County Administration Building
102 East Front Street
Lillington, North Carolina
Regular Meeting
April 18, 20117:00 p.m.
- Order of Business -
- Reconvene – Chairman Timothy B. McNeill
- Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Vice Chairman Beatrice B. Hill
- Consider additions and deletions to the published agenda – Approved as amended
Added: 1) Approval of distribution of additional fund of the Federal and State
Home & Community Care Block Grant through Mid-Carolina Area Agency on
Aging for FY 2010-2011; 2) Emergency Service’s request for the acceptance of the
Interlocal agreements for debris removal for the towns of Coats, Erwin, Dunn and
Angier between Harnett County and Unified Recovery Group, LLC.; and 3)
Briefing from Mr. Gary Pope, Director of Emergency Services, regarding the recent
Vice Chairman Hill requested removal of the following from the consent agenda for discussion purposes: 1) The Sheriff’s Office requests approval of the Harnett County Detention Center Medical Plan; 2) The Sheriff’s Office requests permission to sign an agreement with the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement to begin the process for Harnett County Sheriff’s Office to receive accreditation from CALEA; and 3) The Sheriff’s Office requests permission to apply for a Continuation grant from the North Carolina Governor’s Highway Safety Program.
- Consent Agenda – All items on the revised consent agenda were approved
- Budget Amendments
- Tax refunds, rebates and releases
- The Sheriff’s Office requests approval of the Harnett County Detention Center Medical Plan. Harnett County contracts with Southern Health Partner to provide medical care to the Harnett County Detention Center. The Medical Plan is developed by Southern Health Partners. The plan meets or exceeds the requirements of the North Carolina Jail Standards. The Plan has been reviewed by Harnett County Legal Staff.
- The Sheriff’s Office requests permission to sign an agreement with the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement to begin the process for Harnett County Sheriff’s Office to receive accreditation from CALEA. The cost of the process is $10,400.
- The Sheriff’s Office requests permission to apply for a Continuation grant from the North Carolina Governor’s Highway Safety Program. The original grant was approved and received in 2010. The grant for FY 2011-2012 will provide funding for 70% of the cost of two deputies. Harnett County is asked to provide 30% ($35,356) of the Personnel cost the second year and 50% ($53,770) the third year. After the third year, Harnett County will be responsible for the funding of these positions.
- Emergency Services requests to implement a Paramedic Training Program that would allow current and new employees to be promoted upon obtaining a certification as a Paramedic as set forth in written guidelines.
- General Services requests approval of the HARTS System Safety Program Plan (SSPP). The proposed plan brings Harnett County into compliance with federal and state Grant Management Requirements and follows the FTA requirements and policies.
- Resolution to add roads to state system
- Approval of distribution of additional fund of the Federal and State
Home & Community Care Block Grant through Mid-Carolina Area Agency
on Aging for FY 2010-2011
J. Emergency Service’s request the acceptance of the Interlocal agreements for debris removal for the towns of Coats, Erwin, Dunn and Angier between Harnett County and Unified Recovery Group, LLC.
5. Period of up to 30 minutes for informal comments allowing 3 minutes for each
Presentation - No one spoke.
6. Appointments
Pat Cameron was reappointed to serve on this board.
7. Public Hearing: Comprehensive Transportation Plan for Harnett County. Consider adoption of the plan and resolution, Tyler D. Bray, NC DOT – no one spoke - Approved
Briefing from Mr. Gary Pope, Director of Emergency Services, regarding the recent
8. Public Hearing: Proposal to abolish existing fire protection service districts and establish new fire protection service districts, Gary Pope, Director of Emergency Services and Jennifer Slusser, Staff Attorney
- Everett Smith, 3546 Leggett Road, asked about the availability of fire hydrants saying there are none in the area where he lives.
- Carl Sherman, 1135 Joel Johnson Road, shared his concerns regarding the realignment. Mr. Sherman said he believed other communities have excess monies and equipment because they live in heavily developed areas and asked why he should be offered any less services with no full time firemen during the day. Mr. Sherman questioned the possibility of a universal tax rate.
Vice Chairman Hill said she has requested information regarding the number of African Americans in the Sheriff’s Office several times which she has yet to receive.
- The Sheriff’s Office requests approval of the Harnett County Detention Center Medical Plan. Harnett County contracts with Southern Health Partner to provide medical care to the Harnett County Detention Center. The Medical Plan is developed by Southern Health Partners. The plan meets or exceeds the requirements of the North Carolina Jail Standards. The Plan has been reviewed by Harnett County Legal Staff. - Approved
- The Sheriff’s Office requests permission to sign an agreement with the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement to begin the process for Harnett County Sheriff’s Office to receive accreditation from CALEA. The cost of the process is $10,400. - Approved
- The Sheriff’s Office requests permission to apply for a Continuation grant from the North Carolina Governor’s Highway Safety Program. The original grant was approved and received in 2010. The grant for FY 2011-2012 will provide funding for 70% of the cost of two deputies. Harnett County is asked to provide 30% ($35,356) of the Personnel cost the second year and 50% ($53,770) the third year. After the third year, Harnett County will be responsible for the funding of these positions. - Approved
9. County Manager’s report – Scott T. Sauer, County Manager
· Resolution for 2% local sales tax for schools
Mr. Sauer presented for consideration a resolution of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners petitioning its legislative delegation for a two percent local sales tax for public school construction and financing. The resolution sought this legislative authority effective January 1, 2012, and to sunset on January 1, 2037. - Approved
· Veteran Affairs Activities Report March 2011
· Landfill Billing March 2011
· Public Health Activities Report March 2011
· Planning Services Report March 2011
10. Closed session
Commissioner moved that the Board go into closed session for the following purposes:
(1) To consider and give instructions to the County legal staff concerning the handling of certain claims including but not limited to the following: The Worker’s Compensation Claim of Dennis Hall IC File No. 605182
(2) To discuss certain personnel matters.
11. New Business - none
12. Adjourn – 8:25 pm