called meetiNG of the congregation

old presbyterian meeting house
MAY 4, 2014

The meeting was called to order with prayer in the sanctuary by the Moderator, the Rev. Dr. Robert Laha, Jr., at 12:03 pm. The meeting had been duly advertised. The purposes of the meeting were the election of Officers for the Class of 2017, the election of youth Officers for the Class of 2015 and the election of a Deacon for an unexpired term. The Deputy Clerk, J. C. McElveen, was appointed Secretary of the meeting by the Moderator. The presence of a quorum was duly noted, a quorum being 106 members.

The Moderator introduced Elder Gerry Cooper, co-chair of the 2014 Nominating Committee, Elder Cooper introduced the Nominating Committee members and thanked them for their service. He then explained the process followed by the Nominating Committee to assemble the proposed slate of church officers. He then placed the following names into nomination before the congregation.

Elders, Class of 2015:

·  Sarah Golemon-Mercer (Youth)

·  Lea Williams (Youth)

Elders, Class of 2017:

·  Mike Hazzard

·  Mary Hill

·  Cas Hobbs

·  Debra McKeown

·  James Owens

·  Richard Rawson

·  Jane Hyatt Thorpe

·  Jennifer Tolbert

Deacons, Class of 2015:

·  Alden Myers (Youth)

·  Karen Conkey

Deacons, Class of 2017:

·  Kent Caldwell

·  Cyndi Duncan

·  Jenny Gladieux

·  Lauren E. Huneke

·  Eric Johnson

·  Maggie Jones

·  Ellen McCleskey

·  Marilyn Stegman

·  Paul Van Hook

·  Linda Woodhouse

Trustee, Class of 2017:

·  Laura Campbell

Following the presentation of the slate for each category of officers, nominations were solicited from the floor. Hearing no nominations from the floor, each slate was elected by acclamation.

The meeting was adjourned with prayer at 12:09 pm.

Respectfully submitted,


The Rev. Dr. Robert Laha. Jr., Moderator J.C. McElveen, Deputy Clerk of Session