Nominating Committee Guidelines


Historical Candidate List

(updated May 2015)

OLA Election Timeline (dates for 2015)

January 1: By this date or earlier, the President, with the approval of the Executive Board, shall appoint a Nominations Committee of at least two members to nominate candidates for all elective positions. The immediate Past President will serve as chair of the Nominations Committee. (Bylaws 2.0611)

January 15: Nominating committee will submit information no later than this date to the OLA Hotline Editor and Social Media Editor requesting suggestions for nominees for open positions and petitioning for self-selected nominees.

March 31: By this date a member's consent must be obtained in writing (email is acceptable) or verbally before his or her name may be placed on the ballot by the Nominations Committee

April 1: Nominations secured and candidate information to Association Manager for development of information web page and ballot

April 16: Announcement of candidates at OLA Annual Conference (Thursday lunch)

April 20: Ballots shall be made available by electronic means to each Active and Honorary Life member not later than six weeks after the Annual Meeting

Ballots shall be available for three weeks.

May 1: Association Manager sends out reminder to vote. Also, include reminder in Hotline.

May 7: Association Manager sends out 2nd reminder to vote (if turnout is low)

May 11: Elections close at end of day

Week of May 11: winners determined and notified by phone or in person by Nominating Committee chair.

After the election, either the President orVP/President-elect should reach out to the candidates who were not elected to let them know that their leadership is still valued. If there are any openings elsewhere in OLA they can be discussed with those candidates.

Week of May 19: Winners announced by Nominating Committee Chair via message to membership, and notice on libs-or and OLA Hotline.

Week of May 26: OLA President-Elect/VP connects with new Vice President-Elect on logistics for the OLA retreat (August 3-4)

June 5: President will announce the results of the election at the first Executive Board meeting after the election results are known.

June: Nominating Committee chair will write up an annual activity report to be posted with other reports in Memberclicks.


To find potential candidates, refer to the lists of OLA members who have been active in OLA committees, divisions, and round tables in recent years.

Remember, help is available. Include on the Nominating Committee people familiar with different Oregon geographic regions and strive to bring in candidates from various geographic regions.

OLA tradition is that public library candidates are nominated for VP/President-elect every other year. On the alternate year, candidates are drawn from academic, school and special libraries. For all positions, but especially the VP/President-elect position, be sure to consider support staff (SSD) and retired librarians. A list of recent past presidents can be found at

When approaching candidates, provide details about the duties (available in the Procedures Manual, Chapter 5), links to the relevant section of the bylaws and a copy of the job description. Also, provide information about the timing of the election cycle, upcoming retreat and meetings.

After accepting an invitation to be a candidate, provide details about what information needs to be collected. This includes ballot statements (it works well to share the link from the previous year's ballot. For 2015, the link is ), finding out who will be at the Thursday conference lunch, and communicating with the VP/President-elect candidates about their speeches (normally 5 minutes for each candidate).

Reserving a table at the front of the Thursday luncheon at the conference (when the speeches are heard) works well, as it ensures that the VP/Presidential candidates have easy access to the podium, is a way of recognizing all who are running, and gives them a chance to meet each other. It is also a good idea to gather preferred phone numbers in advance so that notification of election results can be done swiftly and efficiently. If a VP/President-elect candidate is unable to attend the conference and speak to the membership, a video recording statement is an option.

It is recommended that initial invitations to potential candidates be extended in December. This allows the first 2 people asked to run for a position time to consider without being rushed.

All candidates are normally asked to submit a photo and fill out this template. Note that items in parentheses are not included in the final ballot in memberclicks.

Name/Current Position and Library:
College and Post-graduate Education (school, degree, year):
Other ProfessionalInvolvementof Note (list up to five committees/offices/and years):
Five Personal Characteristics that will contribute to your carrying out theOLAoffice responsibilities if elected
Statement of "Why I would like to work in thisOLAposition" (limit to approx. 100 words):
Include a .jpg photo

When candidate profiles are received, provide feedback in order to maintain consistency regarding length and professionalism.

Recent voter participation statistics are:

·  2015: Board election: 260 votes (26%)

·  2014: Board Election: 301 votes (30.4%)

·  2013 Board Election: 281 votes (25.8%)

·  2012: Board Election 254 votes (the year we did not provide the username and password in the email) (32%)

·  2012: Special Election 302 votes (39%)

·  2011: Board Election 293 votes (42%)

·  2010: Board election 32%

The 2013 increase of individual votes, but decrease in percentage of votes may be due to the OASL merger. Future Nominating Committees should be mindful of encouraging all OLA members to be active participants in the election.

Potential Candidates

2015 Ballot

Elsa Loftis, Oregon College of Art and Craft (elected VP)

Karen Clay, Eastern Oregon University (not elected VP)

Stephanie Lind, WCCLS (elected treasurer)

Dan White, Scappoose Public Library (not elected treasurer)

Fawn McGee, Lake Oswego Public Library (elected secretary)

Lynne Mildenstein, Deschutes Public Library (not elected secretary)

2015 VP/President-elect potential candidates

Asked (declined) and willing to be asked again

Rachel Bridgewater

Anne-Marie Dietering

Diane Sotak

Hanna Gascho Rempel

Asked (declined)

Isaac Gilman

Kate Rubick

Janet Tapper

Roberta Richards

Susan Stone

Dale Vidmar

Jim Tindall

Suggested but not asked in 2015

Jennifer Snoek Brown

Susan Barnes Whyte

2015 Treasurer Candidates

Asked (declined)

Stuart Levy

Lynne Mildenstein (decided to run for secretary instead)

John Repplinger (willing to be asked again)

Dotty Ormes

2015 Secretary Candidates

Asked (declined)

Amy Hutchinson

Hillary Ostlund

2014 Ballot

Jane Corry (elected VP)

Esther Moberg (not elected VP)

Stephanie Debner (elected Secretary)

Thea Evenstad (not elected Secretary)

2014 VP/President-elect potential candidates

Caleb Tucker-Raymond (declined invitation, but open to being asked in the future)

Kirsten Brodbeck-Kenney, Lincoln City

Dan White, Scappoose

Marie Baldo, Hermiston

John Hunter, Woodburn

Jenny Berg, McMinnville

Jim Tindall, The Dalles, school librarian, past-president of OASL,

Liisa Sjoblom, Deschutes

Pam North, Sherwood (retired)

Ted Smith, Newport

Kirsten Brodbeck-Kenney, Lincoln City

Gary Sharp, North Bend

Bill Baars, Lake Oswego (a previous candidate)
Ann Scheppke, Salem Public
Colleen Winters, Forest Grove

Kate Lasky, Josephine Community libraries

Eva Calcagno (a previous candidate)

2014 Secretary potential candidates

Ian Duncanson, Beaverton City Library (declined, but open to being asked in the future)

Lori Moore, MCL

Anne-Marie Anderson, Tigard

Laurie Nordahl, North Bend School District

Sue Luddington, Washington County Law Library

Chris Jakel, MCL

Elaine Gass Hirsch, Lewis and Clark College

Rita Rivera, Cedar Mill

Jay Hadley, MCL

HillaryOstlund, Hillsboro Public Library

2013 VP/President-elect invitations; willing to be asked again:

Dale Vidmar, SOU

Anne-Marie Deitering, OSU

Karen Clay, EOU

Camila Gabaldon-Winningham, WOU

2013 Suggestions for VP/President-elect but not asked:

Doug Erickson, Lewis and Clark

Katie Cunnion, Umpqua CC

Jennifer Klaudinyi, Lane CC

Tina Hovekamp, Central Oregon CC

Luke Kralik, Tillamook Bay CC

Hannah Gascho Rempel, OSU

Jane Nichols, OSU

Rachel Bridgewater, Reed College

2013 Secretary invitations – all are willing to be asked again

Amy Hutchinson, Lake County Library District

Hillary Ostlund, Hillsboro Public Library

Ian Duncanson, Beaverton City Library

SamiPierson, Coos Bay Public Library

Sean H. Garvey, Tigard Public Library

Dana.Campbell Corvallis-Benton Public Library

2013 Treasurer invitations - willing to be asked again

Stuart Levy, Inza R. Wood Middle School

Suggestions received for 2013:


SamiPierson, Coos Bay Public Library

Robby Pietz, Oregon State Library


MarieBaldo, Hermiston Public Library

2012 Secretary invitations:
Emily-Jane Dawson, Multnomah County Library
Carrie Ottow, Corvallis-Benton County Public Library
Hillary Ostlund, Hillsboro Public Library - wants to be asked again
Sheryl Eldridge, Newport Public Library
April Witteveen, Deschutes Public Library - wants to be asked again in a couple of years
Arlene Weible, Oregon State Library
Dana Campbell, Corvallis-Benton County Public Library
Ian Duncanson - wants to be asked again next year
Kat Davis, Pendleton Public Library – retiring June 2013
Amy Hutchinson, Director, Lake County Library District, Lakeview

2012 President invitations:
Perry Stokes, Baker County Library
Robin Beerbower, Salem Public Library(now retired)

2010-2011 invitations for either VP/President-elect or Secretary:
Margaret Hazel – wants to be asked again to be a Secretary candidate
Eva Calcagno (President-elect candidate in 2011)
Rachel Bridgewater – indicated that she would be interested in the future.
Perry Stokes, Baker County
Elaine Gass Hirsch, Lewis and Clark College

Other people asked to fill either Treasurer or Secretary in 2011:
Rita Rivera, Cedar Mill Library, Head of Tech Services
Teresa Ferguson, Tigard Public Library
Wyma Rogers, Retired, former Director, Newport Public Library
Lynn Frost, Junction City
Denice Lee, Lebanon (now retired)
Andy Swanson, Klamath County Library Service District (now retired)
Kristynn Johnson, Eugene Public Library
Kelly Peterson, OIT