David Brearley Athletic Booster Club
321North 20th Street
Kenilworth, NJ 07033
Nadine Curtin – President
Gerda Felner – Vice President
Tia Tancs – Vice President
Maura Lynch – Treasurer
August, 2014
Dear Parents,
The September 2014-2015 school year will be upon us shortly. The Booster Club once again is asking for your support, to assist all Brearley athletes. Our first major fundraiser of the school year is to publish the “SPORTS PROGRAM BOOK.” The success of this initiative is very important to the organization.
We are soliciting ads for the booster book that is sold at all home football/soccer games. Enclosed is the price list. We will not be altering your ad, so be sure to submit it as you would like to see it appear in the book. If it is easier to submit your ad electronically, feel free to e-mail your ad to . If you need help or have questions, please call me at (908) 416-2261.
The Booster Club is grateful for the past support that parents and families have given to the Brearley High School athletes. We sincerely hope we can count on your support this coming year. If you wish to place an ad in our Sports Program, please fill out the enclosed form along with a check made payable to DB Athletic Booster Club for the correct amount and mail to: Nadine Curtin
321 North 20th Street
Kenilworth, NJ 07033
In order to have the Program Book ready for our first home games, we really need to have an early response to ensure there accuracy of the advertisements. The deadline for ads will be September 8th, 2014.
Membership is also a very important part of our organization. The Booster Club provides scholarships, awards and trophies and ancillary support to our student athletes. In order for your child to be eligible for a scholarship, you must be an active member of the Booster Club for at least two consecutive years. Enclosed please find the application for membership.
Thank you for your prompt attention in these matters.
Nadine Curtin
Chairperson Program Committee
David Brearley Athletic Booster Club
321North 20th Street
Kenilworth, NJ 07033
Nadine Curtin – President
Gerda Felner – Vice President
Tia Tancs – Vice President
Maura Lynch – Treasurer
August, 2014
Dear Parents,
Our membership drive for the David Brearley Athletic Booster Club is on. For those of you who are not familiar with our organization, we are a parent supported booster organization that supports all David Brearley athletic teams. We can’t do this work alone. We need the support of all of our parents in order to provide our children financial support for championship teams, mini awards/trophies, Senior Night recognition, and of course scholarships. The cost of membership will be the same as it was last year. Out of the $50.00 fee, $25.00 will be a work deposit. The work deposit is to help defer the cost of membership and also satisfy the criteria for active membership status.
The work deposit will be set up as follows. In order to be reimbursed $25.00, you must give your time to two (2) athletic home events WORKING IN THE BOOSTER STAND. Since the stand will be opened for all Fall sporting events, there should be no problem with committing to working just two (2) events. If you work two (2) events, you will receive your $25.00 work deposit back in December.
Our meetings are held on the second Thursday of every month at 7PM at the High School in Room #1 and are posted on school’s calendar. Look forward to seeing you there.
We hope that parents with children involved in sports programs, will continue to support our Booster Club. This will allow us to continue to strive to make the David Brearley Booster Club the best it can be and continue our work in raising money for scholarships.
ATHLETE’S NAME: ______GRADE: ______
PARENT NAME: ______SPORT: ______
ADDRESS: ______
TELEPHONE #: ______
I will be a member of the David Brearley Athletic Booster Club _____
Enclosed is my $50.00 fee ______Check #: ______
The David Brearley Athletic Booster Club is responsible for:
1. Purchasing the trophies for the MVP and Coaches award selections in all sports.
2. Providing scholarship money for senior athletes involved in athletics annually.
3. Making contributions to various sports teams’ conference championships.
4. Prepare and administer all fund raising activities:
- Annual Sports Program
- 50/50 program at all sporting events
- Operate the refreshment stand at all Home Football / Soccer games
- Recognition Day for Parents Day – Senior Athlete’s Day – Pop Warner Day.
Please complete the order form and return to: Nadine Curtin
321 North 20th Street
Kenilworth, NJ 07033
______1/8 Page $30.00
______1/4 Page $50.00 Name: ______
______1/2 Page $75.00 Address: ______
______Full Page $125.00 ______
Phone #: ______
Be sure to enclose a copy of the advertisement you would like to appear in the book.
Thanking you in advance for your support.
David Brearley Booster Club