to faculty member).
NOTE: 1) Failure of the department(s) and/or chair(s) to make recommendation to the immediate supervisor by January 31 shall not prevent the review from continuing.
2) All faculty members other than fixed-term faculty in the first year of such status, who have at least three-fourths (3/4) time FTE appointments in the department during the current academic year are eligible to vote in matters pertaining to the chair and to make recommendations in personnel matters.
Feb. 27, 2015 / Dean’s draft recommendations for promotion and/or tenure, and evaluations to faculty; evaluations cover all years since last promotion and all years as a faculty member at Metropolitan State for tenure. (4 weeks)
Mar. 6, 2015 / Faculty member is entitled to attach comments to the recommendation to the Provost. (1 week)
Mar. 13, 2015 / Dean's recommendations for promotion and/or tenure to Provost/Academic Affairs Vice President (copy to faculty member; negative tenure recommendations hand delivered or registered mail) (1 week)
Apr. 3, 2015 / Provost/Academic Affairs Vice President's draft recommendations for promotion and/or tenure to faculty members (negative tenure recommendations hand delivered or registered mail) (3weeks)
Apr. 10, 2015
April 24, 2015
May 1, 2015 / Deadline for requesting a meeting with Provost to discuss draft recommendation. (1 week)
Deadline for meeting with Provost to discuss draft recommendation. (2 weeks)
Deadline for faculty member’s response to Provost’s recommendation. (1 week)
May 1, 2015 / Provost/Academic Affairs Vice President's recommendation on tenure and/or promotion (copy to faculty member) and all documentation, including faculty responses to the President
May 1, 2015 / Faculty members may request a meeting with the President before the President makes final promotion and/or tenure decisions
June 15, 2015 / Deadline for President's final decisions on promotion and tenure to faculty (negative tenure recommendations hand delivered or registered mail)
June 22, 2015 / President’s Office delivers all materials to personnel file.


If a faculty member has major assignments in more than one department within a college, the dean will request recommendations from the departments served. If the faculty member has major assignments across colleges, the dean of the college in which the majority of the workload resides will request a recommendation from the department served in the other college through the appropriate dean.

Eligibility for Tenure

Any probationary faculty member may apply for tenure after one year at the university. However, faculty shall normally be considered for tenure during the fifth year of continuous FTE service. According to personnel records, the following probationary faculty members will be considered for tenure in FY15.

Davila-Williams, S. (15)
Kleyman, K. (15)
Mahoney, C. (15)
Gibbons, R. (15)
Phan , P. T. (15) / Goodroad, B. (15)
Cernohous, J. (15)
1st Year / 2nd Year / 3rd Year / 4th Year & after
CAS / Layne, Alexandra (19)
Thompson, Wendy-T (19)
Khaleem, Faisal (19)
Jacobson, David (19) / Asplen, Mark (18)
Cole, Kathleen (18)
Usher, Karyn (18) / Quan, Zhou (17)
Wei, Wei (17) / Carlson, Andrew (16)
Gray, Sarah D. (16)
Johnson, Katherine (16)
Santos, Jose (16)
COM / McCampbell, Duncan (19)
Williams, Denise (19) / Borchert, Pat (18)
Cummings, Anne (18)
Hirsch, Steve (18)
McCann, Linda (18)
Misterek, Susan (18)
CHCPS / Beatty, Suzanne (19)
Coleman, Meghan (19)
Holmgren, Ellen(19) / Eubanks, Donald (18)
Halverson, Kim (18)
Libby, Therissa (18) / Davila-Williams, S. (15)
Kleyman, K. (15)
Mahoney, C. (15)
Gibbons, R. (15)
SON / Mortenson, Brett (19)
Ullery, Michelle (19) / Eardley, Debra (18)
Gutierrez, Karen (18) / M-Sandberg, L. (17) / Goodroad, B. (15)
Cernohous, J. (15)
SLC / Peterson, Jillian (19)
Sethuraju, Nadarajan (19) / Densley, James (16)
CIS / Tedder, Charles (16)
LIB / Larson, Christine (18) / Desilets, Michelle (16)
Hardy, Martha (16)
UED / Hung, Yun-Ting (19)
Lozenski, Brian (19) / Letofsky, Kristen (17)

The numbers in parentheses indicate the fiscal year for tenure review.

Fixed-Term Faculty: Fixed-term faculty appointments terminate as indicated in the individual contract.