3rd-5th February, 2015
Time / 3rd February, 2015 / 4th February, 2015 / 5th February, 2015
8:00 – 8:15 / Music led by Mike Rothery and Team / Music led by Mike Rothery and Team / Music led by Mike Rothery and Team / Check-out of Hotel for Field Visits
8:15 – 8:40 / Devotion Rev. James Mathenge,
World Vision Tanzania / Devotion Rev. James Mathenge,
World Vision Tanzania / Devotion Rev. James Mathenge,
World Vision Tanzania
8:40 – 8:45 / Welcome/Announcements David Erickson, ECHO Director & Chief Organizational Development Officer / Announcements - ECHO Moderator / Announcements - ECHO Moderator
8:45 - 9:00 / Break / Break / Break / Post Conference Options Field Visits
to view (i) Tissue culture lab, Bioconsult; (ii) AVRDC;
(iii) Rijk Zwaan Seed Production; (iv) Edwin Mtei – Zadok Kitomari – excellent small farmers - innovations - small additional cost required
9:00 - 10:00 / Opening Address: Scaling up Conservation Agriculture in Africa – linking the initiatives Dr. Saidi Mkomwa / Empowering Communities for better veterinary services
Dr. Beppe DiGiulio, Director of Veterinary Services and Consultancies (VSC) / A Biblical Basis to Motivate Rural Change Dr. Roger Sharland, REAP Kenya
10:00 - 10:30 / Break for Tea and bites / Break for Tea and bites / Break for Tea and bites
10:30 - 11:30 / Conservation agriculture reality check Putso Nyathi, CFGB/MCC Southern Africa Coordinator and Conservation Agriculture in Rwanda Matthew Gates, MCC-Rwanda / Regenerating Communities, Rangelands and Livelihoods in northern Kenya: a holistic approach
Richard Hatfield - Natural Capital East Africa / Agroforestry – Fruit forests Dr. Jeremias Mowo, World Agroforestry Center
11:30 - 11:45 / Break / Break / Break
11:45 - 12:45 / Large scale conservation agriculture in East Africa – enabling small farmers; Ekko Oosterhuis, Quality Food Products Ltd / Peace making among people in conflict Daniel Muvengi, World Vision
East Africa / Sand Dams in highlands Florence Nduku, UTOONI, Kenya
12:45 - 14:30 / Meal & viewing of posters from 2pm / Meal & Appropriate Technology Fair from 2pm / Meal & Official Poster Session from 2pm / End of Symposium
MAIN HALL / HALL B / HALL C / MAIN HALL / HALL B / HALL C / MAIN HALL / HALL B / HALL C14:30 - 15:15 / Panel Discussion of Conservation Agriculture Dr. Saidi Mkomwa, ACT; Patso Nyathi, CFGB/MCC / Temperate fruit tree manage-ment at the equator Juma Sheiza Shekidele, HORTI Tengeru / Capacity Building in Postharvest Technologies - Philipo Joseph, AVRDC & Postharvest International / Initiatives to mitigate banana diseases - Emmanuel Njukwe - IITA / Dairy Hub Business Model: a tool to transform farmers livelihoods Dr. Mark Tsoxo, Heifer Int’l Tanzania / Innovations for food security in dryland areas – Gladness Kampa, Global Service Corps / Farmer Managed Natural Regenera-tion
Amithay Kuhanda World Vision Tanzania / Five Value-chain studies Amato Masirika Serge
- IITA / Orange-fleshed Sweet Potatoes using conserva-tion agriculture Stephan Kuoko, HORTI Tengeru
15:30 - 16:15 / GM/CCs and Conservation Agriculture, Neil Miller, CFGB/MCC East Africa / Prioritizing practices to improve yields and profits of smallholder horticulture farmers in Tanzania Richard Pluke, TAPP Tanzania / Combatting mycotoxins contamina-tion in food -Dr Martin Epafras Kimanya -The Nelson Mandela IST / Combating Lethal Maize Necrosis - Bright Jumbo, CIMMYT / The Hive BeeKeeping Business Model Kelvin Odoombo, The Hive Group / Establishing a Global Industry for Commercial Food Production by Small African Farmers Edward Charles , Kilimo Markets Ltd / Vermicul-ture and Increasing Biological Soil Health - Graham Stevenson / Integrating community health and food security in Burundi Nestor Niyukuri, Anglican Church of Burundi / Hay-making as a youth enterprise - Sjoerd Duiker, Penn State Univ
16:15 – 16:30 / Break for Tea and bites / Break for Tea and bites; Appropriate Technology Fair / Break for Tea and bites & Poster viewing
16:30 - 17:15 / CA Ox-Drawn and 2 wheel tractor implements Dr. John Sariah, Selian Agric. Research Inst. & Tim Roberts, TAA UK / A quest for inclusive growth- measuring the GDP of a small holder farmer
Bart Casier - TRIAS / Green manure/ cover crops research findings Joy Longfellow, ECHO South Africa / Newcastle Disease Control & Rural poultry Dr. Heshborne Tindih,Galvmed Kenya / Why and how to keep African bees
Ted Rabenold, African Bee-keeping / Under-ground Grain Storage - a Low-cost Option - Lister Nyang’anyi / System of Rice Intensifica-tion Mwadhini Myanza, Director IRTECO Morogoro / Nutrition and food security - Caroline Numuhire, Gardens for Health Rwanda / Is popula-tion education part of your develop-ment agenda? Erwin Kinsey, ECHO
17:30 - 19:00 / Free networking time among participants and presenters / Free time
19:00 ~ / Closing Banquet - all participants!
ECHO East Africa Biennial Symposium 2015Sustainable Agriculture Best Practices
APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY FAIR ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 4TH FEBRUARY, 2015 2PM-5PMECHO East Africa Biennial Symposium 2015Sustainable Agriculture Best Practices
(a)Energy Improved stoves(b)Passive solar water heater
(c)Solar Panels
(d)Fixed dome Biogas
(f)Bicycle power
(g)Local Tractors
(h)Water Filters
ECHO East Africa Biennial Symposium 2015Sustainable Agriculture Best Practices