- The US decided it was God’s will for them to own all of the North American continent from the ______to the ______from the ______up to ______to the ______.
The Louisiana Purchase
- Thomas Jefferson believed that the future of the country should be a nation of what?
- Who had control of the Mississippi River?
- The Mississippi River linked western farmers to what?
- French control of the Port of New Orleans gave the French a stranglehold on what?
- What did Napoleon need to support his French wars?
- James Monroe offered to purchase New Orleans for how much?
- Instead, Napoleon offered what?
- Did the constitution give the president the power to buy land?
- What effect did the Louisiana Purchase have on the size of the United States?
- Who did the President Jefferson send to explore the Louisiana Purchase?
- Who was their Indian guide?
- How many years did their exploration last?
- The information that Lewis and Clark brought back created a boom of ______migration.
- Why did many white trappers take Indian women as their wives?
The Western Nations
- What did Manifest Destiny mean to the Native Americans?
- Who led the Native American revival? (two people)
- They formed a powerful Indian confederation against what?
- Who led troops against the Indian Confederation?
- What occurred at the Tippecanoe River?
The War of 1812
- The United States had become the largest ______carrier of goods in the world.
- Both the French and British did what to our ships and cargo?
- What did the British Royal Navy take from our ships?
- The British Navy ______our sailors into its own service.
- The American desire for war was great among what group?
- What was led by John C. Calhoun and Henry Clay?
- What did the War Hawks accuse Great Brittan of doing?
- The War Hawks demanded that President James Madison do what?
- What action does congress take in 1812?
- What action did America take in the Canadian Capital, York, in 1813?
- How did the British retaliate?
- America’s greatest victory took place when?
- Where ?
- What effect did the Battle of New Orleans have on the peace treaty?
- How long did the War of 1812 last?
- What was the name of the treaty that ended the War of 1812?
- How did the treaty leave the United States and Great Brittan?
- Who fought with the British during the War of 1812?
- His death at the Battle of the Thames ended what?
- Andrew Jackson, with the support of the Chickasaw, Cherokee, Choctaw, defeated the Creeks at the Battle of ______.
Expansion and the Monroe Doctrine
- In 1819 Spain sold ______to the United States under the Pinckney Treaty.
- Spain also sold all territory north of the ______latitude, known as ______country.
- What was the sell price and agreement?
- Fearing ______interventions in the New Republics (of South America), President Monroe issued what warning?
- The Monroe Doctrine became the foundation for what?
Indian Removal
- Did the principles of the Monroe Doctrine apply to the Indian nations?
- In the Northwest American troops crushed what tribes at the Bad Axe Massacre?
- What land was taken?
- In the South, cotton planters wanted the land owned by what were called the ______.
- Who were the largest and most Americanized tribe?
- What was the name of the Cherokee newspaper and who started it?
- Did the Cherokee have slaves?
- What did the state of Georgia try to pressure the Cherokee to do?
- How did the Cherokee respond?
- What legal action do the Cherokee take?
- What was the decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Worchester v Georgia?
- The Cherokee find themselves caught up in President Andrew Jackson’s battle over what?
- Does President Jackson follow the Supreme Court’s decision?
- President Jackson urges congress to pass what?
- What was authorized by the Indian Removal Act?
- What was the relocation area called?
- What do we call the path the Creeks and Cherokee were forced to march out of their lands?
- In 1835, the US launched a war against what tribe?
- The Seminoles had intermarried and lived with escaped ______.
- Defeat of the Seminoles marked the end of what?
The Move West
- What is the famous line of Horace Greeley?
- How did the Indians regard the people moving out West?
- How long did the trip to Oregon take?
The Southern Frontier
- What was the raging national debate?
- What were English and Northern factories buying?
- Southern planters pushed across the Mississippi River into ______.
- By 1835, many Americans are living where?
- Did Mexico invite the settlers to move to Texas?
- What were the conditions the American settlers had to meet?
- When the Mexican government tries to control the American settlers, what do the settlers do?
- What was the name of the place where the Mexican army defeated the settlers?
- What was the battle cry the settlers used to rally their cause?
- Who led the army of Texas volunteers?
- Mexican President Santa Anna was forced to sign a treaty granting what?
The Mexican American War
- After winning the war with Mexico, what did Texas decided to do?
- Northern congress men would not admit Texas to the United States because of what issue?
- President John Tyler convinced congress to do what?
- How did Mexico respond?
- President James K. Polk ran his election on what promise?
- What land would have been included in his election promise?
- What two countries laid claim to the resources of the Oregon Territory?
- President Polk accepted the British offer to divide the Oregon Territory on the ______parallel.
- Had Mexico ever recognized the independence of Texas?
- How much did President Polk offer Mexico for California and New Mexico?
- Did Mexican President Santa Anna accept?
- Who did President Polk send to set up the US post along the Rio Grande River?
- Did President Polk know that his actions might lead to war?
- When Mexico crosses the Rio Grande River and battles with American troops, what does President Polk tell congress?
- When does congress declare war on Mexico?
- Mexican President Santa Ana was defeated at what battle?
- Unable to convince the Mexicans to surrender what does President Polk order?
- The Mexican American War divided Americans. Why did Northerners oppose the war?
- What did Congressman Abraham Lincoln accuse President Polk of?
- People who wanted to expand the US, known as Expansionists, were also called what?
- What did the Expansionists want President Polk to do?
- Why did many Americans not want the United States to take all of Mexico?
- What treaty ended the Mexican American War?
- How much land was taken from Mexico?
- What was purchased by the US from Mexico 5 years later?
California Gold Rush
- Where did James Marshall discover gold?
- The discover set off what?
- What term is used to call those that participated in the Gold Rush of 1849?
- The California Land Laws took land from whom?
- Taxes were placed on what two groups?