An Implementation of CCSDS 122.0-B-1 Recommended Standard

Mar. 18, 2008

Hongqiang Wang.


(1)Before you download and use the program, you must read the license file and accept the terms and conditions.

(2)We provide the source code and the software WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES. The users will be responsible for any lose or damage caused by the use of the source code and the software.

2.Author and contact information

Hongqiang Wang

PhD candidate & Research assistant

Department of Electrical Engineering

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Tel: 402-472-1973

Fax: 402-472-4732

Email: ,

Comments and suggestions are welcome. Please send me emails if you have questions orfind bugs. I would try my best to answer and greatly appreciate your efforts to make this program better.


This project has been supported by a funding from NASA, and the Department of Electrical Engineering, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). The development and test of the software would not be successful without the help of Dr. Pen-Shu Yeh at NASA. We have been working very closely throughout the software test process. I am grateful for her great patience and thorough guidance. I also appreciatemy advisor Dr. Sayood Khalidfor his encouragement and guidance, especially in the early stage of this project. Thanks also go to Dr. Mark Bauer, who helped us set upand configure the web server to make the website work nicely.

4.Compression Program Description

We present some basicinformation on the implementation of the data compression scheme. This program is developed based on the Blue Book 122.0-B.1 by the CCSDS released on March 31, 2006. For more details on the compression recommendation, please visit For more details on the program, please look into the source code that is downloadable at Users can run and test the code from the web server directly. Or, users can download source code and executable code, and test by themselves.

The program is developed and tested with Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 in Windows XP. It has been tested under Linux Fedora 5.0 as well.


The program contains 3 header files, and 18C files.

Three header files:


This file is obtained for free under GNU General Public License


This file is obtained for free under GNU General Public License

These two files are the header files for getopt.c.getopt.c is to extract the coding parameters fromthe string in the command line. So basically these two files do not have direct link with the compression.


This file defines the macro variables, structure, and types that are globally used in the coder. Some global functions are also defined.

The C files have many functionsdefined, which will be listed in later section. So here we do not listthe files.

4.2.Structuresand Union

The definitions of structures are in bold capital letters.


This records the value, mapping value, length, sign, and type of a symbol. This is used for the bit plane coding.


This structure contains the information of bit stream, including the total number of bits in current segment, the total number of bits output so far; byte buffer; and the number of bits in a byte that have filled, and FILE type for bit stream output. This one is used throughout the encoding and decoding process.


Record the type of children subblock.


Record the transition to grandchildren subblock.


Record the transition to grandchildren subblock Hi.


Record the type of grandchildren subblock Hij.


Record the refine bits of parent subblock.


Record the refine bits of children subblock.


Record the refine bits of children subblock.


Record all refine bits in a block, i.e., including PARENTREFINE, CHILDRENREF, and GRANDCHILDREDREF.


Record all type bits and transitional history.


Record all coding information of a block, including DC, AC, mapping, maximum AC depth, and some coding structures defined above.


Part 1 structure of header structure.


Part 2 structure of header structure.


Part 3 structure of header structure.


Part 4 structure of header structure.


Consists of the above 4 header structures.


Structure to record the partial decoding locations. Used for decoding only.


Contains all coding parameters, image information, files to output and input, rate to be reached.


For decoding only. A link will be built to record the decoded blocks. The link is reorganized and reconstructed using inverse wavelet transform (IWT).

There is one UNION type:


This is to save storage space and facilitate some operations.



AC component decoding. Called by DecoderEngine.


AC component decoding. Called by EncoderEngine.


ACdepth encoding. Called by ACBpeEncoding.


ACdepth decoding. Called by ACBpeDecoding.


This is for AC encoding of gaggles. Called by ACDepthEncoder.


This is for AC decoding of gaggles. Called by ACDepthDecoder.


Called by DecoderEngine(StructCodingPara *PtrCoding).


Reset the symbols in the bitplane structure. Called by StagesEnCodingGaggles1, StagesEnCodingGaggles2, and StagesEnCodingGaggles3.


Outputs bits to buffer and files. For encoding only.


Read bits to buffer and files. For decoding only.


Kernel part of the bit plane coding. It determines the type of subblocks and transitional bits. Called by ACBpeEncoding only.


This is to build block string index for further encoding. Called by EncoderEngine only.


This is to check if UseFill is enabled, and if so, how many bits need to fill. Called by ACBpeDecoding only.


This is to determine the coding parameters of Golomb-Rice decoding.Called by StagesEnCoding only.


Reorganize back into the block ready for inverse wavelet transform. Called by DecodingOutputInteger only.


Reorganize back into the block ready for inverse wavelet transform. called by DecodingOutputFloating only.


Rescale the coefficients before inverse DWT, called by DWT_Reverse only.


Rescale the coefficients after DWT, called by DWT_ only.


Reorganize the transform coefficients into the blocks after wavelet transform. Called by DWT_ only.


Reorganize the transform coefficients (float) into the blocks after wavelet transform. Called by DWT_ only.


DC into 2’s complement representation. Called by DCEncoding only.


DC decoding, called by DecoderEngine only.


DC entropy encoding, called by DCEntropyEncoder only.


DC encoding, called by EncoderEngine only.


DC entropy decoding, called by DCDeCoding only.


DC entropy encoding, called by DCEncoding only.


DC decoding in a gaggle, called by DCEntropyDecoder.


Output debug information.


Kernel function for decoding, called by main only.


Output the floating point DWT decoding results, called by DecoderEngine only.


Output the integer DWT decoding results, called by DecoderEngine only.


Convert coefficients back from 2 s complement representation to normal, called byAdjustOutPut only.


Demap the decoded symbols back to its original value. Called by StagesDeCodingGaggles1,StagesDeCodingGaggles2, StagesDeCodingGaggles3


Demap the decoded ACdepth back to its original value. Called by ACDepthDecoder.


Map the ACdepth from double (negative and positive) side value to positive value. Called by ACDepthEncoder.


Demap the decoded DC value back to its original value. Called by DCDeCoding.


MapDC from double (negative and positive) side value to positive value. Called by DCEncoding.


DWT transform, called by EncoderEngine only.


Inverse DWT transform, taking integer input,called by DecoderEngine only.


Inverse DWT transform, taking floating input, called by DecoderEngine only.


The kernel function for decoding, called by main only.


This is to output error code to a file and standard terminal.


Forward transform of floating 97.


Forward transform of integer 97.


Initialize the header before coding. Called by main only.


Output the header. For each segment, header will be output. Called by DCEncoding.


Read the header from the coded bit stream. Called by DecoderEngine.


Header is updated after the coding of a segment and ready for the coding of next segment called by EncoderEngine only.


Open an image to read. Called by EncoderEngine.


Determine the image size. Called by EncoderEngine.


Output the decoded image. Called by DecodingOutputInteger.


Output the decoded image (in floating mode) DecodingOutputFloating(StructCodingPara *PtrCP, float **imgout_floatingcase).


inverse floating DWT transform.


inverse integer DWT transform.


lifting algorithm of floating 97 DWT transform.


lifting algorithm of integer 97 DWT transform.


main function.


Output a codeword. Called by BitsOutput(StructCodingPara *Ptr, DWORD bit, int length).


Called by main to verify the coding parameters are valid.


Map the original symbol to new one according to table. Called by CodingOptions.


Get refine bits from the coded bit stream, called by StagesDeCoding.


Output refine bits from the coded bit stream, called by StagesDeCoding.


Rice encoding based on the coding parameters. Called by StagesEnCodingGaggles1, StagesEnCodingGaggles2, and StagesEnCodingGaggles3.


Rice decoding based on the coding parameters. Called by StagesDeCodingGaggles1, StagesDeCodingGaggles2, and StagesDeCodingGaggles3.


Flush the leftover bits in a segment coding and reset the byte alignment for the coding of next segment. Called by EncoderEngine.


Flush the leftover bits in a segment decoding and reset the byte alignment for the decoding of next segment. Called by DecoderEngine.


Perform the three stages bit plane decoding.


AC decoding.


Bit plane Decoding of stage 1, Called by StagesDeCoding.


Bit plane Decoding of stage 2, Called by StagesDeCoding.


Bit plane Decoding of stage 3, Called by StagesDeCoding.


Bit plane encoding of stage 1, Called by StagesEnCoding.


Bit plane encoding of stage 2, Called by StagesEnCoding.


Bit plane encoding of stage 3, Called by StagesEnCoding.


Temporal coefficients output, for debug purpose.

4.4.Coding Parameters in Command Line

If the source files have been compiled and the executable file is generated, the program can be run as follows (assume the executable file is called bpe):

  • bpe [-e InputImageName] [-d CompressedFileName] (-o OutputFileName) [-r BitsPerPixel] [-w ImageRows] [-h ImageColumns] [-b BitsPerPixel] [-f ByteOrder] [-g UnSigned] [-t TypeOfDWT] [-s BlocksInSegment]

Note that the parameters are not case-sensitive. [ ]means the parameters are optional, and ( ) means they are mandatory. The order of these parameters is arbitrary.


  • [-eInputImageName]:Takea raw image file called InputImageNamefor encoding.(for encoding only)
  • [-dCompressedFileName]:Takea compressed file called CompressedFileNamefor decoding. For decoding only. Note that [–e]cannot not be used with this one at the same time. (for decoding only)

Note that one of above two parameters must be provided.

  • (-oOutputFileName):Output a file called OutputFileName. It takes character string. If this is used with [–e], filename is for the compressed bitstream. If this is usedwith [-d],thenoutput the decoded image.(This is for both encoding and decoding, and mandatory)
  • [-rBitsPerPixel]:desired compression ratio (bits/pixel). This parameter is valid for encoding and some decoding scenarios.

1)For encoding, the encoder will compress the image to this rate if possible. There are two extreme conditions to be clarified: If the ratio specified is too small, error will be reported. A valid ratio depends on the header, segment size, etc. For example, if the ratio is so small that the header has not been fully output, coding error will be reported. If the ratio is too large, i.e., the lowest bit plane has been coded but ratio is still not achieved, the coding may stop, or fill some 1s, dependent on the parameter UseFill in the header.

2)For decoding, this parameter is for embedded decoding. If the ratio is greater than the actual ratio of the image coded, the decoder will decode to the actual ratio. If the ratio is less than the ratio of encoding, the decoder will work until reaching this ratio and then discard the rest bits in the current coding segment. And decoderthencontinues to decodethe next segment, as long as the decoder knows where the next segment starts. That is, for success of embedded decoding, the decoder needs to know the packet size, which can be defined in the header. If SegByteLimit in the header is non-zero and UseFill is true, the decoder knows the exact location in the bit stream of each segment and embedded decoding can be carried out.

  • [-bOriginalBitsPerPixel]: the number of bit of a pixel. By default it is 8.We can only handle up to 16 bits/pixel. So this parameter must be less than or equal to 16. (for encoding only)
  • [-wImageRows]: the number of pixels ina row. (for encoding only)
  • [-hImageColumns]: the number of pixels ina column.(for encoding only)

Ideally, the number of rows and columns are integer multiples of 8. This would facilitate the wavelet transform and block grouping. However, this requirement is not mandatory.

This program could handle odd-sized raw images, i.e., the number of rows and columns of the raw image are not necessarily integer multiples of 8. If they are not, we simply replicate the last row or the last columnuntil they are integer multiples of 8.

These two parameters along with the bytes/pixel will be used to verify if the image size is correct. If the ImageRows* ImageColumns* OriginalBitsPerPixelis not the same as the image size, error will be reported.

These parameters are for encoding only. For decoding, the coder can determine the image size by examining the information in header and therefore it is not necessary to specify the image dimension.

  • [-f ByteOrder]: byte order of a pixel, taking 0 or 1. Ifa pixel consists of 2 bytes, we need the exact byte order. 0 means litttle endian, 1 means big endian. Default value is 1. If bits/pixel of the image is less than 8, this option is not necessary (for encoding only).
  • [-g Signed]The pixels are unsigned or signed. By default it is unsigned. If 1, pixels are signed. Or it is unsigned.
  • [-tTypeOfDWT]:type of discrete wavelet transform, taking 0 or 1. 1 represents integer 9-7 DWT and 0 representsfloating 9-7 DWT. By default, coder takesinteger 9-7 DWT. (for encoding only)
  • [-sBlocksInSegment]: the number of blocks in each segment. Default value is 256. This value has to be greater than or equal to 16. If it is less than 16, error may occur. And this value should not exceed the maximum number of blocks of the image. (for encoding only)

Example 1: bpe -e sensin.img -o codes -r 1.0 –w 256 –h 256 –s 64 –b 8 –t 0

This is to encode a raw image called sensin.img(256 X 256, 8bits/pixel, unsigned) with floating 9-7 DWT, 64 blocks in segment, a desired compression ratio of 1.0bits/pixel, and an outputfilename called codes.

Example 2: bpe -d codes -o ss.img

This is to decode a compressed file called codes, and output the reconstructed raw image into a file called ss.img.

4.5.Other Coding Parameters

The compression recommendation definessome coding parameters that users can adjust to accommodatetheir applications. The parameters in the command line are critical. However, totake advantage of its flexibility, it is better to check the parameters that are defined in header (see function HeaderInitialize). This function is to initialize coding parameters. Note that not all coding parameters can be adjusted by users. A portion of them depend on the coding process. Some of them can be specified by users, but they cannot be changed once coding starts, such as the coding parameters in header 4.For the parameters that users can modify, please refer to the recommendation. For reference, we build tables to list the parameters and their default (or initial) values in our implementation. Note that all reserved bits are set to 0.

Table 1: fields in header part 1 and their default (or initial) values

Field / Default value
(or initial value) / Description
StartImgFlag / 1 / Flag this is the first segment. After first segment, this will be turned to 0
EndImgFlag / 0 / Flag this is not the last segment. Once the coder determines this is the last segment, this will be turned to 1
SegmentCount / 0 / Segment count value (mod 256), from 0 to 255.
BitDepthDC / 0 / This will be updated by coder after the coder analyzes the DCs in the segment.
BitDepthAC / 0 / This will be updated by coder after the coder analyzes the ACs in the segment.
Part2Flag / 1 / Indicate Header part 2 will be present
Part3Flag / 1 / Indicate Header part 3 will be present
Part4Flag / 1 / Indicate Header part 4 will be present
PadRows / 0 / This will be present only when EndImgFlag becomes 1.

In the first segment, Part2Flag, Part3Flag, and Part4Flag are initialized to 1. After the first segment, these 3 parameters are flagged to 0 (see function: headerupdate) in our implementation. Note that usually head part 4 is not changeable in the entire coding process. Therefore Part4Flag should be 0 after first segment.

Table 2: fields in header part 2and theirdefault (or initial) values

Parameter / Default value / Description
SegByteLimit / 0 / No byte limit in segment.
DCStop / 0 / Will not stop coding after DC is coded. If this is 1, coding of this segment stops once DC is coded.
BitPlaneStop / 0 / The bit plane at which the coder will code and then stop. If this is 0, coder will complete coding of all bit planes.
StageStop / 3 / The stage in which that the coder will code and then stop. If this is 3, then coder will complete all stages.
UseFill / 0 / If SegByteLimitis 0, this must be 0. Otherwise, this can be 0 or 1.

Table 3: fields in header part 3and theirdefault (or initial) values

Parameter / Default value / Description
S / 256 / 256 blocks in a segment
OptDCSelect / 1 / Use the optimized method to choose the coding parameter for coding of DC.
OptACSelect / 1 / Use the optimized method to choose the coding parameter for coding of AC.

Table 4: fields in header part 4and theirdefault (or initial) values

Parameter / Default value / Description
DWTtype / 1 / Integer 9-7 DWT, if 0 floating DWT
PixelBitDepth / 8 / 8 Bits/pixel. If this is 0, 16 Bits/pixel
ImageWidth / 2048 / This will be updated from command line
TransposeImg / 0 / Not transpose
SignedPixels / 0 / Unsigned.
CodeWordLength / 0 / 8-bit word
CustomWtFlag / 0 / No custom weighting factor
CustomWtHH1 / 1 / These are the default custom weighting factors for different sub bands. If CustomWtFlag is 0, all these will be set to 0.
CustomWtHH2 / 2
CustomWtHH3 / 3
