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Minutes of the Annual Meeting of
Hanwell Parish Council
Held on Wednesday 5th July 2017
Present: Councillors: John Spratt (Chairman), Arnold Bailey,
John Hart, Charles Nixon-Eckersall
Kate Nash, Clerk (minutes)
Residents: 2 residents from Hanwell village
Apologies: Cllr Aitken
Declarations of interest: None
700 Minutes of last Parish Council Meeting
The minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on 3 May 2017 were taken as read and signed as being a true and accurate record.
701 Matters Arising
No matters arising.
702 Community Transport Scheme - presented by Emily Lewis-Edwards
Emily presented the options available for community transport schemes.
There are a number of schemes available to us and it was decided that the villagers need to be consulted in order to understand their requirements. Emily will send us details of the transport schemes available and a toolkit to help us determine what kind of transport scheme is required by the residents of Hanwell.
Action: Clerk
703 Hanfest
License all sorted and ready to sign. Hanfest just need to finalise their insurance. All outstanding matters seem to have been dealt with. If the Parish Council’s bank account is required for any deposits from Hanfest Giles and Kate will oversee any transactions. Chairman Spratt will communicate further re any financial matters.
Action: Chairman Spratt
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704 Rospa Inspection of Play Area & Playing Field
Playground inspection scheduled for July, prices remain unchanged at £66.50 + Vat for Non Commercial play areas and £90+Vat for
Commercial play areas.
Cllr Nixon-Eckersall not happy about the amount of mess left behind at the play area. It was decided that a sign should be erected to politely ask people to take their rubbish home.
Action: Clerk
705 Playground Inspection Rota
In order to comply with insurance regulations, the playground is not only RoSPA inspected annually by Play Safety Limited, but also fortnightly by residents of the village. The annual inspection rota of the playground needs to be drawn up for the year 1st June 2017-31st May 2018. A new rota has now been drawn up and circulated
Action: None
706 Hanwell - Lease on the recreation ground
The amendments to the lease are progressing well.
Action: Chairman Spratt
707 Challenging the Cherwell Local Plan
Chairman Spratt to write to Tom McCulloch of Community First to invite him to our meeting to help us to create a Neighbourhood plan
Action: Chairman Spratt
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708 [Community First Oxfordshire - Tom McCulloch to attend]
Tom McCulloch to attend next meeting.
Action: Info
709 Village Hall Grass – grant to get an Outside Company to cut twice a year
The Councillors decided due to safety reasons they do not want to obtain a grant to cut the grass verges and would rather leave to OCC to carry out the work.
Action: Info
710 Village Social/ Get Together
The get together didn’t go ahead as there were not enough organisations in the village. The Councillors have decided to invite outside clubs to exhibit their organisations. It was also decided that we should ask the villagers what they would like in respect of social events in the Village. An evening of drinks and nibbles needs to be arranged in order to ask the Villagers what they would like us to exhibit. We can also ask them to complete a questionnaire for the type of Community Transport Scheme they would like
Action: All
711 Mower insurance renewal/SORN
The Clerk has obtained some quotes for the renewal of the Mower Insurance on 1 August 2017. The Councillors are happy to leave to the Clerks discretion once all quotes have been received
Action: Clerk
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712 Planning application for new Motorway Junction
Nothing to report.
Action: None
713 Planning Application:
Cllr Bailey mentioned the possibility of putting the electric cables in the village underground, as this has happened in other villages such as Shotteswell. Clerk to write to Western Power to enquire regarding this and also to write British Gas to find out whether a gas supply can be connected to the Village.
Action: Clerk
715 Defibrillator Training
Clerk has contacted St Johns Ambulance regarding this to arrange a refresher course for use of the Defibrillator. The cost is £90+Vat for up to 50people. Clerk to arrange a date in October and attendees can be invited.
Action: Clerk
716 Nuisance Smells
The residents present at the meeting mentioned the issue of nuisance smells in the village believed to be coming from the sewerage works behind the pub. Clerk to write to Thames water to complain.
Action: Info
There being no other business the meeting was closed.
The next meeting will be held on the Wednesday 6 September at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall.
… Continued