Supplementary Information (Online only):

Identification of areas in Brazil that optimize conservation of forest carbon, jaguars, and biodiversity

De Barros, Alan E.; Macdonald, Ewan A.; Matsumoto, Marcelo H.; Paula, Rogério C.; Nijhawan, Sahil; Malhi,Y.; Macdonald, David W.

*Correspondence: E-mail:

Appendix S1.Table S1: Datasets used in GIS analysis.

Appendix S2.Table S2: REDD related strategies in Brazil.

Appendix S3.Supplementary results andparameters and values adopted in the Promethee method

Fig. S3:Occurrence (within municipalities) of JCU and biodiversity categories in relation to forest carbon storage and annual deforestation rate.

Table S3a: Fundamental criteria used to compare all scenarios with distinct levels of carbon and deforestation

Table S3b: All criteria used to compare the top four scenarios

Appendix S4. Table S4:List of municipalities highlighted as “REDDspots”.

Appendix S5.Fig S5: “REDDspots” and (JCUs & corridors, Protected areas and Indigenous lands).

Appendix S6.Comparisons of carbon stored (in forest remnants 2008) within Brazilian municipalities for two different datasets: Ruesch & Gibbs (2008) and Saatchi et al (2011).

Table S6: Differences and correlation between Ruesch and Gibbs (2008) and Saatchi et al (2011) carbon datasets.

Fig. S6:Scatter plots comparing two datasets of carbon: Ruesch and Gibbs (2008) and Saatchi et al (2011) datasets

Fig. S7:Scatter plots for REDDspots and correlation plots for biomes comparing Ruesch and Gibbs (2008) and Saatchi et al (2011) carbon datasets.

Appendix S7. Support references

Appendix S1.Datasets used:

Table S1: Datasets used in the GIS analysis. In some cases the datasets that we used in our analysis were themselves compiled from a number of pre-existing datasets; to make this clear we have listed the dataset that we used in regular font, but also added the original datasets below in italics.

Dataset / Data description / Source
Carbon dataset / Global biomass and soil carbon map
a) global carbon biomass
b) soil carbon map / Kapos et al (2008)
a) Ruesch & Gibbs (2000)
b) G.S.D.T (2000)
Biodiversity 1 / Global map of priority areas for biodiversity with six prioritization schemes:
a) Conservation International’s Hotspots
b) WWF Global 200 ecoregions - terrestrial
c) WWF Global 200 ecoregions- freshwater
d) Birdlife International Endemic Bird Areas, EBA5
e) WWF/IUCN Centres of Plant Diversity, CPD5
f) Amphibian Diversity Areas / Kapos et al (2008)
a) Mittermeieret al., (2004)
b)Olson & Dinnerstein, (2002)
c) Olson & Dinerstein, (2002)
d)Birdlife International, (2008)
e)WWF and IUCN (1994)
f) Duellman, (1999)
Biodiversity 2 / Biological Importance in Brazil, Ministry of Environment / MMA (2007)
Biomes / Brazilian main biomes / MMA & IBGE (2004)
Deforestation and remnant forest 1 / Available deforestation and forest remnant landcover data for Amazon Biome from year 2002 to 2008.
PRODES/ National Institute for Space Research (INPE). / INPE (2009)
Deforestation and remnant forest 2 / Available deforestation and forest remnant landcover data for Biomes of Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, Pantanal, Caatinga and Pampasfrom year 2002 to 2008.
Ministry of Environment/ Brazilian Environment and Natural Resources Institute (MMA - CSR/IBAMA) / MMA/IBAMA (2009)
Municipalities / Municipalities layer referent to 2007 from Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) / IBGE (2008)
Jaguar Conservation Units / Priority areas for jaguar conservation. Updated data from CENAP/ ICMbio and Panthera Foundation. 20 JCUs inside the Brazilian territory (4 of urgent action priority, 9 of interest for research and conservation, 5 of interest for conservation and 2 of research interest). / Paula et al. (2010),Nijhawan et al. 2010,Nijhawan (2012), Sanderson et al. (2002), Desbiez &Paula 2012
Jaguar Corridors / Jaguar network corridors, CENAP/ ICMbio andPanthera Foundation. 18 corridors considering barriers, 13 corridors without consider barriers.
* Corridor polygons merged and adapted from original. / Nijhawan et al. 2010, Rabinowitz & Zeller (2010)
REDD projects / We identifiedmunicipalities where REDD projects occur because many projects did not have available GIS layers. / Cifor (2010), SFB/MMA (2009), Idesam (2010) and others, see STable 2.
Protected areas,
Indigeous Lands / Brazilian Federal, State and municipal PA of integral protection and sustainable use and Indigenous Territories / MMA & FUNAI (2010)


Appendix S2.Table S2: REDD related strategies in Brazil.

Table S2: This table summarises all of the REDD related initiatives that we used in our analysis. These data refer to all activities in Brazil that relate to Reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation. (Data referent to January 2011).

State / REDD / Area (Ha) / No. of municipalities / Source / Status / Type* / Land Tenure / rights
Amazonas / Southern Amazon Project / Not informed / 5 / Cifor, IDESAM, SFB / early stage of planning / AD, ADG, AGF / Mixed/ Government
Amazonas / Apuimaisverde Project / 10000 / 1 / Cifor, IDESAM, SFB / early stage of planning / AD, AGF / Private
MatoGrosso / Alto Teles Pires Carbon Project REDD+ / Not informed / 13 / Cifor / early stage of planning / AD, ADG, RS,AGF / Private
MatoGrosso / ONF/Peugeot Carbon Sink / 7000 / 1 / Cifor / early stage of planning / AGF,RS, AD / Private
MatoGrosso / Juruena Carbon Sink / 7000 / 1 / Cifor / early stage of planning / AGF, AD / Private
MatoGrosso / Prolifico Foundation avoided deforestation / 5000 / 1 / Cifor / early stage of planning / AD / Private
Goias, Para, Roraima / Registry for Socio-Environmental Responsibility (RSR) GO,PA, RR / NA / 9 / IPAM, Aliançada Terra / early stage of planning / AD, ADG, AGF / Private
MatoGrosso / Registry for Socio-Environmental Responsibility (RSR) and reforestation in Xingu / 946300 / 11 / Cifor, IPAM / early stage of planning / AD, ADG, AGF / Private
MatoGrosso, Para / EcoSecurities / Not informed / 17 / SFB / early stage of planning / AD / Private
Para / REDD Project North of PA / 7400000 / 6 / SFB, Cifor, Idesam / early stage of planning / AD, ADG / Government
Para / Sao Felix do Xingu pilot and neighbor municipalities registry / 8400000 / 7 / SFB, Cifor / early stage of planning / AD, ADG / Mixed/ Government
Para / RainTrust REDD / 578000 / 3 / Cifor, Winrock International / early stage of planning / AD / Private
Para / Tembé/ Rio Guamá Project / 150000 / 3 / Cifor / early stage of planning / AD / Indigenous Groups
Para / COOPED Project/ Marajó / 100000 / 1 / C-trade / early stage of planning / AGF, AD / Mixed
Para, Amazonas, Roraima / Mapuera Project / 5020418 / 5 / Cifor, C-trade / early stage of planning / AD / Indigenous Groups
MatoGrosso, Para / Securing Protection of Kayapo (and others Indigenous) territories in SE Amazon and Xingu Socio-Environmental Carbon Project / 14000000 / 18 / Cifor, CI / early stage of planning / AD / Indigenous Groups
Rondonia, MatoGrosso / CintaLarga REDD project / 2700000 / 3 / Cifor / early stage of planning / AD / Indigenous Groups
Not informed / Willowriver - Amazon Reserve rainforest protection / Not informed / Not informed / Cifor, Willowriver website / early stage of planning / AD, ADG / Private
Goias, MatoGrosso / Brasil Mata Viva / Not informed / 15 / BMV website / early stage of planning / AD, ADG, RS / Private
Acre / Acre State Carbon Project / 5800000 / 8 / Cifor, GCF, SFB, Idesam / in preparation / AD, ADG, RS,AGF / Mixed/ Government
Amazonas / Itacoatiara Project / 102000 / 1 / SFB / in preparation / AD, ADG / Private
MatoGrosso / NW Matogrosso Pilot / 758600 / 7 / SFB, Idesam, Cifor / in preparation / AD, ADG, AGF / Mixed/ Government
Para / Ecomapuá Amazon REDD Project / 94171 / 1 / SFB, Cifor, Idesam / in preparation / AD, ADG, RS,AGF / Private
Rondonia, MatoGrosso / Surui Project / 248000 / 3 / SFB, Cifor, IDESAM / in preparation / AD, RS / Indigenous Groups
Tocantins / Genesis REDD Project / 1076.49 / 1 / SFB, Cifor, Idesam / in preparation / AD, RS, AGF / Private
Amazonas / Forest Allowance Program / 9928678 / 25 / SFB, Cifor / in progress / AD, ADG,AGF / Mixed/ Government
Amazonas / Juma Reserve REDD Project / 589611 / 1 / SFB, Cifor, Idesam / in progress / AD, ADG / Government
Para / Avoided Deforestation on small rural properties in the region of the Transamazon Highway / 31745 / 3 / SFB, Cifor, Idesam / in progress / AD, ADG / Private
Parana / Pilot Project for Reforestation and Conservation of Atlantic Rainforest / 11900 / 1 / SFB, IDESAM / in progress / AD, ADG, RS / Private
Parana / Action Plan against Global Warming / 6700 / 1 / SFB, Cifor / in progress / AD, ADG, RS / Private
Goias, Mato Grosso do Sul / Emas Taquari Biodiversity Corridor Carbon Project / 681 / 3 / CCBA, forest carbon portal / in progress / RS / Private
Bahia / The Monte Pascoal - Pau Brasil Ecological Corridor: Carbon, Community / 11 to 1000 / 1 / CCBA, forest carbon portal / in progress / RS / Private
Acre / WWF/ SKY Forest Carbon Network Initiative / Not informed / 2 / Cifor / support program / AD / Private
Brazil / Amazonian Fund / Not informed / Brazil / SFB / support program / AD, ADG, RS,AGF / Government
MatoGrosso / Project historical series of deforestation / Not applicable / Not informed / SFB / support program / baseline / Mixed

* AD =Avoided Deforestation, ADG = Avoided degradation, RS = restoration, AGF =Agroforestry. (Modified from Cifor 2010).

Status of projects (in January 2011): “in progress” refers toprojects that have already been implemented. “in preparation” corresponds to projects in an advanced stage of planning, “support program” corresponds to projects giving parallel support to REDD projects, and “early stage of planning” corresponds to areas that host planned, future REDD projects.

Any information regarding thelocations of private projects not givenonline or in reports was obtained through direct contact with the projects (email, phone).

Most of initiatives were mentioned in the Cifor (May and Millikan, 2010), IDESAM (Cenamo, M. C., et al. 2009) and SFB ( SFB - MMA 2009) publications. We also cite other references below (All accessed by January 2011).


Appendix S3.Supplementary results andparameters and values adopted in the Promethee method.

Figure S3.Occurrence (within municipalities) of JCU and biodiversity categories in relation to forest carbon storage and annual deforestation rate.Carbon storage relative to (a) Jaguar Conservation Units (JCU) priority categories, (b) IBP scores, and (c) MMA biodiversity priority scores. Annual deforestation rate (2002-2008) relative to (d) JCU priority categories, (e) IBP scores, and (f) MMA biodiversity priority scores. See main paper (Methods, Table 1 and Fig.1 and 3) for further details.


Table S3a. Fundamental criteria used to compare all scenarios with distinct levels of carbon and deforestation

Criteria / Scenarios / All JCUs / Total / PF
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Brazil
Carbon stocks (tC/ha) / 266.6 / 267.6 / 275.2 / 281.5 / 250.4 / 246.8 / 241.5 / 237.4 / 244.4 / 240.4 / 228.7 / 221.3 / 171.6 / 156.7 / 151.8 / 165.4 / 138.9 / 0.25
Annual deforestation rate %(2002-2008) / 2.82 / 2.55 / 1.59 / 0.20 / 3.25 / 2.79 / 1.26 / 0.17 / 3.11 / 2.63 / 1.11 / 0.17 / 2.53 / 2.08 / 1.06 / 0.24 / 0.28 / 1.00
Probability of JCU selection / 0.41 / 0.42 / 0.44 / 0.45 / 0.37 / 0.36 / 0.36 / 0.36 / 0.36 / 0.35 / 0.33 / 0.33 / 0.21 / 0.20 / 0.21 / 0.24 / 0.20 / 0.30
Proportion of Forest Remnant / 0.42 / 0.43 / 0.44 / 0.54 / 0.38 / 0.41 / 0.43 / 0.46 / 0.38 / 0.41 / 0.44 / 0.44 / 0.38 / 0.43 / 0.45 / 0.36 / 0.23 / 0.20
Probability of UNEP Biodiversity selection / 0.80 / 0.82 / 0.88 / 0.94 / 0.82 / 0.85 / 0.91 / 0.93 / 0.83 / 0.86 / 0.91 / 0.93 / 0.89 / 0.91 / 0.92 / 0.92 / 0.92 / 0.10
Probability of MMA Biodiversity selection / 0.92 / 0.91 / 0.90 / 0.89 / 0.90 / 0.90 / 0.88 / 0.84 / 0.90 / 0.89 / 0.87 / 0.83 / 0.81 / 0.76 / 0.74 / 0.76 / 0.72 / 0.10

Using the PROMETHEE-GAIA program, we compared 16 different scenarios for carbon and deforestation. This table show the median values for all the municipalities in each scenario, for each criterion.All JCUs: Scenario P was the most inclusive scenario and included all municipalities that contained JCUs and corridors, therefore the values correspond to the medians of all municipalities within JCUs & corridors. Total in Brazil: Medians of all municipalities in Brazil are provided here for comparison only.PF:is the preference factor adopted to establish strict differences in the comparisons between scenarios for each fundamental criterion; here it is expressed as relative proportion. Preference factors were calculated with the aid of the program and based on data ranges.


Table S3b.All criteria used to compare the top 4 scenarios.

Criteria / Scenarios / Total in / Preference
A / B / C / D / Brazil / factor
Carbon stocks (tC/ha) * / 266.6 / 267.6 / 275.2 / 281.5 / 138.9 / 0.25
Annual deforestation rate (2002-2008) * / 2.82 / 2.55 / 1.59 / 0.20 / 0.28 / 1.00
Probability of JCU ocurrence * / 0.41 / 0.42 / 0.44 / 0.45 / 0.20 / 0.30
Proportion of Forest Cover * / 0.42 / 0.43 / 0.44 / 0.54 / 0.23 / 0.20
Probability of UNEPBiodiversity ocurrence * / 0.80 / 0.82 / 0.88 / 0.94 / 0.92 / 0.10
Probability of MMA Biodiversity ocurrence * / 0.92 / 0.91 / 0.90 / 0.89 / 0.72 / 0.10
Jaguar Index * / 0.88 / 0.96 / 1.07 / 1.38 / 0.00 / 0.30
UNEP index * / 1.00 / 1.00 / 1.83 / 2.00 / 2.00 / 0.25
MMA index * / 1.03 / 1.06 / 1.11 / 1.13 / 0.38 / 0.30
PAs within JCUs (Km2) * / 236.75 / 240.52 / 185.38 / 160.92 / 0.00 / 0.50
% of Total Annual Deforestation rate (02-08) in Brazil / 26.00 / 27.89 / 33.52 / 36.62 / 100.00 / 2.00
% of Total Forest Cover in Brazil / 7.60 / 8.83 / 19.06 / 55.59 / 100.00 / 2.00
% of Total Carbon in Brazil / 9.12 / 10.61 / 23.31 / 70.09 / 100.00 / 2.00
% of Total JCU & corridors area in Brazil / 10.09 / 11.82 / 24.29 / 75.10 / 100.00 / 2.00
% of Total UNEP biodiversity in Brazil / 8.50 / 9.43 / 16.57 / 41.58 / 100.00 / 2.00
% of Total MMA biodiversity area in Brazil / 8.73 / 9.95 / 20.31 / 55.40 / 100.00 / 2.00
Number of Municipalities / 86 / 95 / 159 / 371 / 5565 / 2.00

From the initial PROMETHEE-GAIA analysis, we selected the 4 best performing scenarios and compared them against a number of “fundamental criteria” (shown in bold) and “representativeness criteria”. Criteria marked with an asterisk (*) show the median value for all municipalities in that scenario, otherwise the values correspond to total sums. The column “Totals in Brazil” givesthe median or sums of all municipalities in Brazil and is provided for comparison only. Preference factor: relative factors used in the pairwise comparisons.

Appendix S4.

Table S4: List of municipalities highlighted as “REDDspots” by scenario C (n = 159)*.

Municipality / State / Tonnes C/ha in remnant forest (Ruesch & Gibbs 2008) / Tonnes C/ha in remnant forest (Saatchi et al. 2011) / Annual deforestation rate (% 2003-2008) / Main legal biome / Remaining vegetation cover within municipality (ha) / Threshold categories applied to remaining vegetation cover within municipality / Current or proposed REDD / JCU Priority / Main Jaguar Status category / Main UNEP score in the municipality / Main MMA score in the municipality
Bocaiúva do Sul / Paraná / 340.56 / 240.55 / 0.42 / Atlantic Forest / 57363 / > 60% / Absent / JP1 / CR / 4 / Extremely high
Rio Negrinho / Santa Catarina / 331.95 / 172.85 / 0.84 / Atlantic Forest / 31666 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 3 / Very High
Urucurituba / Amazonas / 324.44 / 229.83 / 0.91 / Amazonia / 13082 / < 20%, >10000 ha / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 4 / Extremely high
Boa Vista do Ramos / Amazonas / 322.41 / 273.46 / 0.31 / Amazonia / 111672 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 4 / Extremely high
Itaiópolis / Santa Catarina / 321.29 / 174.5 / 0.95 / Atlantic Forest / 66905 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 3 / Extremely high
Santa Terezinha / Santa Catarina / 318.95 / 169.3 / 0.48 / Atlantic Forest / 44734 / > 60% / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 3 / Extremely high
Parintins / Amazonas / 311.39 / 266.13 / 0.73 / Amazonia / 142271 / 20 - 30% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 3 / Extremely high
Porto Vitória / Paraná / 311.38 / 170.57 / 0.34 / Atlantic Forest / 8433 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 4 / Very High
Rio Negro / Paraná / 309.94 / 121.11 / 0.78 / Atlantic Forest / 17378 / 20 - 30% / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 4 / High
Barreirinha / Amazonas / 307.1 / 275.64 / 0.35 / Amazonia / 343580 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 3 / Extremely high
Caçador / Santa Catarina / 305.96 / 229.06 / 0.32 / Atlantic Forest / 29950 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 3 / Extremely high
UniãodaVitória / Paraná / 305.41 / 177.63 / 0.3 / Atlantic Forest / 41164 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 4 / Very High
Agudos do Sul / Paraná / 305.24 / 98.21 / 0.84 / Atlantic Forest / 5218 / 20 - 30% / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 3 / High
Timbó Grande / Santa Catarina / 302.57 / 191.86 / 0.36 / Atlantic Forest / 28707 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 3 / High
Papanduva / Santa Catarina / 302.29 / 160.41 / 0.51 / Atlantic Forest / 31547 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 3 / Very High
Bituruna / Paraná / 300.82 / 196.04 / 0.53 / Atlantic Forest / 48044 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 4 / Very High
Tabatinga / Amazonas / 300.78 / 296.01 / 0.56 / Amazonia / 81042 / 20 - 30% / Absent / JP3 / NT / 3 / Extremely high
Guajará / Amazonas / 300.41 / 324.22 / 0.3 / Amazonia / 691144 / > 60% / Absent / JP3 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Rurópolis / Pará / 298.91 / 347.34 / 0.91 / Amazonia / 523325 / > 60% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 1 / Extremely high
Cruzeiro do Sul / Acre / 298.71 / 329.49 / 0.38 / Amazonia / 685179 / > 60% / Present / JP3 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Paula Freitas / Paraná / 298.01 / 147.23 / 0.6 / Atlantic Forest / 13393 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 4 / Very High
Candeias do Jamari / Rondônia / 295.93 / 260.17 / 2.09 / Amazonia / 474854 / > 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Medicilândia / Pará / 295.76 / 324.48 / 2.4 / Amazonia / 640960 / > 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Portel / Pará / 295.49 / 302.75 / 0.3 / Amazonia / 2067003 / > 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 0 / Very High
Major Vieira / Santa Catarina / 295.33 / 150.35 / 0.38 / Atlantic Forest / 16649 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 3 / Very High
Senador José Porfírio / Pará / 295.11 / 359.64 / 0.6 / Amazonia / 1072596 / > 60% / Present / JP2 / NT / 1 / Extremely high
Coronel DomingosSoares / Paraná / 293.28 / 217.99 / 1.02 / Atlantic Forest / 54597 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 4 / Extremely high
Prainha / Pará / 292.79 / 290.1 / 0.6 / Amazonia / 680036 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP3 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Itapuã do Oeste / Rondônia / 292.6 / 274.56 / 1.08 / Amazonia / 303090 / > 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 2 / Very High
São Francisco do Guaporé / Rondônia / 292.17 / 249.28 / 2.83 / Amazonia / 505060 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Porto Velho / Rondônia / 292 / 271.45 / 2.01 / Amazonia / 2455884 / > 60% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Tijucas do Sul / Paraná / 291.01 / 169.88 / 1.07 / Atlantic Forest / 30902 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP1 / CR / 3 / Extremely high
Boca do Acre / Amazonas / 290.83 / 311.14 / 0.56 / Amazonia / 1984949 / > 60% / Present / JP3 / NT / 3 / Extremely high
Costa Marques / Rondônia / 290.8 / 269.23 / 4.02 / Amazonia / 281745 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Anapu / Pará / 290.48 / 345.91 / 1.49 / Amazonia / 808781 / > 60% / Present / JP2 / NT / 0 / Extremely high
Canoinhas / Santa Catarina / 290.41 / 139.97 / 0.32 / Atlantic Forest / 32652 / 20 - 30% / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 4 / Very High
Porto de Moz / Pará / 290.12 / 293.79 / 1.28 / Amazonia / 922820 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 2 / Extremely high
São João do Carú / Maranhão / 289.85 / 291.42 / 5.91 / Amazonia / 4526 / < 5000 ha / Absent / JP1 / NT / 0 / Very High
Manacapuru / Amazonas / 289.79 / 235.75 / 0.43 / Amazonia / 360168 / 30 - 60% / Present / JP3 / NT / 3 / Very High
Santa Cecília / Santa Catarina / 289.69 / 208.9 / 0.47 / Atlantic Forest / 31656 / 20 - 30% / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 3 / Very High
Centro Novo do Maranhão / Maranhão / 289.2 / 303.49 / 2.47 / Amazonia / 161218 / < 20%, >10000 ha / Absent / JP1 / NT / 0 / Very High
Igarapé-Miri / Pará / 289.06 / 263.75 / 0.36 / Amazonia / 102275 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 0 / Extremely high
Porto Grande / Amapá / 287.86 / 349.42 / 0.59 / Amazonia / 323167 / > 60% / Absent / JP3 / NT / 0 / High
Pimenteiras do Oeste / Rondônia / 287.4 / 217.29 / 1.69 / Amazonia / 231784 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Lábrea / Amazonas / 287.05 / 281.04 / 0.42 / Amazonia / 6222016 / > 60% / Present / JP3 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Porto União / Santa Catarina / 287.02 / 189.13 / 0.37 / Atlantic Forest / 36291 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 4 / High
Itaituba / Pará / 285.7 / 345.18 / 0.33 / Amazonia / 5622830 / > 60% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 1 / Extremely high
Irineópolis / Santa Catarina / 285.42 / 147.89 / 0.39 / Atlantic Forest / 17247 / 20 - 30% / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 4 / High
Mafra / Santa Catarina / 285.09 / 146.37 / 1.05 / Atlantic Forest / 43921 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 4 / High
Terra Santa / Pará / 285.04 / 234.41 / 0.73 / Amazonia / 74313 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP3 / NT / 4 / Extremely high
Colniza / MatoGrosso / 284.53 / 309.07 / 1.59 / Amazonia / 2414992 / > 60% / Present / JP2 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
LebonRégis / Santa Catarina / 284.26 / 182.66 / 0.31 / Atlantic Forest / 42315 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 3 / Extremely high
SenaMadureira / Acre / 283.97 / 349.84 / 0.32 / Amazonia / 2221906 / > 60% / Present / JP3 / NT / 3 / High
Monte Alegre / Pará / 283.96 / 339.66 / 0.47 / Amazonia / 1206309 / 30 - 60% / Present / JP3 / NT / 2 / Very High
Alto Paraíso / Rondônia / 283.9 / 262.17 / 6.52 / Amazonia / 100185 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 2 / Not Priority
Paragominas / Pará / 283.89 / 295.69 / 1.71 / Amazonia / 869494 / 30 - 60% / Present / JP1 / NT / 0 / Extremely high
Novo Repartimento / Pará / 283.61 / 317.75 / 4.36 / Amazonia / 768784 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 1 / Extremely high
Amapá / Amapá / 283.33 / 259.56 / 0.69 / Amazonia / 168676 / < 20%, >10000 ha / Absent / JP3 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Moju / Pará / 283.23 / 301.79 / 2.04 / Amazonia / 487991 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 0 / Very High
Pacajá / Pará / 283.04 / 321.5 / 3.19 / Amazonia / 571026 / 30 - 60% / Present / JP2 / NT / 0 / Very High
Trairão / Pará / 282.97 / 349.5 / 0.53 / Amazonia / 1087073 / > 60% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 1 / Extremely high
São JoãodaBaliza / Roraima / 282.94 / 308.83 / 0.49 / Amazonia / 376796 / > 60% / Present / JP2 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Buritis / Rondônia / 282.27 / 281.87 / 10.07 / Amazonia / 114126 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 2 / Very High
Cujubim / Rondônia / 281.64 / 291.38 / 3.75 / Amazonia / 250982 / > 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 2 / High
São Luiz / Roraima / 281.02 / 258.2 / 1.9 / Amazonia / 98201 / > 60% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Rondolândia / MatoGrosso / 280.75 / 322.35 / 0.53 / Amazonia / 1073652 / > 60% / Present / JP4CB / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Ipixuna do Pará / Pará / 280.55 / 289.45 / 3.42 / Amazonia / 257175 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 0 / Extremely high
Tartarugalzinho / Amapá / 280.43 / 318.32 / 0.92 / Amazonia / 239735 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP3 / NT / 1 / Extremely high
MachadinhoD'Oeste / Rondônia / 280.42 / 288.49 / 3.06 / Amazonia / 533137 / > 60% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Altamira / Pará / 279.76 / 346.1 / 0.37 / Amazonia / 14505422 / > 60% / Present / JP2 / NT / 1 / Extremely high
Cerejeiras / Rondônia / 279.18 / 154.51 / 1.59 / Amazonia / 75909 / 20 - 30% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Viseu / Pará / 278.98 / 229.36 / 2.32 / Amazonia / 107138 / 20 - 30% / Absent / JP1 / NT / 0 / Very High
Itinga do Maranhão / Maranhão / 278.36 / 264.31 / 4.63 / Amazonia / 105517 / 20 - 30% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 0 / Very High
Bom Jesus do Tocantins / Pará / 278.28 / 273.36 / 2.63 / Amazonia / 98510 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP5CN / NT / 1 / Extremely high
Brasil Novo / Pará / 278.02 / 281.44 / 6.07 / Amazonia / 321044 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Goianésia do Pará / Pará / 277.49 / 277.37 / 3.25 / Amazonia / 291439 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP5CN / NT / 0 / High
Governador Jorge Teixeira / Rondônia / 277.23 / 331.05 / 0.94 / Amazonia / 355104 / > 60% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Paulo Frontin / Paraná / 276.35 / 127.11 / 0.58 / Atlantic Forest / 12257 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 4 / Extremely high
Iranduba / Amazonas / 276.04 / 218.48 / 0.69 / Amazonia / 102438 / 30 - 60% / Present / JP3 / NT / 4 / Extremely high
Tailândia / Pará / 275.18 / 310.79 / 3.78 / Amazonia / 233614 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 0 / Extremely high
Clevelândia / Paraná / 274.59 / 163.13 / 0.35 / Atlantic Forest / 10440 / < 20%, >10000 ha / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 3 / Extremely high
Baião / Pará / 273.77 / 220.93 / 1.42 / Amazonia / 143613 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 1 / Very High
Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade / MatoGrosso / 273.36 / 148.87 / 3.69 / Amazonia / 225124 / < 20%, >10000 ha / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 2 / Very High
Caroebe / Roraima / 272.87 / 311.54 / 0.36 / Amazonia / 1061682 / > 60% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Novo Progresso / Pará / 272.41 / 338.44 / 1.45 / Amazonia / 2964502 / > 60% / Present / JP2 / NT / 1 / Very High
Cabixi / Rondônia / 272.07 / 141.06 / 5.07 / Amazonia / 33680 / 20 - 30% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 2 / Extremely high
São Félix do Xingu / Pará / 272.05 / 327.24 / 1.75 / Amazonia / 6317498 / > 60% / Present / JP2 / NT / 1 / Extremely high
Ji-Paraná / Rondônia / 271.78 / 304.68 / 0.43 / Amazonia / 421993 / > 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Rondon do Pará / Pará / 271.56 / 280.99 / 5.47 / Amazonia / 294482 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP5CN / NT / 0 / High
Buriticupu / Maranhão / 270.76 / 198.18 / 6.16 / Amazonia / 67442 / 20 - 30% / Absent / JP5CN / NT / 0 / Very High
Santa Cruz do Xingu / MatoGrosso / 270.53 / 244.51 / 1.9 / Amazonia / 259768 / 30 - 60% / Present / JP2 / NT / 1 / High
Vale do Anari / Rondônia / 269.79 / 296.59 / 2.88 / Amazonia / 193577 / > 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Alta FlorestaD'Oeste / Rondônia / 269.33 / 273.26 / 2.17 / Amazonia / 297148 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 2 / Very High
Nova Mamoré / Rondônia / 268.91 / 301.52 / 3.11 / Amazonia / 599234 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 2 / Very High
Mocajuba / Pará / 268.78 / 143.6 / 0.31 / Amazonia / 13659 / < 20%, >10000 ha / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 0 / Very High
BomJardim / Maranhão / 268.59 / 296.36 / 1.99 / Amazonia / 247791 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP1 / NT / 0 / Very High
Marabá / Pará / 268.49 / 315.72 / 3.53 / Amazonia / 697686 / 30 - 60% / Present / JP5CN / NT / 1 / High
Aripuanã / MatoGrosso / 268.2 / 325.45 / 1.27 / Amazonia / 2075289 / > 60% / Present / JP4CB / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Itupiranga / Pará / 267.87 / 314.54 / 3.81 / Amazonia / 340099 / 30 - 60% / Present / JP5CN / NT / 1 / High
Apiacás / MatoGrosso / 267.56 / 306.4 / 1.07 / Amazonia / 1701541 / > 60% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Ulianópolis / Pará / 267.42 / 257.49 / 5.99 / Amazonia / 173818 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 0 / Very High
Bom Jesus das Selvas / Maranhão / 266.81 / 216.5 / 6.52 / Amazonia / 57481 / 20 - 30% / Absent / JP5CN / NT / 0 / Very High
Nova Esperança do Piriá / Pará / 266.38 / 293.81 / 2.55 / Amazonia / 72458 / 20 - 30% / Present / JP1 / NT / 0 / Extremely high
Paranaíta / MatoGrosso / 266.19 / 281.73 / 4.52 / Amazonia / 253185 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Marcelândia / MatoGrosso / 265.47 / 267.47 / 1.85 / Amazonia / 864688 / > 60% / Present / JP2 / NT / 1 / Very High
Seringueiras / Rondônia / 265.19 / 280.23 / 2.81 / Amazonia / 187955 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Cotriguaçu / MatoGrosso / 264.92 / 317.24 / 2.27 / Amazonia / 741586 / > 60% / Present / JP2 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Feliz Natal / MatoGrosso / 264.45 / 266.41 / 1.32 / Amazonia / 875459 / > 60% / Present / JP2 / NT / 1 / Very High
Nova Bandeirantes / MatoGrosso / 263.83 / 308.76 / 3.33 / Amazonia / 636230 / > 60% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 2 / Very High
Mangueirinha / Paraná / 263.81 / 173.23 / 0.77 / Atlantic Forest / 13677 / < 20%, >10000 ha / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 4 / Extremely high
Tucuruí / Pará / 263.05 / 260.62 / 1.59 / Amazonia / 89258 / 30 - 60% / Present / JP4CB / NT / 1 / Extremely high
Tomé-Açu / Pará / 262.66 / 303.47 / 2.36 / Amazonia / 227449 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 0 / Extremely high
Acará / Pará / 262 / 307.04 / 2.38 / Amazonia / 196688 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 0 / Very High
São Miguel do Guaporé / Rondônia / 258.57 / 280.96 / 1.73 / Amazonia / 413310 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
BreuBranco / Pará / 258.35 / 232.69 / 5.67 / Amazonia / 102363 / 20 - 30% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 0 / High
Dom Eliseu / Pará / 258.28 / 279.93 / 5.4 / Amazonia / 196955 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 0 / Extremely high
União do Sul / MatoGrosso / 257.48 / 265.17 / 2.01 / Amazonia / 354188 / > 60% / Present / JP2 / NT / 1 / Extremely high
Alto Alegre dos Parecis / Rondônia / 257.43 / 288.74 / 2.8 / Amazonia / 175595 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Matupá / MatoGrosso / 256.81 / 309.22 / 2.79 / Amazonia / 306314 / 30 - 60% / Present / JP2 / NT / 1 / Very High
Maranhãozinho / Maranhão / 256.45 / 305.96 / 3.94 / Amazonia / 2025 / < 5000 ha / Absent / JP1 / NT / 0 / High
Ourilândia do Norte / Pará / 255.91 / 309.54 / 0.4 / Amazonia / 948561 / > 60% / Present / JP2 / NT / 1 / Extremely high
Campo Novo de Rondônia / Rondônia / 254.96 / 311.27 / 6.5 / Amazonia / 136936 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Cidelândia / Maranhão / 253.95 / 184.72 / 8.91 / Amazonia / 15698 / < 20%, >10000 ha / Absent / JP5CN / NT / 0 / Very High
Peixoto de Azevedo / MatoGrosso / 253.83 / 298.54 / 1.67 / Amazonia / 989174 / > 60% / Present / JP2 / NT / 1 / Very High
Jacundá / Pará / 253.68 / 151.41 / 6.5 / Amazonia / 29945 / < 20%, >10000 ha / Absent / JP5CN / NT / 0 / High
Cantá / Roraima / 252.95 / 250.49 / 0.92 / Amazonia / 525015 / > 60% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Querência / MatoGrosso / 252.39 / 226 / 2.44 / Amazonia / 1048299 / 30 - 60% / Present / JP2 / NT / 1 / Very High
Francisco Beltrão / Paraná / 251.68 / 122.46 / 2.05 / Atlantic Forest / 1431 / < 5000 ha / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 4 / Not Priority
EspigãoD'Oeste / Rondônia / 251.48 / 289.32 / 1.83 / Amazonia / 216005 / 30 - 60% / Present / JP4CB / NT / 2 / Extremely high
São José do Xingu / MatoGrosso / 250.6 / 215.83 / 1.76 / Amazonia / 281776 / 30 - 60% / Present / JP2 / NT / 1 / Very High
Miranteda Serra / Rondônia / 250.54 / 263.3 / 3.25 / Amazonia / 35997 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Santa Tereza do Oeste / Paraná / 250.29 / 115.41 / 2.04 / Atlantic Forest / 1259 / < 5000 ha / Absent / JP3 / CR / 3 / Extremely high
Nova Ipixuna / Pará / 249.31 / 114.2 / 7.36 / Amazonia / 23689 / < 20%, >10000 ha / Absent / JP5CN / NT / 1 / Very High
Cacaulândia / Rondônia / 248.85 / 242.59 / 7.98 / Amazonia / 48597 / 20 - 30% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Monte Negro / Rondônia / 247.31 / 259.19 / 7.85 / Amazonia / 55808 / 20 - 30% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Cacoal / Rondônia / 246.81 / 274.06 / 2.03 / Amazonia / 129660 / 30 - 60% / Present / JP4CB / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Vargeão / Santa Catarina / 246.14 / 194.22 / 0.55 / Atlantic Forest / 1189 / < 5000 ha / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 3 / Very High
Ariquemes / Rondônia / 244.4 / 227.38 / 5.9 / Amazonia / 121450 / 20 - 30% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 2 / Not Priority
Nova Ubiratã / MatoGrosso / 243.77 / 220.21 / 3.98 / Amazonia / 683755 / 30 - 60% / Present / JP2 / NT / 1 / Very High
Confresa / MatoGrosso / 242.38 / 208.3 / 7.31 / Amazonia / 162876 / 20 - 30% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 1 / High
Maranhão / 241.97 / 281.54 / 1.44 / Amazonia / 11354 / < 20%, >10000 ha / Absent / JP1 / NT / 0 / Very High
HonórioSerpa / Paraná / 241.03 / 120.81 / 1.09 / Atlantic Forest / 3552 / < 5000 ha / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 4 / Not Priority
Juína / MatoGrosso / 240.91 / 309.07 / 0.66 / Cerrado / 2192173 / > 60% / Present / JP4CB / EN / 2 / Extremely high
Guarantã do Norte / MatoGrosso / 240.36 / 259.12 / 4.83 / Amazonia / 161417 / 30 - 60% / Present / JP2 / NT / 1 / Very High
Manfrinópolis / Paraná / 240.31 / 111.63 / 1.45 / Atlantic Forest / 242 / < 5000 ha / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 4 / Not Priority
Gaúcha do Norte / MatoGrosso / 239.78 / 203.78 / 2.03 / Amazonia / 987778 / 30 - 60% / Present / JP2 / NT / 1 / Very High
Ouro Verde / Santa Catarina / 239.68 / 96.02 / 0.29 / Atlantic Forest / 228 / < 5000 ha / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 3 / Very High
São José das Palmeiras / Paraná / 238.4 / 70.58 / 0.64 / Atlantic Forest / 2823 / < 5000 ha / Absent / JP4CB / CR / 4 / High
Mucajaí / Roraima / 237.87 / 314.99 / 0.83 / Amazonia / 769106 / > 60% / Absent / JP3 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
São José do Cedro / Santa Catarina / 237.38 / 99.02 / 0.55 / Atlantic Forest / 1282 / < 5000 ha / Absent / JP3 / CR / 3 / Very High
Mariópolis / Paraná / 236.17 / 102.73 / 0.64 / Atlantic Forest / 669 / < 5000 ha / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 3 / Not Priority
Vila Rica / MatoGrosso / 236.03 / 250.43 / 6.5 / Amazonia / 272166 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 1 / High
São Bernardino / Santa Catarina / 235.59 / 111.6 / 0.68 / Atlantic Forest / 1028 / < 5000 ha / Absent / JP5CN / CR / 3 / Not Priority
AlvoradaD'Oeste / Rondônia / 234.13 / 264.9 / 2.37 / Amazonia / 86194 / 20 - 30% / Absent / JP2 / NT / 2 / Extremely high
Bannach / Pará / 232.41 / 245.83 / 7.56 / Amazonia / 78795 / 20 - 30% / Present / JP2 / NT / 1 / High
Arame / Maranhão / 232.23 / 200.6 / 2.21 / Amazonia / 102328 / 30 - 60% / Absent / JP5CN / NT / 0 / Very High
PimentaBueno / Rondônia / 231.8 / 263.68 / 2.54 / Amazonia / 285206 / 30 - 60% / Present / JP4CB / NT / 2 / Very High
Vitória do Xingu / Pará / 230.7 / 175.17 / 6.27 / Amazonia / 64266 / 20 - 30% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 1 / Extremely high
Vilhena / Rondônia / 230.68 / 301.03 / 0.67 / Amazonia / 835356 / > 60% / Absent / JP4CB / NT / 2 / Extremely high

* The 159 municipalities shown here are the result of our primary analysis which focussed on the use of the Reusch & Gibbs (2008) carbon dataset. However in Supplementary Material (Appendix S6), we investigated how our results would be affected by the use of a different dataset (Saatchi et al 2011). In some municipalities, Saatchi et al (2011) provide a lower estimate for tonnes of carbon per hectare in remnant forest; consequently, fewer municipalities met our threshold criteria being “High carbon” (>230 Tonnes C/ha) and thus fewer municipalities were selected as REDDspots (n=103).