ELA – Grade 2- Unit 2 - ELL Scaffold

Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 1
Speaking / Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges. / Describe actions of characters using a story map and/or a character web. / VU:Character, event, challenge
LFC:Present and past progressive
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Describe how characters respond to major events and challenges in a story in L1 and/or by connecting characters and main events with key content-based single words, gestures or answering yes/no or either/or questions. / Describe how characters respond to major events and challenges in a story in L1 and/or in phrases with sentence frames. / Describe how characters respond to major events and challenges in a story using simple sentences, general and key content-based vocabulary. / Describe how characters respond to major events and challenges in a story using complete sentences, specialized and some content-based vocabulary. / Describe how characters respond to major events and challenges in a story using complex sentences with content-based language
Learning Supports / Story map
Word wall
L1 support
Choice questions / Story map
Word wall
L1 support
Prompts from a Partner
Sentence frames / Story map
Word wall / Story map / Story map
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 2
Speaking / Examine the illustrations, individual word choices or phrases within a story (print or digital) to describe character traits, setting or plot. / Describe character traits, setting or plot using illustrations, word choices and a word wall. / VU: Traits, word choice
LFC: Descriptive terms
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Describe character traits, setting or plot in L1 and/or using single words to answer choice questions. / Describe character traits, setting or plot in L1 and/or using phrases to complete sentence frames in English. / Describe character traits, setting or plot using simple related sentences and key content-based vocabulary. / Describe character traits, setting or plot using complete sentences and key content-based vocabulary. / Describe character traits, setting or plot using complex sentences and content-based vocabulary.
Learning Supports / Illustrations
Word wall
L1 support
Cloze sentences
Choice questions / Illustrations
Word wall
L1 support
Sentence frames / Illustrations
Word wall / Illustrations / Illustrations
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 3
Speaking / Ask and answer questions pertaining to who, what, when, and where using key details or facts from the text. / Ask and answer questions related to “wh” questions (i.e. who, what, when, and where) using information from text using a graphic organizer and/or word wall. / VU: Question words: who, what, when, and where
LFC: Verb, verb phrases (do/does; is/are), interrogative and declarative sentence structure
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Ask and answer “who, what, when, and where” questions fromleveledtext in L1 and/or in single words that represent ideas using phrase patterns and general, content-related vocabulary. / Ask and answer “wh” questions from leveled text in L1 and/or phrase and short sentences that represent ideas using formulaic sentence patterns and general, content-based vocabulary. / Ask and answer questions from adapted text in simple sentences that represent multiple, related ideas using repetitive structures and key, content-based vocabulary. / Ask and answer questions from grade 1-2 text complexity levelin expanded and some complex sentences that represent organized ideas with a variety of grammatical structures and content-based vocabulary. / Ask and answer questions from grade level text in clear and coherent writing using multiple, complex sentences with a variety of grammatical structures and precise, content-based vocabulary.
Learning Supports / Graphic organizer
L1 text and/or supportLeveled text
Word wall
Gestures / Graphic organizer
L1 text and/or supportLeveled text
Word wall
Sentence frames / Graphic organizer
Leveled textWord wall
Template (Teacher made)
Partner / Graphic organizer
Grade 1-2 text complexity level / Graphic organizer
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 4
Speaking / Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text. / Identify orally the main idea of a multi-paragraph textusing a graphic organizer. / VU: Main idea
LFC: Simple related sentences
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Identify the main idea of a multi-paragraph text in L1 and/or aleveled text read aloud by viewing and pointing to illustrations and key words and/or answering choice questions. / Identify the main idea of a multi-paragraph text in L1 and/or aleveled text read aloud in English by matching illustrations to key words and phrases. / Identify the main idea of a multi-paragraph text by answering orally in complete sentences with some content-based vocabulary. / Identify the main idea of a multi-paragraph text by answering orally in complete sentences with some content-based vocabulary. / Identify the main idea of a multi-paragraph text by answering orally in detailed sentences of varying lengths with content-based vocabulary.
Learning Supports / Graphic organizer
Word wall
L1 text and/or support
Yes/no or either/or questions / Graphic organizer
Word wall
L1 text and/or support
Sentence frames / Graphic organizer
Word wall / Graphic organizer
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 5
CCSS: RI.2.3
Speaking / Describe connections between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or procedures in a text. / Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas, concepts or proceduresusing timelines. / VU: Historical, relationship, scientific, timeline
LFC: Nouns, pronouns, conjunctions, transitional phrases
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Describe connections between a series of historical events in L1 and/or match pictures with information using single words or phrase patterns and general, content-related vocabulary. / Describe connections between a series of historical events in L1 and/or identify important information from using phrases and short sentences with formulaic patterns and general, content-based vocabulary. / Describe connections between a series of historical events using simple sentences with repetitive structures and key, content-based vocabulary. / Describe connections between a series of historical events using expanded and some complex sentences with a variety of grammatical structures and content-based vocabulary. / Describe connections between a series of historical events using multiple, complex sentences with a variety of grammatical structures and precise, content-based vocabulary.
Learning Supports / L1 text and/or support
Leveled text
Timelines / L1 text and/or support
Leveled text
Timelines / Adapted text
Small groups / Timelines / Timelines
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 6
RI.2.4; RI.2.5
Speaking / Identify and use various text features (e.g., captions), to locate key facts or information and to determine the meaning of words and phrases relevant to a grade two topic. / Answer comprehension questions by applying information gained from text features and the text using pictures and graphs. / VU: Captions, charts, graphs
LFC:Prepositional phrases
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Answer comprehension questions in L1 by applying information gained from text features and/or in English using gestures and single key words from leveled text read aloud. / Answer comprehension questions in L1 by applying information gained from text features and/or in English using short phrases and key content-based vocabulary from leveled text read aloud. / Answer comprehension questions by applying information gained from text features in adapted grade level text using simple sentences and key content-based vocabulary. / Answer comprehension questions by applying information gained from text features in texts within the grade 1-2 complexity level using complete sentences and some content-based vocabulary. / Answer comprehension questions by applying information gained from text features in grade level text using detailed sentences of varying length and content-based vocabulary.
Learning Supports / Graphs
Leveled text
L1 text and/or support
Choice questions (yes/no or either/or) / Graphs
Leveled text
L1 text and/or support
Pictures / Graphs
Adapted text / Graphs
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 7
Speaking / Identify the main purpose of a text and what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe. / Identify whether the author’s purpose is to answer, explain, or describe in the text using guiding questions. / VU: Identify, purpose,
LFC: Subject-verb agreement
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Identify whether the author’s purpose is to explain or describe using L1 and/or by pointing to pictures that represent an explanation or description. / Identify whether the author’s purpose is to answer, explain, or describe using L1 and/orby matching phrases and short sentences with pictures and purpose. / Identify whether the author’s purpose is to answer, explain, or describe producing simple sentences using repetitive structures and key, content-based vocabulary. / Identify whether the author’s purpose is to answer, explain, or describe producing expanded and some complex sentences with a variety of grammatical structures and content-based vocabulary. / Identify whether the author’s purpose is to answer, explain, or describe using multiple, complex sentences with a variety of grammatical structures and precise, content-based vocabulary.
Learning Supports / L1 text and/or supportLeveled text
Guiding questions
Gestures / L1 text and/or support
Leveled text
Guiding questions
Phrases / Adapted text
Guiding questions / Guiding questions / Guiding questions
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 8
CCSS: RI.2.7
Speaking / Describe an image (e.g., picture, graphic) from a text and explain how the image contributes and clarifies the text. / Describe and explain how an image contributes to the understanding of the text using visuals. / VU: Describe, explain, image, contribute
LFC: Present progressive text, adverbs, adjectives
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Describe and explain how an image contributes to the text in L1 and/or repeat single words that match a description of the image using general, content-related vocabulary. / Describe and explain how the images contribute to the textusing L1 and/or phrases and short sentences in formulaic sentence patterns and general, content-based vocabulary. / Describe and explain how an image contributes to the text producing simple sentences using repetitive structures and key, content-based vocabulary. / Describe and explain how an image contributes to the text producing expanded and some complex sentences with an emerging complexity of grammatical structures and content-based vocabulary. / Describe and explain how an image contributes to the text in clear and coherent, complex sentences with a variety of grammatical structures and precise, content-based vocabulary.
Learning Supports / L1 text and/or support
Visuals / L1 text and/or support
Visuals / Partner
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 9
CCSS: RI.2.8
Speaking / Describe how reasons support specific points the author makes in a text. / Describethe reasons the author gives to support his point of viewusing a graphic organizer. / VU: Describe
LFC: Present progressive text, adverbs, adjectives
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Describe the reasons the author gives to support his point of view in L1 and/or using single words that represent ideas of supporting points found in the text. / Describe the reasons the author gives to support his point of view using L1 and/or using formulaic phrase patterns and general, content-based vocabulary. / Describe the reasons the author gives to support his point of view by using simple sentences with repetitive patterns and key content-based vocabulary. / Describe the reasons the author gives to support his point of view producing expanded and some complex sentences with a variety of grammatical structures and content-based vocabulary. / Describe the reasons the author gives to support his point of viewusing multiple, complex sentences with a variety of grammatical structures and precise, content-based vocabulary.
Learning Supports / L1 text and/or support
Graphic organizer / L1 text and/or support
Graphic organizer / Small groups
Graphic organizer
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 10
CCSS: RI.2.9
Speaking / Compare and contrast the most important points presented by two texts on the same topic. / Compare and contrastthe main points in two texts with the same theme using a Venn Diagram. / VU: Compare and contrast,Venn diagram
LFC: Adjectives, conjunctions, comparatives, superlatives
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Compare and contrast two similarly themed stories using L1 and/or use single words that represent ideas using phrase patterns and general, content-related vocabulary. / Compare and contrast two similarly themed stories using L1 and/or using phrases and short sentences in formulaic sentence patterns and general, content-based vocabulary. / Compare and contrast two similarly themed stories from two adapted texts using simple related sentences with repetitive patterns and key content-based vocabulary. / Compare and contrast two similarly themed stories from text within the grade 1-2 text complexity levelusing complete sentences of emerging complexity with content-based vocabulary. / Compare and contrast two similarly themed grade level stories producing clear and coherent ideas using multiple, complex sentences with a variety of grammatical structures and precise, content-based vocabulary.
Learning Supports / L1 text and/or support
Venn diagram
Small group
Gestures / L1 text and/or support
Venn diagram
Small group
Sentence frames / L1 text and/or support
Venn diagram / Venn diagram / Venn diagram
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 11
Listening / Read regularly spelled one-syllable words correctly by distinguishing long and short vowels. / Distinguish between long and short vowel sounds in one-syllable words using a vowel chart, pictures and other manipulatives.
Note: ELLs at lower ELP levels need to know vocabulary of targeted phonics words. Also some of the English vowel sounds may not exist in the first language so ELLs may have difficulty hearing and producing some sounds. / VU: Long, short vowel
LFC:Follow directions
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Distinguish between long and short vowel sounds in common, known one syllable words. / Distinguish between long and short vowel sounds in one syllable familiar words used in phrases. / Distinguish between long and short vowel sounds in one-syllable words from leveled texts. / Distinguish between long and short vowel sounds in one-syllable, content-based vocabulary words from texts with grade 1-2 complexity levels. / Distinguish between long and short vowel sounds in one-syllable, nonsense and content-based vocabulary words from grade level texts.
Learning Supports / Partner
Word Wall
Vowel Chart
L1 support
/ Partner
Word Wall
Vowel Chart
L1 support
/ Partner
Word Wall
/ Partner
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 12
Speaking / Associate symbols (graphemes) withsounds (phonemes), and sounds with symbols, for vowel digraphs (e.g. ai, ea, ee, ie, oa, oo); for vowel diphthongs (e.g. au, ou/ow, oi/oy); for r-controlled vowels (e.g. ar, er, ir, or,
Apply vowel pattern pronunciation generalizations to read words with these vowel digraphs, vowel diphthongs, and r-controlled vowels. / Apply vowel pattern rules, when reading, using pictures and vowel chart.
Note: ELLs at lower ELP levels need to know vocabulary of targeted phonics words. Also some of the English vowel sounds may not exist in the first language so ELLs may have difficulty hearing and producing some sounds. / VU: Digraph, diphthongs
LFC: Follow directions
LC: Varies by ELP level
ELP 1 / ELP 2 / ELP 3 / ELP 4 / ELP 5
Language Objectives / Apply vowel pattern rules, when reading common, known,single words. / Apply vowel pattern rules, when reading words and phrases from leveled texts. / Apply vowel pattern rules, when reading from leveled texts. / Apply vowel pattern rules, when reading from texts with grade 1-2 complexity levels. / Apply vowel pattern rules, when reading from grade level texts.
Learning Supports / Partner
Word Wall
Vowel Chart
L1 support
Manipulatives / Partner
Word Wall
Vowel Chart
L1 support
Manipulatives / Partner
Word Wall / Partner
Student Learning Objective (SLO) / Language Objective / Language Needed
SLO: 13
Speaking / Decode regularly spelled two-syllable words with long vowels. / Decode two syllable words with long vowel sounds using a vowel chart, pictures and other manipulatives.
NOTE: ELLs at lower ELP levels need to know vocabulary of targeted phonics words. Also some of the English vowel sounds may not exist in the first language so ELLs may have difficulty hearing and producing some sounds. / VU: Syllable