Mathematics 32BSpring2016informationsheet

March 12,2016

Instructor:Chuntian Wang



Instructor’s website:

We will use the MyUCLA grading program to post grades for homework and exams.

Instructor Office Hours: Tuesday 3:00-5:00 pm andFriday 2:30-3:30 pm in 7354 Math Sciences Building

Lectures:Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 1-1:50 pm in 4000A Math Sciences Building

Teaching Assistants:Erid Auld (),

Edward Chou ().

Reader:Qianhui Zhang ()

TA Office Hours:TBA

Discussions:C: T, Th 1:00-1:50 pm, in PAB 2748, MS 6229, MS 5147, MS 5137.

Textbook:J. Rogawski, Multivariable Calculus, 3rd Ed., W.H. Freeman & CO.

Other references (not required): Vector Calculus, Jerrold E. Marsden, Anthony J. Tromba, 5th Ed. W. H. Freeman and Company

Topics: topics related to integration in several variables, culminating in the theorems of Green, Gauss and Stokes.

For more info and a rough schedule see

There also you can find course requirements and prerequisites.

Student Math Center: located in MS 3974, will re-open on Wednesday, March 30, 2016. The hours of operation are: Monday through Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Homework:The homework is assigned weekly every Fridayand collectedon Friday, at the beginning of the lecture, and will be returned in the discussion sessions (Tuesday and Thursday) next week.The only exceptions are the first homework and the 4th homework, which will be collected on Mondays, April 4 and April 25 respectively (see the tentative schedule).

There will beno make-up homework, butthe lowest homework score will be dropped in the computation of your final grade.

You may discuss homework problems with other students, the TA or me. In fact, the right kind of discussion can be quite valuable. I do expect two things, though: (i) you should try seriously to do the exercise yourself before discussing it with anyone, and (ii) you should write up the solution yourself after understanding it thoroughly, without following someone else's written version.

Please putthefollowinginformationintheupperrighthandcornerofthefirstpage:

•Which discussion Section are you in



•Student ID #.


Please label the chapter + section number as well as the problem number. All these are for your benefits by means of facilitating the grading process.

Examinations: Examinations and quizzes will be closed book and no calculators can be used.

The first midterm will beFriday,April 22, during the regular class hour, in 4000A

The second midterm will be Monday, May 15, during the regular class hour, in4000A

The final exam will be Monday, June 6, 2016, 3:00pm-6:00pm, location will be announced as soon as possible.

Exams requirements:YoumustbringavalidphotoID(likebruincard)toeveryexam,andyoumustsigneveryexamyoutake.Forgradingcomplaintsandregardingrequests(forhomeworkandmidterms)pleasecontacttheinstructorwithin1weekofreceivingyourgradedexam.

Grade policy:Your scores will be computed as the maximum of the following two schemes: Homework:20%,the first midterm is 20%, the second midterm 20%,andthefinal40%.

Please noteagainthatthefinalmustbetakentoreceiveapassinggrade.

Specialaccommodation: If you are registered OSDstudentsplease contactmeassoon as soonaspossible.

Disputing grades: If you have questions aboutthe grading of your homework and exams, you may request a re-grade within one week.

Course Schedule (subject to change)

Week / Date / Sections / Topics
1 / Mon Mar 28 / 16.1 / Introduction; Review of integration; Double integrals over a rectangle
Wed Mar 30 / 16.1 / The double integral over a rectangle; Double integrals over more general regions
Fri Apr 1 / 16.2 / Double integrals over more general regions
2 / Mon Apr 4 / 16.3 / Triple integrals (HW1due)
Wed Apr 6 / 12.3 / Review of polar coordinates
Fri Apr 8 / 16.4 / Integration in polar coordinates(HW2 due)
3 / Mon Apr 11 / 16.4 / The change of variables theorem
Wed Apr 13 / 16.5 / The change of variables theorem; Cylindrical and spherical coordinates
Fri Apr 15 / 16.6 / The change of variables theorem; Cylindrical and spherical coordinates (HW3 due)
4 / Mon Apr 18 / 16.6 / Applications of multiple integrals
Wed Apr 20 / 17.1 / Vector fields
Fri Apr 22 / Midterm 1
5 / Mon Apr 25 / 17.1 / Vector fields(HW4 due)
Wed Apr 27 / 17.2 / Path integrals (line integrals) of scalar elds; Path integrals (line integrals) of vector fields
Fri Apr 29 / 17.2 / Path integrals (line integrals) of scalar elds; Path integrals (line integrals) of vector fields (HW5 due)
6 / Mon May 2 / 17.3 / Conservative vector fields
Wed May 4 / 17.3 / Conservative vector fields
Fri May 6 / 17.4 / Parametrized surfaces (HW6 due)
7 / Mon May 9 / 17.4 / Parametrized surfaces
Wed May 11 / 17.5 / Surface integrals
Fri May 12 / 18.1 / Surface integrals(HW7 due)
8 / Mon May 15 / Midterm 2
Wed May 17 / 18.1 / Green’s Theorem
Fri May 19 / 18.1 / Green's Theorem(HW8 due)
9 / Mon May 22 18.2 / 18.2 / Stokes Theorem
Wed May 24 / 18.2 / Stokes Theomorem
Fri May 26 / 18.2 / Stokes Theorem (HW9 due)
10 / Mon May 30 / Holiday
Wed Jun 1 / 18.3 / The Divergence Theorem(HW10 will not be collected)
Fri Jun 3 / 18.3 / The Divergence Theorem
Finals / Mon Jun 6 / Final Exam / 3:00pm-6:00pm