30 June 2006



By virtue of art.25, para.1 of the Law on the BNB, from 3 July 2006 the Bulgarian National Bank puts in circulation a new banknote of BGN 50 nominal value, issue 2006, as legal tender.

Characteristics, elements and images:

Nominal value - 50 Leva;

Name of the issuing bank – BULGARIAN NATIONAL BANK;

Year of issue - 2006;

The texts "УПРАВИТЕЛ" (GOVERNOR) and "ГЛАВЕН КАСИЕР" (CHIEF CASHIER) and their signatures;

Predominant colour - brown;

Size - 136 х 76 mm;

Serial number – it consists of two letters and seven numbers printed in the bottom left-hand half and in the top right-hand half of the obverse;

Feature for the blind – the raised image of two identical triangles, with their apexes pointed against each other, one triangle above the other, printed in the bottom right-hand corner of the obverse.

The warning "For forgery the guilty shall be punished according to law" is printed in the top left-hand corner of the reverse.

Security features:

Material – paper toned in reseda;

On the obverse there is raised print of Pencho Slaveykov’s image; the texts "БЪЛГАРСКА НАРОДНА БАНКА" (BULGARIAN NATIONAL BANK) and "ПЕТДЕСЕТ ЛЕВА" (FIFTY LEVA); the number "50"; the vignette on the holographic band to the right and the text "50 ЛЕВА" (50 LEVA) on it;

Holographic band – depicts a bird, the number "50" and the mini-text "ЛЕВА" (LEVA), changing their colour when the banknote is held at a different angle;

Variable colour ink (OVI) – the building of the Library under Pencho Slaveykov’s signature to the right on the obverse changes its colour from golden to green when the banknote is held at a different angle;

Security thread – a dark metallic thread embedded in the paper, with the light mini-text "БНБ 50" (BNB 50) that can be seen on both sides of the banknote when held against a light source;

Watermark – the half-tinted image of the portrait on the banknote can be seen on its both sides when held against a light source;

See-through register – a rectangular chessboard field in the bottom half of the obverse where the number "50" is seen on both sides of the banknote when held against a source of light;

Hidden image – the number "50" appears on Pencho Slaveykov’s coat when the banknote is held at an angle of 15 - 20 degrees;

Micro-print on the obverse – horizontal lines with the text "ПЕНЧО СЛАВЕЙКОВ" (PENCHO SLAVEYKOV) in the background to the left of the portrait; in two vertical lines to the right of the portrait - the text "ПЕНЧО СЛАВЕЙКОВ" (PENCHO SLAVEYKOV); the text "50 ЛЕВА" (50 LEVA) filling up the number "50";

Micro-print on the reverse – the text "ПЕНЧО СЛАВЕЙКОВ" (PENCHO SLAVEYKOV) in the left part of the background net;

Fluorescence – against an ultra violet (UV) lamp (365 nm):

- fibres of the paper stand out in blue, green and red;

- on the obverse – the band of re-appearing numbers "50" to the right of the hologram band, the right-hand background of the banknote and the serial numbers stand out in green;

- on the reverse – the woman’s figure, some parts of the background, the feather and the rosette in the right-hand corner of the banknote stand out in green;

Bi-fluorescence – on the reverse Pencho Slaveykov’s bas-relief stands out in blue when the banknote is held against an UV lamp that emits light at 365 nm and in red – at 254 nm.

The BGN 50 banknotes, issue 1999, will remain in circulation alongside the banknotes of BGN 50 denomination, issue 2006.


/ . / The obverse of the banknote depicts the poet Pencho Slaveykov’s portrait, and the background incorporates fragments of the buildings of the National Theatre and the National Library; the texts "Пенчо Славейков" (Pencho Slaveykov) and "1866 - 1912" are printed vertically and the banknote’s nominal value is given in figures and in words.


/ . / The reverse of the banknote depicts texts from Pencho Slaveykov’s works, a bird illustration from one of his books of poetry, the figure of the poetess Mara Belcheva, and the banknote’s nominal value given in figures and in words.