At RadwinterSchool, we believe that the development of children’s English skills is fundamental totheirsuccess and enjoyment at school and in the future.
Reading is a key skill and toreflect its importance we provide the children with opportunities toread every day. We endeavourtohearevery child read individually each week as well as providing opportunities for regularguided reading where necessary. This is when the children have the opportunity toengage in different genres of books with children of a similarability tohelp consolidate and extend theirdecoding and comprehension skills. We alsoteach the children formal comprehension skills, requiring the children toread, analyse and interpret an increasingly wide range of challenging texts. The children alsoparticipate in ‘book talk’ sessions, where passages are discussed and analysed as a class. We have a literature spine which ensures that each yeargroup experiences a wide range of quality texts tocontinue todevelop theirlove of literature. At RadwinterSchool, we alsoactively encourage ourchildren toread at home toparents, or parents toread totheirchild on a regularbasis, ideally daily.
Reading Schemes
A large proportion of ourreading scheme is Oxford Reading Tree but this is supplemented by otherbooks togive the children a wide choice. All books are banded up toDark Blue (for use for extending youngerreaders and supporting children intoyear4 and 5. Once children are confident readers whodemonstrate good comprehension skills, they progress toourwell stocked range of free readerbooks. Specific reading schemes are used during upperkey stage 2 for children whorequire a higherinterest level but whohave a lowerreading age.
Phonics is taught in reception, year1 and year2 as discrete, daily sessions following the Letters and Sounds scheme. Each phonics session is designed toconsolidate previously learnt knowledge and teach, practise and apply newknowledge for example, newphonemes.
Spelling is taught throughout key stage 1 and 2. Children receive short, regularsessions across the week focusing on learning statutory spellings and the spelling patterns from the national curriculum appendix. Children have spelling homework which consolidates the spelling patterns being learnt.
Grammaris taught throughout key stage 1 and 2. All children receive regular, discrete sessions across the week focussing on learning and practising the terminology and rules in the national curriculum appendix. Grammaris alsotaught through the daily English lessons, reinforcing the discrete sessions and providing context for the application of grammarin theirreading and writing.
Opportunities for writing are given across the curriculum tohelp the children write for a range of purposes and apply theirskills across a broad range of topics. The children write every day, with longerpieces of extended writing happening at least fortnightly. We are part of the Primary Writing Project and the ‘talk 4 writing’ method is used todevelop children’s writing skills.
Handwriting is taught from reception and we have a set school style. Children are taught ‘lead ins and ons’ from the beginning tomake joining easier. The children are introduced tojoins during phonics sessions where they learn them from the digraphs.
Speaking and Listening
Many opportunities for speaking and listening are created across all of the curriculum and school life. We believe that developing strong speaking and listening skills enable the children toaccess theirlearning more productively and grow in confidence. All children take part in termly class assemblies toparents, religious festival performances and we alsoproduce a ‘whole school’ play in the summerterm.
Strong numeracy skills are an essential life skill. At RadwinterSchool, we ensure that the children develop theirconfidence in this subject and can use and apply theirskills in a wide range of concepts. We endeavourtomake links tomaths across the curriculum toreinforce its importance.
Each term the children develop theirnumber, measurement, geometry and statistics (as well as ratioand proportion and algebra in upperkey stage two). Time is allowed for the children toconsolidate theirlearning toensure they are confident before moving on totheirnext steps. We want the children todevelop theirfluency in mathematics and use theirskills confidently toreason mathematically and be able tosolve problems. Extra time outside the maths lesson is given to further the children’s reasoning skills such as through early morning work or ‘mini’ lessons. Other opportunities to develop the children’s maths abilities are present in other areas of the curriculum. Tohelp develop the children’s skills we follow a mastery approach where all children are given the appropriate support tosucceed. Children are challenged togodeeperwithin a concept ensuring that children master age appropriate learning.
Ouraims with computing are toteach the children about aspects of computerscience such as algorithms and provide them with opportunities toplan, create and debug computerprograms. We want todevelop ourchildren’s ability toevaluate information technology and be able touse all aspects confidently, responsibly and safely.
Computing is taught throughout all the othersubjects in ordertohelp all theirlearning and toreflect use in everyday life. Key skills are taught discretely where appropriate and e-Safety is taught termly. We alsoteach programming units discretely.
We are fortunate tohave many resources such as: ipads, class set of mini laptops, microphones, digital cameras and film cameras. As well as otherresources tohelp with the teaching of programming, for example, bee-bots, pro-bots, egg-boxes and programmable Lego.
The children are taught scientific processes through exploring science and developing theirknowledge and understanding of the world. The children learn about physical processes, materials and theirproperties and livings things and the environment through practical investigations, experiments and research.
The children are taught the skills of observing, discussing, comparing and predicting as well as learning how towrite theirexperiments up, using scientific language. The children are encouraged todrawupon theirwiderknowledge of the world and the previous knowledge of science when planning experiments and predicting the outcomes as well as forming accurate and clearly explained conclusions and evaluations.
Topic (History and Geography)
Each term, we have a main topic which is eitherHistory or Geography. However, we doincorporate skills from both subjects. Educational visits or workshops are often carried out tosupport the children’s learning and enthusiasm for the topics.
In Geography, we ensure that the children develop a good understanding of ourlocal area as well as being able tocompare and contrast different localities, in the UK and abroad. We aim todevelop the children’s knowledge and understanding of different environments and environmental problems through asking questions, debates, investigating the physical and human features and developing mapping skills.
In History, the children are taught about significant people and events in British and European history, helping them todevelop an understanding about the past and tocompare and contrast totheirlives today. The children alsostudy several ancient civilisations. We ensure that the children are able touse a range of sources tohelp them question what we know about the past and understand how it can be interpreted in different ways.
Design Technology
DT helps the children gain an understanding of how the world around them works as well as understanding the steps in designing an object or mechanism. DT is a great opportunity for the children toapply skills learnt in othersubjects too.
At Radwinterschool, we are fortunate tohave a kitchen solely for the use of cooking by the children. We have many resources for the children tocreate theirown models out of wood or othermaterials. The children explore different types of designs and during across the school have opportunities tomake models, different structures and mechanisms. They undertake sewing projects and cooking. The children alsolearn in a safe environment how touse various tools.
As a healthy school, PE and sport forms a large part of RadwinterSchool. The children learn the fundamental skills in reception and key stage 1 which progresses tomulti-skills and games in key stage 2. In key stage 2, all children have the chance totake part in many sporting events that occuracross the school year. We are fortunate tohave a specialist male sports’ coach whoteaches the children weekly as well as support from sports teachers and coaches from local schools and area including the feeder secondary schools.
Competitiveness in school is actively encouraged, as within competition important attitudes and values are learnt. Competition must be viewed positively toinclude team spirit and co-operation. Competitiveness is complemented with the recognition that all children have a special value in themselves and it can drawout greaterand finerachievements. Children need tobe able torecognise success and failure and we look for these special qualities in each individual.
In art, the children learn a variety of skills and have the chance toexplore theircreativity. They learn toappreciate different artists’ work as well as learning how toevaluate theirown work. The children use different media such as, different types of paint, crayons and collage, tocreate theirown ideas or in response tofamous pictures, visits or otherstimuli. Where possible we enhance the art curriculum with visitors intothe school and the inclusion of an art week as part of the theme week timetable.
The children have opportunities during music lessons todevelop theirlistening and appraising skills, planning and composing skills and theircultural awareness of music. Singing forms a large part of RadwinterSchool life and the children all participate in religious festivals and the summerproduction.
We believe that all children should have the opportunity tolearn toplay an instrument ifthey wish. We have peripatetic music teachers whoofferlessons such as, piano/keyboard, guitar, flute, brass instruments and clarinet. We have a specialist teacherwhoprovides ‘Band on the Run’ – an amazing opportunity when children in year3 are given the opportunity tolearn band instruments and perform toexciting backing music. Many children choose tocontinue toplay theirinstruments throughout the rest of key stage two. Every otheryearwe take part in the Young Voices concert in London. All children whohave a musical talent are encouraged toperform tothe rest of the school, for example, by playing the entrance music toassembly.
French is taught toall age groups. Emphasis is put on the children developing a love of languages through songs, activities and learning key vocabulary. As the children progress through the school, they begin todevelop an awareness of the written forms and learn how toform simple sentences.
PSHCE stands for personal, social, health and citizenship education. It forms an important part of everyday life at Radwinter. This is reflected in ourassemblies and through the children implementing ourschool values.
PSHCE plays a fundamental role in all aspects of ourschool. We are incredibly proud of the way in which ourchildren practise ourschool values and acquire skills and attributes through the curriculum and teaching we provide.
PSHCE helps pupils to:-
- Acquire awareness of themselves, in relation toothers;
- Develop a knowledge and understanding of the world;
- Become morally and socially responsible;
- Take on a range of roles and responsibilities;
- Value themselves and respect others;
- Contribute totheircommunity;
- Appreciate difference and diversity;
- Participate actively in democracy;
- Safeguard the environment;
- Make the most of theirpotential.
The aims of PSHE
- Todevelop selfconfidence and selfesteem and make informed choices regarding personal and social choices both in the school and in the widercommunity.
- Topromote a positive sense of well being.
- Topromote good relationships with others.
- Topromote an understanding of differences and viewpoints.
- Toprovide opportunities toshare and explore emotions, successes, difficulties and life experiences.
- Toequip pupils with knowledge about the world in which we live.
- Toequip pupils with the skills and attitudes toengage successfully in the task of learning.
- Toencourage reflection about beliefs, choices and values.
- Topromote a healthy and safe lifestyle.
- Tobe positive and active memberof a democratic society.
Personal, Social and Health Education
Through the PSHE programme children explore and discuss a variety of themes toprepare them for the decisions and choices that they will need tomake. These themes include practical and moral dilemmas at school, at home and in the widercommunity. Personal safety including road safety alsoforms part of the long term scheme of work.
There is alsoa planned ‘healthy eating and growing’ programme which utilizes the gardening/growing areas and food technology room (see long term scheme of work).
Drug Education
Understanding the appropriate use of drugs and the dangers of substance misuse is on entitlement of every child. The school offers a broad and balanced programme by providing a preventative education programme for all children.
The children are taught the true value of being a good citizen through the day today school environment and the interaction between adults and children. Assembly and circle times furtherreinforce the building of good relationships and expressing a voice. Through the school council, children are making the school theirown.
Sex Education
Sex education is taught throughout the school. With youngerchildren this means discussing friendships and relationships and with olderchildren this leads intothe mechanics and emotions. In Year5/6 children encompass themes such as puberty and change. Parents are informed in advance, of the range of content tobe covered and have the opportunity towithdrawtheirchild.
Entitlement and curriculum provision
PSHE is timetabled intothe school week. Each teacherhas allocated time toteach PSHE. The time/length of the lesson is dependent on the class and yeargroups. This varies from 30 minutes to1 hourperweek. Children have opportunities tomeet and work with members of the community whotalk tothe children about theirrole in creating a positive and supportive local community. Children take on different roles of responsibility during theirschool life
The Healthy school programme is a long term National initiative, helping young people and schools tobe healthy. The healthy schools programme involves the whole school community i.e. pupils, parents, governors and school staff. Healthy Schools is a local programme providing support, training, resources and guidance for all schools.
The aim of the Healthy schools programme is todeliverreal benefits for children and young people, specifically:
- Tosupport children and young people in developing healthy behaviours
- Tohelp raise the achievement of children and young people
- Tohelp reduce health inequalities
- Tohelp promote social inclusion
We run many projects at RadwinterC of E Primary School across the yeartohelp promote and meet these aims. Some examples include gardening club/cooking club, PE/ Healthy Eating theme weeks/days, extended schools, take ten, Fit 4 Life and ourhealthy fruit tuck shop and snacks.
We were awarded Healthy Schools Status in November2007 and were revalidated in January 2012. We are very proud of being a Healthy School.
We have an EcoCouncil where representatives from each yeargroup are involved in meetings topromote the healthy life style of ourschool. We currently have Bronze award and are working on achieving the targets for Silverlevel.
St John Ambulance First Aid Award
At Radwinterwe recognise and value the importance of First Aid. Not only dowe ensure all ourstaff are trained in First Aid we alsoofferthe opportunity for all children in Class 4 tobe trained by a St John’s Ambulance instructor. On the 1st July 2011 we received the St Johns Ambulance Award Mark. This is valid for 3 years.
Level 2 Royal Horticultural Society
We have overmany years developed ourgrowing area in school and regularhave a ripe produce of vegetables, fruit and herbs. The children are very involved in the planning, growing and up keep of this area and love the harvesting and tasting time!! Mrs Henderson leads this project and whereverpossible we enlist the help of parents and the local community. We are now working on gaining ourLevel 3 Royal Horticultural Society award.