Minutes of Classis Illiana


Hammond CRC, Hammond, Indiana

September 17, 2002

Article 1.  President of the Day, Rev. Stephan Van Eck, calls Classis to order. For opening devotions he reads from Ephesians 4, comments, offers prayer, and leads Classis in singing Psalter AI Love Thy Kingdom Lord.@

Article 2.  The credentials are presented and the roll call of the churches indicates that the following have been delegated to attend this session of Classis by their respective councils:

Churches / Minister / Elder / Elder
Crown Point Joel Sheeres Albert De Young / Joel Sheeres / Albert De Young
De Motte, Bethel / Eric Schering / Bob Haan*
De Motte, First / Robert Tigchelaar / Harold Kingma
Gary, Beacon Light / James La Grand / Larry Smit
Hammond / Roger Gelwicks / Kenneth Leep
Highland, First / Randall Bergsma / Gerald Van Prooyen
Highland, Second / Stephan Van Eck / Rick Vander Woude
Indianapolis, Hope Community / Thomas Warren
Lafayette / Gerald De Vries / Carl Smith
Lafayette, Sunrise / Robert Lyzenga* / Brian Williamson
Lansing, Bethel / Calvin Hoogendoorn / Marv Lyzenga
Lansing, First / Richard De Vries / John Faber
Momence / Larry Herman / Bob Hoekstra
Monee, Family of Faith / Henry Reyenga Jr.
David Feddes
Munster, First / Herm Schutt / Ken Burse*
Nashville, Faith / Gerald Hoek / Mike Purswell
Roselawn, Community / Joel Zuidema (pm) / Jack Zeilenga / Bill Herr (am)
Schererville, Crossroads Com / Kris Vos / John Buss
Sauk Village, Emmanuel / Tim Koster / Paul Vander Aa
South Holland, Cottage Grove / James McCune / James Heethuis*
South Holland, First / Richard Blauw / Henry Belgrave
South Holland, Peace / Thomas Kok / Phil Van Noord*

Article 3.  The Chair read the Formula of Subscription. Those ministers and elders present as delegates for the first time sign the Formula of Subscription (indicated by * above).

Article 4.  Classis is declared constituted and the following serve as officers of the day:

President: / Stephan Van Eck / Vice President: / Calvin Hoogendoorn
Stated Clerk: / Gerald De Vries / Assistant Clerk: / Thomas Kok

Article 5.  The Chairman welcomes the delegates and the following visitors to Classis (as they arrive throughout the session): Robert Knol - Church Planter at Valparaiso, Beth Swagman - CRC Director of Abuse Prevention, Judy Hagey - Dordt College, Rev. Bazuin - Rest Haven, Linda Lester - Self-Help Jobs Program, Shana Siewart - Evangelical Child and Family Agency, Rich Grevengoed - New Leaf Resources, Bruce Frens - Christian Counseling Center.

Article 6.  The Chairman makes the following appointments:

  1. Devotions: noon - James McCune , open afternoon session - Marv Lyzenga
  2. Balloting: Don Dykstra, Jerry McClurg

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  1. Credentials/Article 41 Committee: Richard Blauw, Eric Schering, Jerry Hoek
  2. The matter of elders celebrating the Lord=s Supper (Supplementary Agenda p. 24, item 1). The Chairman appoints an Advisory Committee to bring recommendations to the next regular session of Classis. Committee members appointed are: Calvin Hoogendoorn, James La Grand, James McCune. Joel Sheeres offered to be available to the Committee, since he served on a committee at Synod that dealt with this issue.
  3. Appeal from CHMC (Agenda p. 8). The Chair appoints as an advisory committee: Herm Schutt, Bob Tigchelaar, a representative from CHMC.

Article 7.  Correspondence requiring Classical action (Other correspondence listed in Stated Clerk=s Report).

  1. Randy Bergsma, (President of the March 2002 meeting of Classis) lists a couple of corrections to the published Minutes of March 3/5/02.
  2. A motion carries to approve the transcribed minutes with those corrections.

Article 8.  The Nominations Committee presents their report and ballot. Opportunity for additional nominations is given. Elections throughout the day result in the following:

  1. Regional Board Nominations: These will be forwarded to the appropriate boards which will prepare a final slate for voting at the spring classes= meetings.
  2. CRCNA Board of Trustees: Classis does not register any reservations about the incumbents.
  3. Calvin College

(1)  Regular member: Classis nominates Gerald Hoek.

(2)  Alternate member: Classis nominates Phil Van Noord

  1. Classical positions elected/re-elected:
  2. Classis Home Missions Committee:

(1)  Regular member: Harley Ver Beek (2nd term)

(2)  Regular member: Randy Bergsma (2nd term)

  1. Student Fund Committee: Alternate member: Jim Lester (2nd term)
  2. Christian Counseling Center

(1)  Regular member: Roger Gelwicks (1st term)

(2)  Regular member: Jim Severa (1st term)

(3)  Alternate member: Tim Koster (1st term)

  1. Roseland Christian Ministries

(1)  Regular member: Don Dykstra (1st term)

(2)  Alternate member: James La Grand (1st term)

Article 9.  Stated Clerk=s Report (Agenda p. 4, Supplement p. 32):

  1. A motion carries to extend the licensure to exhort of John Klompmaker for another year.
  2. A motion carries to receive the report of the Stated Clerk and to approve the work done.

Article 10.  Classical Treasurer=s Report (Filed as Agenda Supplement pp. 26-30)

  1. A motion carries to set the Classical Expense Fund ministry share amount at $2.00 per professing member. Please note that a later action (Cf. Article 14-E-ii) adds another $1.00 to this making a total of $3.00 per professing member for this Fund.
  2. A motion carries to receive the report of the Classical Treasurer and approve the work.

Article 11.  Classical Interim Committee (Agenda pp. 5-6, Supplemental Report filed as Agenda Supplement p. 24)

  1. The Secretary of the Committee reads a letter from Jeff and Lora De Vries.

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  1. Note: The matter of how to handle requests for permission for elders to lead in the celebration of the Lord=s Supper (Supplementary Agenda p. 24, Supplementary Report of the CIC item 1) was given to an advisory committee. Cf. Article 6-D above.
  2. A motion carries to receive the report of the Classis Interim Committee and approve the work.

Article 12.  Classical missionary Ildefonso Torres of the New Community Fellowship presents a written report (filed as Agenda pp.33-37) and answers questions.

Article 13.  Classical missionary Robert Knol of Daybreak Community Church. Agenda pp. 9-10. Rev. Knol reviews his report, addresses Classis on the work in Valparaiso and answers questions.

Article 14.  Classis Home Missions Committee Report (Agenda pp. 7-8).

  1. A motion is made to grant approval to the CHMC to grant funding up to $5,000 per request without a classical ruling.
  2. A motion is made to table this motion until we get to the matter in the order of the report. Motion does not carry.
  3. A motion is made to refer the main motion back to the CHMC for reconsideration and presentation to the next regular meeting of Classis. Motion carries.
  4. New Community
  5. A motion is made to bring our support for to the New Community ministry to an end by: 1. Providing $9,000 for six months in 2003. 2. Providing $9,000 for potential transitional funding, if needed as of July 1st, 2003. 3. Then ending funding. Motion does not carry.
  6. A motion carries to approve the Chairman=s recommendation to do the following: 1. Instruct the CHMC meet regularly with Rev. Torres to develop an evaluation process for the New Community ministry. 2. Additionally the CHMC will include Peace CRC in the process to help move the ministry toward success. 3. The CHMC will report on this to Classis September 2003.
  7. A motion is made to adopt the CHMC budget as presented (Agenda p. 7 item 4). Note: In the light of the above decision concerning New Community, the funding for New Community is the regular support for the ministry. The motion carries.
  8. Policy on having churches report at Classis meetings (Cf. Minutes 3/6/02, Article 9-F). A motion carries to have the CHMC formulate a procedure for having churches report at Classis meetings and present this at the next meeting of Classis.
  9. Use of CHMC funds: CHMC Report (Agenda page 8, item 6) and CHMC AAppeal@ (Agenda p. 8)
  10. The Advisory Committee recommends that Classis express its concern to preserve the allocation of funds according to the purposes for which it was given. A motion carries to adopt this recommendation.
  11. The Advisory Committee recommends that Classis Illiana establish a Contingency Fund with the following stipulations (a-d): (a) This would be a part of the Classical Expense Fund. (b) Balances in this Fund would accrue to provide resources for emergency needs of Classis. (c) That the Classical Interim Committee be requested to work with the Classical Treasurer to provide guidelines for the Contingency Fund. (d) That Classis add $1.00 to the ministry share budget for 2003 to provide monies for the Contingency Fund. A motion carries to adopt this recommendation.
  12. A motion carries to receive the report of the CHMC and approve the work done.

Article 15.  The Classical Prayer Coordinator, Eric Schering, presents an oral report.

Article 16.  Rev. Jim Osterhouse, CRCBHM Regional Director Report on the ALeadership Development Network.@ (Agenda. p. 20) The report is received as information.

Article 17.  Student Fund Committee Report. Agenda p. 6.

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  1. A motion carries to set the ministry amount for the Student Fund at $2.50 per professing member.
  2. A motion carries to authorize the Committee to grant up to the maximum amount of $4,000 for Peter La Grand. Note: this is an increase from the amount approved in March (Cf. Minutes 3/5/02 Article 15-A-iv).
  3. A motion carries to receive the report of the Student Fund Committee and approve the work done.

Article 18.  Oct. 2001 - Sept. 2002 Church Visitor Reports:

  1. Team One (Van Essen, Tigchelaar, alt. Schutt):
  2. Emmanuel (Sauk Village), Peace (South Holland, First (South Holland). Reports distributed in the Supplemental Agenda.
  3. Momence. The Counselor report on Momence (Cf. Article 19-B below) serves as the church visitors report.
  4. Team Two (Blauw, McCune, alt. Nederhood): Bethel (Lansing), First (Lansing), First (Highland), Second (Highland), Munster, Hammond. Reports distributed with the Agenda.
  5. Team Three (Zomermaand, Dykstra, alt. La Grand): Bethel (De Motte), First (De Motte). Reports distributed in the Supplemental Agenda.
  6. Team Four (Kok, Zuidema, alt. Hoek):
  7. A motion carries to receive the reports.

Article 19.  Church Counselor Reports

  1. Hope Indianapolis: Jerry Hoek No report.
  2. Momence: Gerrit Veenstra, Supplemental Agenda p. 31 A motion to receive the report and approve the work.
  3. First Lansing: Gerrit Veenstra, Supplemental Agenda. p. 31 A motion to receive the report and approve the report.
  4. Sunrise Lafayette: Joel Zuidema No report.

Article 20.  Financial Requests Screening Committee, Supplemental Agenda p. 25

  1. A motion carries to add or retain the following causes on the list of recommended offerings for the 20032004 period:
  2. New Leaf Resources
  3. Roseland Christian Ministries Center
  4. Humbolt Community Christian School
  5. A motion carries to adopt a Classis ministry share for Trinity College in the amount of $17.07 per professing member.

Article 21.  Regional Pastor: Herm Schutt presents an oral report and answers questions.

Article 22.  The Credentials (Article 41) Committee reports on items presented on the credentials. The relevant credentials are filed with Agenda.

  1. A communication from Hammond CRC is read. A motion carries to recommend that the Church Visitors meet with the Council within the next six months.
  2. A request from Rev. Randy Bergsma to be excused from service as a church visitor for next year is read.
  3. The credentials committee recommends against granting this request. A motion to adopt the committee recommendation does not carry.
  4. The chair mentions the fact that each team has alternates and instructs the CIC to make appointments to fill any vacant positions so each team has a full complement of visitors.
  5. Beacon Light Overture:

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  1. A motion is made to refer this overture to the CHMC. Motion carries.
  2. The following negative votes are registered:

(1)  Jim La Grand with the statement: APlease record my negative vote with these four grounds [from Beacon Light's overture] as the reasons.@

(2)  James McCune with agreement to above statement.

(3)  Stephan Van Eck

  1. The note from Hope Community CRC (asking for prayers for the council and search committee was they continue the calling process) was received for information.

Article 23.  Christian Counseling Center Report

  1. The written report by Bruce Frens director, Agenda p. 23 is received as information.
  2. Dr. Bruce Frens, director of the Center, presents a video on the work of the Center.

Article 24.  Judy Hagey addresses Classis on behalf of Dordt College.

Article 25.  Rich Grevengoed, Executive Director of New Leaf Resources, presents an oral report and distributes literature.

Article 26.  Rev. Lugene Bazuin addresses Classis on behalf of Rest Haven Christian Services.

Article 27.  Roseland Christian Ministries Center: No report

Article 28.  Self-Help Jobs Program Report (Agenda p. 19). Linda Lester speaks briefly and answers questions.

Article 29.  Trinity Christian College. Agenda pp. 11-12 No speaker arrived.

Article 30.  Shana Siewart, Evangelical Child and Family Agency, addresses Classis.

Article 31.  The Synodical delegates answer questions on their written report. Agenda pp 21-22

Article 32.  The Combined Report of CRCNA denominational ministries (Agenda pp. 13-18) is received as information.

  1. Calvin College (Vern Boerman) Cf. Ministry Report, Agenda p. 15.
  2. Calvin Seminary (Gerald Baas) Cf. Ministry Report, Agenda p. 15
  3. Back To God Hour (Jean Bilthouse) Cf. Ministry Report, Agenda p. 17
  4. Board of Home Missions (Harley Ver Beek) Cf. Ministry Report, Agenda p. 14
  5. Board of World Missions (Ildefonso Torres) Cf. Ministry Report, Agenda p. 15.
  6. Board of Publications (Eileen De Vries) Cf. Ministry Report, Agenda p. 16.
  7. Christian Reformed World Relief (Bob Gabrielse) Cf. Ministry Report, Agenda p. 13

Article 33.  The Roselawn request to declare that the position of Church Bible teacher and acting principal at Santiago (DR) Christian High School is consistent with the ministry of the Word. Agenda item 10.

  1. One of the synodical deputies does not arrive. The other two declare that they can not proceed without the full number.
  2. The Chairman rules that this matter will be placed on the agenda for our next meeting.

Article 34.  Beth Swagman, Denominational Director of Abuse Prevention addresses Classis on the subject of AForming a Classical Abuse Response Team.@