ENGLISH II2016-2017
Peter Myers
972-427-6150 ext. 5350
Objectives: Students will demonstrate the ability to:
●develop an appreciation of world literature
●build grammar skills
●write effectively for a variety of purposes
●identify and analyze elements of nonfiction, fiction, and poetry
●illustrate the effective use of grammar and mechanics in original compositions
●utilize the tools of technology to develop and support effective writing
●work independently and collaboratively as appropriate within a given timeframe inside and outside of class
●build vocabulary skills
●develop skills necessary for succeeding on the TAKs test
●write essays as appropriate for college applications
Ongoing Assignments:
●Writer’s Notebooks—Students will complete keep Timed Writings and Grammar/Writing Practices in these notebooks throughout the year.
●AP Book Reviews— Students will complete two AP Book Reviews per semester on books they read outside of class. Students will need to meet with me to discuss their choices and sign up.
●Annotation of Texts – Students must annotate literary works studied throughout the year. Annotation is guided by literary elements and requires attention to careful reading.
●Vocabulary – Students are expected to learn new words and to utilize these terms in writing.
●Writing Assessments may include: Journal entries, Open-Ended Responses, Timed Writes, Creative Writing, Prewriting skills/drafts for major process papers
Grading and Evaluation:
●Tests / Major Projects 60% of six weeks average.
●Daily work / Homework 40% of six weeks average.
●It is the student’s responsibility to obtain makeup work from the assignment sheet posted in the class binder, the absent file folder on the wall, a classmate, and/or me immediately upon return from an absence.
●A student will have the amount of days he/she was absent to complete missed assignments. Makeup test/exams must be taken during tutoring hours by appointment within a reasonable time frame! (see student handbook for further guidelines).
●I will accept work ONE DAY late for a highest possible grade of a 70. It is the student’s responsibility to stop by my room and drop off said assignment. Not all work may be turned in late.
●Failure to turn an assignment in at the appropriate time and in the appropriate location could possibly result in a zero for that assignment.
●Extra Credit may be assigned in addition to, but not instead of, assigned work.
●All essays may be revised for additional credit throughout the year. In addition, if a student performs poorly on any grammar assignment, that student may attend tutoring to complete another assignment on that particular skill to improve his/her grade.
Cell Phones and Class Participation:
Class Discussion– at the dates shown on the Google Classroom calendar, a grade will be taken over your class discussion to date. Grading dates are usually the last day of every week. Holistic grading reviews active participation, active listening, note-taking, appropriate use of electronic devices allowing meaningful discussion, preparation for discussion.
●Generally you may not use camera or recording devices without specific permission each time you need to use them.
●Generally you may use reading, note taking, and internet search capabilities which are electronic, but please put devices up when asked to do so, or you may lose this privilege as an individual.
●You should not listen to music when anyone is speaking, or during group work.
●You may not listen to music or have electronic devices visible or in use during Testing or Major Grades.
●You may listen to music when you are reading to yourself (not class reading out loud), or when you are writing alone for a daily grade.
Off Task & Cell Phone Use –
includingnot knowing where we are, not following the discussion, not actively participating by taking notes or discussing or reading, being distracted by texting or non-productive electronic device use: will result in a zero for that day.
How the Weekly Daily Grade is calculated –
A 100 score is divided evenly between the number of days that week.
In a 4 days week, each day is worth 25 points of the 100 Weekly Daily Grade.
In a 5 days week, each day is worth 20 points.
A notation is made daily of any off-task behavior, based on the factors listed above. Any off-task behavior in the classroom for any day will result in a zero for that day.
For example, engaged for 3 days of a 4-day week = 75 points for Week1 Daily Grade.
For example, engaged for 4 days of a 5-day week = 80 points for Week1 Daily Grade.
Classroom Expectations
Be Respectful: Be respectful of yourself, your environment, your fellow classmates, and your teacher. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Be Safe: Every student has the right to a safe and secure classroom; you do not have the right to impede or jeopardize that in any way.
Be Cooperative: Our world demands that you work well with others. Think—choose wisely.
Be Peaceful: Simply put, be kind to each other—exercise self-control.
Be Responsible: Act rationally; choose wisely. Recognize your own role in building a fun and productive community of learners. Understand there will be consequences, both good and bad, for your actions.
- verbal warning
- call or letter home
- teacher detention
- office referral
Note: Discipline measures will vary depending upon the offense, and consequences may not necessarily be administered in the above order.
Class Supplies
●3-Ring Binder
●Notebook paper
●Composition Book
●Blue/black pens
●Highlighters/colored pencils
●Julius Caesar (2nd 6 weeks)
●The Scarlet Pimpernel (November)
Classroom Supplies
6th Period: 2 boxes of tissue
Fall Semester at a Glance
1st 6 WeeksAug. 24 - Oct. 1 / 2nd 6 Weeks
Oct 5 – Nov 6 / 3rd 6 Weeks
Nov 9 - Dec 18
Fahrenheit 451: Bradbury
Required Outside AP Readings / Literature:
Julius Caesar: Shakespeare
Required Outside AP Readings / Literature:
A Christmas Carol: Dickens
Maus II: Spiegelman
Timed Writings
Writer’s Notebook / Writing:
Timed Writings
Writer’s Notebook / Writing:
Timed Writing
Writer’s Notebook
Persuasive Introduction and Essay
SARs (2 Single)
PSAT/STAAR objective / STAAR Prep:
Persuasive Essay x2 (in class)
SAR Connected
Revising & Editing
PSAT/STAAR objective / STAAR Prep:
Persuasive Essay
SAR Single and Connected
Revising & Editing
PSAT/STAAR objective
Students, be advised that this is a tentative plan. The only cemented dates are due dates that are listed. You will need Julius Caesar by the second six weeks. There are free versions on all reading apps, if that is easier for you, or you may order No Fear versions.
My Class Schedule:
●1st - English II Pre-AP
●2nd - Law
●3rd - English II Pre-AP
●4th - English II
●5th - Conference
●6th - English II
●7th - EOC PD
●8th - English II
Tutorials - make an appointment or drop in
○Tuesday 7:20-7:40 a.m.
○Wednesday 7:20-7:40 a.m.
○Thursday 7:20-7:40 a.m.
○Friday 7:20-7:40 a.m.
○Monday 3:20-4:00 p.m.
○Tuesday 3:20-4:00 p.m.
○Wednesday 3:20-4:00 p.m.
○Thursday 3:20-4:00 p.m.
In addition to class announcements, information will be on Google Classroom.
Note to Parents: I look forward to teaching your student this year.
Lessons, dates, quizzes, tests, and assignments are subject to change.
Parents: If you have any questions, please set up an appointment to meet in person, call me on 214-734-9914 (while I may not answer if busy, Parents may call or text at any time), or send an email directly to .
Students: If you have questions or need help, please ask in class, or come to tutorials, or send an email to . (Students should never text unless as part of an approved school group that includes another teacher or administrator.)
Students: Please place this course syllabus in your binder behind cover sheet.
Student / Parent (Guardian) Agreement: we understand the information in this outline.
______Student Name ______
(print name)(signature)
______Parent/Guardian ______
(print name)(signature)
Parent contact information – only fill this out if you have no access to a computer:
Home Phone: ( ) ______
Cell Phone: ( ) ______
Work Phone: ( ) ______
Information I should know about your student:
Please turn this page in to Mr. Myers by the next class period.