Part A & B.
Please note that trade plates are only provided to people who can prove that they are involved in a genuine boating business and who have proper premises/moorings from which to operate their business. You may not operate a boating business from our towpath or other land owned by us without our consent. Trade plates are not available to private boaters who are unable to license their boats because they cannot get a boat safety scheme certificate – these boats must be taken to a boatyard or marina and not brought back out on to the navigation until they are properly licensed. You may not obstruct the towpath at any time. You must be able to provide evidence that you are properly insured for your trading activity and for any damage caused by boats on which you use your trade plates. You will be required to provide a log at the end of each year recording the boats on which the plates have been used.
This form records all the relevant details about the customer and the commercial operation that we need so that the correct licence and invoice is issued. Please check the details thoroughly and advise us of any changes. If you are happy that the information is correct, please return the signed form to us with your payment (if applicable).
Please try to fill out this form as fully as possible, but do ask your Business Boating Manager for assistance if required.
A1.Customer details (the legal entity responsible for the boat and paying the business licence fee):
Company Name or the name of an individual:
We cannot contract with a ‘trading name’ – only a registered company or an individual.
Company Registration No:
(if applicable*)
Name of principal contact:
Address for correspondence:
(including post code)
Contact Telephone No:
Website: (if applicable)
If you have a CRT customer no. please give it here(7 digit no. beginning with an 8):
Date of submission:
Details of your proposed operation
What is your boating business?
e.g. boat building, boat repairs, brokerage or boat transportation.
We will ask for evidence such as business letter headedpaper, bank statements or alive website to prove that you are operating a boating business.
Where do you moor boats that you are working on/offering for sale? (Please give the exact location including canal name)
Does your business activity involve navigating unlicensed boats to your moorings for repair/refits, delivering boats or demonstrating boats that are for sale to customers? (Yes/No)
Boats awaiting collection by customers must be kept on proper moorings in your control and not on the towpath. Please bear in mind that all premises used for commercial activities will need planning consent for that use.
Please tick to confirm you will maintain a log of every use that you make of your trade plate. You will be required to submit this logwhen you apply to renew the plate.
A downloadable template is available on our website.
Summary of Trade Plate licence requirement
Number of trade plates required:
Proposed start date for Trade plate licence:
(This must always be the 1st day of any given month)
Specific authorisations (CRT use only) Any other stipulations, agreements or restrictions applying to this operation, such as use of services and facilities:
B2We require a copy of your current commercial insurance certificate
Insurance details:
Name of insurance provider:
Policy number:
Date of expiry:
Licence Fee:
Trade plate licence fee / £123.05 per plate
Number of trade plates
Total fee (inc. VAT):
Payment details - please indicate your preferred payment method:
Cheque / Please send cheque with application form.
Postal order / Please send postal order with application form.
Credit or Debit card / You will be contacted by telephone by a cashier.
Direct Debit Mandate / Please complete the mandate form, to be provided separately).
Cash / Applications in person only. Do not send cash via post.
I confirm that the details on this Application Form are correct and that I will only operate the boat in accordance with what has been authorised on this form and the Terms and Conditions for Business Boat Licences.
This must be the signature of the person named above as being responsible for the boat and payment of the licence fee.
On behalf of the Canal & River Trust, I authorise the grant of a Business Boat Licence to the person named on this form for the boat(s) detailed on this form to be operated in accordance with the details set out in this form:
Authorised officer
Checklist. Have you included:
Details of Commercial insurance
Please return the signed form to the appropriate Business Boating Manager for approval (together with payment if applicable), to the below address.
Business Boating Team / Fearns Wharf, Neptune Street, Leeds LS9 8PB or email to
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Version: November 2017