CoDA UK – National Steering Committee (NSC) Meeting
20th November 2010
Geraldine – NSC Literature Rep and CoDA US delegate
Christian – NSC Webmaster
Cara – Battersea GSR, NSC Meetings contact, note-taker for this meeting
Dagmar – NSC Treasurer, GSR Exeter, NSC Public Information person
Duncan – Farnham GSR
Don – Guildford GSR
Steve – Bournemouth GSR
Claudia – Guildford Womens GSR
Anouska – NSC Chair and Secretary
Frank – London & SE Regional GSR
Olesuyi – NSC Internal Communications rep
Jess – NSC email respondent
Jane – NSC email respondent
Brenda – NSC Bank Signatory and London SE Regional Secretary
Item / Action / Note / Vote / TimescaleAgenda / The agenda was agreed after some adjustment to the sequence of agenda items.
Minutes of last meeting / The previous minutes were agreed.
The serenity prayer and 12 traditions were read.
Introductions and apologies.
Website Report / Christian provided an update on the new website. Action: any feedback regarding the new website to be provided to Anouska by 29th November. Final approval will be carried out on email.
A vote was taken and agreed that the following email addresses will be created with the new website and will be managed by the respective service positions:
- enquiries (Jane and Jess)
- meetings (Cara)
- literature (Geraldine)
- news and events (Oluseyi)
- treasurer (Dagmar, until next meeting)
- CoDA shares (new role, vacant)
- Sponsorship (Anouska)
- public information (Dagmar)
- webmaster (Christian, until next meeting)
The new website will have a section for CODA shares to be provided. Action: Frank to draft an email to all General Service Representatives to advertise the new service position called CODA shares and the new function which will be available on the new website.
It was agreed that the website will be launched on 17th December (but this is conditional to feedback being received by 29th November from members and any necessary outstanding votes being taken).
Action: current website to advertise launch of new website.
Annual cost for hosting of new website confirmed as £90. Thanks were given for the hosting to date.
A vote was taken and agreed that a JPEG file will be created with CoDA UK logo, for use on minutes, posters etc.
Action: Steve will investigate and report back to the National Steering Committee, what financial records are required to be kept for fellowships and to what timescales.
Action: Anouska will put all reports for the last 2 years onto the website.
Action: Christian will put the notes taken at the CoDA US Conference onto the CODA UK website.
Service position available: Christian intends to hand in his notice for the webmaster service position at the next Annual General Meeting.
Agenda item for next National Steering Committee meeting: ongoing management of the website.
Action [Geraldine and Anouska]: literature information to be updated on the website.
Service Positions and members for the National Steering Committee / A vote was taken and agreed that Cara is appointed to the service position for Meetings Rep. (‘where to find contact lists’).
A vote was taken and agreed that Dagmar is appointed to the Public Information service position.
A vote was taken and agreed that Claudia is appointed as an NSC committee member.
Anouska gave up her Service Positions as Secretary and Chair. It was agreed that both positions would be covered on a rolling basis until they were filled.
A vote was taken and agreed that Anouska is appointed to the Service Position of vice-chair.
A vote was taken and agreed that an NSC member (Nicholas) who has not attended any NSC meetings this year is no longer a member of the NSC. Email address to be removed from the NSC distribution list.
Action: General Service Representatives to please communicate the following vacant National Steering Committee Service Positions to their meetings:
- Sponsorship Rep
- Treasurer (from February 2011)
- CoDA shares
- Webmaster (from March 2011)
Treasurers Report / A financial summary and statements were distributed.
A cheque was received from the Birmingham group, but not able to be cashed as it is out of date. A cheque has been received from the Clapham group, but not able to be cashed as payments can no longer be made by cheque. Action: check that website no longer displays the details for the old P.O.Box. All CODA treasurers to note: all payments now need to be made by account.
Balance as at 30/09/10 £2,415. Less £1000 to be paid for building of the new website. Less £90 to be paid for annual website hosting fee. Forward cost expected for AGM 2011.
Action: Dagmar will send a draft website notice to National Steering Committee to propose putting a request for donations towards the cost of the new website.
Action: Dagmar will draft a website notice regarding available grants for applications from CODA General Service Representatives towards their travel costs to attend the National Steering Committee meetings. An annual allowance of £200 was agreed.
Public information and attraction / Action: Dagmar will investigate pricing and production of CODA cards and posters and feed back on email to NSC with a view to have it ready for AGM. Cards to be produced and distributed at AGM 2011.
A Skype call was arranged to be held 05/12/10 1800-1930 to agree the agenda for the Annual General Meeting and potential Public Information Workshop. Action: All National Steering Committee members to send Geraldine your skype name.
A vote was taken and agreed: the new version of the ‘CoDA patterns and characteristics of codependants’ will be added to the new website, action Anouska.
Agenda Item 6 / The updating of the service introduction pack has been deferred.
It was noted that an NSC Secretary’s Folder does not exist. Action: new Secretary (once appointed) to create a folder.
It was noted that an archive in Exeter exists: a filing drawer contains the correspondence regarding setting up CoDA UK together with bank statements and financial information since 1998.
News Pages / No notes taken
Literature / Update on CoRE ordering: CoRE have been requested to adapt the website ordering to include acceptance of debit cards and/or Paypal payments to increase its availability to UK members.
More details of the “M bag” facility have been requested. This is a cheaper (and slower, 4-6 weeks) method of carriage from US to UK. It costs $18 for 20lbs.
CODA World Conference / Questions, responses and notes taken regarding the CODA World Conference are to be posted on the website. Action: Christian
Sponsorship / Is the 30 Question programme CSC approved? If so to be forwarded to Frank. Action: Dagmar
The meeting closed with the Serenity Prayer.
Next meeting / Skype Call 1800 – 1930 on 5th December 2010