December 13, 2006

The Martin County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Wednesday, December 13, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Martin County Governmental Center, 305 East Main Street, Williamston, North Carolina.


Chairman C. Mort Hurst, Vice Chairman Tommy W. Bowen, Commissioners Ronnie Smith, Elmo “Butch” Lilley and Alphonzo Perry, County Manager W. Russell Overman, County Attorney J. Melvin Bowen and Clerk to the Board Linda G. Hardison were present. No one was absent.

Chairman Hurst called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance which was led by Commissioner Smith, Vice Chairman Bowen gave the Invocation.

Chairman Hurst began the meeting in his usual fashion by introducing his fellow Commissioners, staff, media and elected officials, along with the spouses of the Commissioners. He also introduced Ms. Addie Lou Leggett, the newly elected member of the Board of Education and Ms. Lorene Leggett who was the first female elected to the Robersonville Town Council. Mr. Clifton Leggett was recognized and given credit for the opening ceremony that Chairman Hurst has presented at the beginning of each of the Commissioners’ meetings the last two years.


Commissioner Smith offered a MOTION to approve the Agenda as presented. Commissioner Lilley gave a SECOND to the motion, and it was unanimously APPROVED by the Board.


Chairman Hurst requested that Ms. Mary Louise Mobley and her family move to the front of the room. He then read the following Proclamation recognizing Ms. Mobley for her life-long advocacy for racial and social equality.


Whereas, American women of every culture, class, and ethnic background have made historic contributions to the growth and strength of our Nation in countless recorded and unrecorded ways; and

Whereas, Martin County happens to be the home of one of these “unsung heroines,” Mary Louise Mobley; and

Whereas, Martin County, along with the Nation, experienced the social and economic turmoil of the late 1950’s and 1960’s; and

Whereas, concerned citizens came to the forefront to organize demonstrations to end these injustices, and Mary Louise Mobley was one of these citizens; and

Whereas, Mary Louise Mobley became one of the first members of the local chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) on June 30, 1963 and served as its treasurer; and

Whereas, Mary Louise Mobley, along with many others, was arrested and jailed countless times for protesting racial inequality but this did not weaken her faith or beliefs; and

Whereas, Mary Louise Mobley had the distinct honor and privilege of meeting Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in South Carolina and attended the March on Washington where she witnessed the infamous “I have a dream” speech; and

Whereas, Mary Louise Mobley’s struggle for the common man did not end with the Civil Rights Movement because she continued to work for the youth, the homeless and the unemployed members of our community.

Therefore, the Martin County Board of Commissioners takes this opportunity to publicly honor Mary Louise Mobley for her life-long crusade and advocacy for racial and social equality.

Now Therefore, Be It Proclaimed by the Martin County Board of Commissioners that Tuesday, December 19, 2006 shall be observed as

“Mary Louise Mobley Day”

and all the citizens of Martin County are urged to pay tribute to this very special member of our community.

Vice Chairman Bowen made a MOTION, with a SECOND by Commissioner Smith, to approve the Proclamation for Mary Louise Mobley as presented. The motion was unanimously APPROVED by the Board.

Each Commissioner had the opportunity to say a few words to Ms. Mobley and congratulate her while the press was taking pictures. Ms. Mobley introduced her family and thanked everyone for this recognition.


Manager Overman had already reminded the Board that late into the budget process there was mention of purchasing new chairs for the four nutrition sites in the county. At the time, it was stated that the Board would look into this request later in the year because they had not been originally requested in the budget. Part of the reasoning for the need is that the chairs presently being used do not have arms and it is difficult for some of the seniors to get up and out of the chairs. The approximate cost of the chairs is $10,500 including shipping. Manager Overman also pointed out that a budget amendment will be needed if the purchase is approved.

Chairman Hurst stated that many of our Martin County “Seniors” have difficulty getting in and out of chairs without arms to assist them. There are approximately 250 older adults using the existing 160 chairs. Their ages range from 60 to 98 years young. These “Seniors” have requested arm chairs to enable them to get up and down in a dignified manner. Not only that – it could be a safety/liability issue to Martin County is one of them were to fall. Nevertheless, Chairman Hurst emphasized this is just the “right thing to do.”

Commissioner Perry made a MOTION, with a SECOND by Commissioner Lilley, to approve the purchase of new arm chairs for the Martin County senior citizens with the Budget Amendment stating that the funds are to come from the Fund Balance appropriation. The motion was unanimously APPROVED by the Board.

Commissioner Smith made a MOTION to approve Budget Amendment 12 as presented. Commissioner Lilley gave a SECOND to the motion, and it was unanimously approved by the Board.


BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Martin County, North Carolina, that the following amendments be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007.

Section 1. To amend the General Fund, the expenditures are to be changed as follows.

Increase Decrease

Human Services

Office of Aging

Administration & Operations $ 10,500

This will result in an increase of $10,500 in the expenditures of the General Fund. To provide an increase in revenue for the above, the following revenues will be changed.

Fund Balance Appropriation $ 10,500

Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Governing Board and to the finance Officer for their direction.


Swearing-in Ceremony: Superior Court Judge William Griffin conducted the swearing-in of the incumbents, Ronnie Smith and C. Mort Hurst. Following the ceremony, Judge Griffin stated that there would be a short recess for family and friends to congratulate the Commissioners.

Election of Chairman: When the meeting reconvened at 7:43 p.m., Manager Overman called for nominations for Chairman of the Martin County Board of Commissioners. Commissioner Hurst made a MOTION, with a SECOND by Commissioner Smith, to nominate Tommy Bowen as Chairman of the Martin County Board of Commissioners. The motion was unanimously APPROVED by the Board.

Presentation of Plaque: Manager Overman turned the gavel and meeting over to Chairman Bowen. As his first official duty, Chairman Bowen presented the Chairman’s plaque to Commissioner Hurst. Commissioner Hurst thanked the Board for the opportunity to serve as Chairman and stated that a Chairman is no better than the Board he served. He thanked everyone for working together.

Election of Vice Chairman: Commissioner Lilley made a MOTION, with a SECOND by Commissioner Hurst, to nominate Ronnie Smith as Vice Chairman of the Martin County Board of Commissioners. The motion was unanimously APPROVED by the Board.

Appointment of County Attorney: Commissioner Hurst made a MOTION, with a SECOND by Commissioner Lilley, to appoint J. Melvin Bowen as County Attorney. The motion was unanimously APPROVED by the Board.

Appointment of Clerk to the Board: Vice Chairman Smith made a MOTION, with a SECOND by Commissioner Hurst, to appoint Linda Hardison as Clerk to the Board of Commissioners. The motion was unanimously APPROVED by the Board.

2007 Schedule of Meetings: The following schedule of meetings was presented to the Board for approval.


Meeting Schedule


Date of Meeting Type of Meeting Date Backup Needed

Due by 12:00 Noon

January 10, 2007 Regular Meeting January 3, 2007

February 14, 2007 Regular Meeting February 7, 2007

February 14, 2007 Budget Sheets to Department Heads

March 14, 2007 Regular Meeting March 7, 2007

March 14, 2007 Departmental Budget Requests Due

March 28, 2007 Departmental Budget Presentations

March 29, 2007 Departmental Budget Presentations

April 11, 2007 Board of Equalization & Review April 11, 2007 Regular Meeting April 4, 2007

April 18, 2007 Agency Budget Presentations/ Budget Workshop

To Be Announced Joint Budget Meeting with Board of Education

May 9, 2007 Regular Meeting May 2, 2007

May 16, 2007 Budget Workshop

May 28, 2007 Ad to paper before noon

May 31, 2007 Budget Ready for Public Inspection

June 13, 2007 Budget Public Hearing

June 13, 2007 Regular Meeting June 6, 2007

June 13, 2007 Adopt Budget

July 11, 2007 Regular Meeting July 3, 2007

August 8, 2007 Regular Meeting August 1, 2007

September 12, 2007 Regular Meeting September 5, 2007

October 10, 2007 Regular Meeting October 3, 2007

November 14, 2007 Regular Meeting November 7, 2007

December 12, 2007 Regular Meeting December 5, 2007

Chairman Hurst made a MOTION, with a SECOND by Vice Chairman Smith, to approve the 2007 Meeting Schedule as presented. The motion was unanimously APPROVED by the Board.


No one signed up to address the Board.


Mr. Jerry Benson explained that during the budget process the Board decided to create a new position, Maintenance Technician I. This decision was made because one of the housekeeping staff had planned to retire before the end of the calendar year. Mr. Benson then introduced Justin Harrison to the Board. Mr. Harrison is a Martin County native, has experience with electricity and is a volunteer fireman with the Bear Grass department.


Commissioner Hurst made a MOTION, with a SECOND by Vice Chairman Smith, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion was unanimously APPROVED by the Board.

The following items were approved in the Consent Agenda.

1.  Minutes of the November 8, 2006 Regular Session.

2.  Financial Report for November, 2006.

3.  Budget Amendments 10 and 11.


BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Martin County, North Carolina, that the following amendments be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007.

Section 1. To amend the General Fund, the expenditures are to be changed as follows.

Increase Decrease

Human Services

Department of Social Services

Assistance Programs $ 2,566

Administration 35,067

Public Safety


Dare $ 2,392

Transfers to Other Funds

Transfer to Capital Reserve Fund $ 25,000

Environmental Protection

Sanitation $ 125,000

This will result in an increase of $140,025 the expenditures of the General Fund. To provide an increase in revenue for the above, the following revenues will be changed.

Restricted $ 40,025


Transfers from Capital Reserve $ 50,000

Other Financing Sources

Proceeds from installments $ 50,000

Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Governing Board and to the finance officer for their direction.





BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Martin County, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the multi-year Capital Reserve budget ordinance:

Section 1. To amend the Capital Reserve-Infrastructure Fund the following expenditure is to be changed:


Transfer to other Funds

Transfer to the General Fund $ 50,000

This will result in an increase of $50,000 in the expenditures of the Capital Reserve Fund. To provide an increase in revenue for the above, the following revenues will be changed.

Fund Balance Appropriation $ 50,000

Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Governing Board and to the Finance Officer for their direction.

4.  Tax Collector’s Report for November, 2006.

November, 2006 Year to Date

Property Taxes $ 248,827.58 $ 4,657,927.25

Motor Vehicles 111,453.67 522,630.93

5.  Tax Relief Orders in the amount of $3,251.89.


Levy Name Remarks Value Total

2005 Stanley Jessandra Error in Listing 2,953 24.66

2006 Stanley Jessandra Error in Listing 2,658 22.20

2006 Thomas William Brian Clerk Error 18,900 173.61

2006 Manning Kelvin Double Billed 13,390 124.45

2006 Thomas William Brian Sold Vehicle 8,748 68.67

2006 Friendly Church of the Apostolic Fa Error in Landfill Fee 150.00

2005 Friendly Church of the Apostolic Fa Error in Landfill Fee 150.00

2004 Friendly Church of the Apostolic Fa Error in Landfill Fee 150.00

2003 Friendly Church of the Apostolic Fa Error in Landfill Fee 150.00

2002 Friendly Church of the Apostolic Fa Error in Landfill Fee 150.00

2006 Glorious Hope Church Error in Landfill Fee 150.00

2006 Barber Major Earl High Mileage 3,000 25.05

2005 Wiggins Heather Delane Out of Town 19.48

2006 Smith Alfred B Bill of Sale 10,530 87.93

2006 Roberson Clinton E High Mileage 1,600 13.36

2006 Vargas Miguel High Mileage 2,975 36.74

2006 Bloom Leanne Whitford Error in Value 3,660 30.56

2006 Whitford Charles High Mileage 2,375 19.83

2006 Enterprise Leasing Co Error in Listing 13,770 223.25

2006 Jordan Julie Harris Bill of Sale 4,201 62.39

2006 Bear Grass Tours Inc Error in Value 116,900 976.12

2006 Adams Wade V Jr Bill of Sale 10,690 89.27

2006 Barber Dallas H Bill of Sale 4,660 38.91

2006 Beacham Carl L Jr Bill of Sale 10,640 88.84

2006 Edmondson Bobby R Bill of Sale 11,010 174.51

2006 Peaks Jamie Jo Paige High Mileage 700 5.85

2005 Hathaway Shelia Williams High Mileage 2,270 35.98

2005 Peirce Kenneth Darrell High Mileage 1,225 10.23

6.  Request for Delegation of Authority – Tax Assessor: Tax Administrator (Tommy Roberson) requested that the Tax Assessor (Hilton Edmondson) be given the authority to grant individual extensions of time for the listing of real and personal property.

·  G.S. 105-307(c) of the Machinery Act of North Carolina

·  (c)Individual Extensions – The board of county commissioners shall grant individual extensions of time for the listing of real and personal property upon written request and for good cause shown. The request must be filed with the assessor no later than the ending date of the regular listing period. The board may delegate the authority to grant extensions to the assessor. Extensions granted under this subsection shall not extend beyond April 15.