Work on all layers of each application and have gone through numerous versions of each product described. Still actively working on Claims Administration and Blue2 products. Spend about 60% of time on back-end and integration services, 40% on front-end work.
Claims Administration: developed the web application used to create claims for all state level Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance companies. The application is a Flex/Flash front end, communicating with JEE back end via BlazeDS. The back-end communicates with a Mainframe processing engine via JMS and native EBCDIC byte arrays (which are created on the Java side).
Blue2: Developed an inter-plan messaging system to securely exchange other types of messages necessary to process claims shared between two plans. The application is an HTML/JavaScript front end, communicating with a JEE back end via Ajax (Mootools). The back-ends also communicate with each other when sending messages via SOAP/JMS.
Blue Distinction: Created the Blue Distinction survey engine, which allows healthcare providers to become top tier providers by completing and processing surveys on quality of care. The application was an HTML/JavaScript front end, communicating with a JEE back-end over AJAX. Created the Client Web Service API for the application.
Tools: Java, Web Services (JAX-WS), JavaScript, XML, Flex/Flash/BlazeDS, JMS, Mootools, Websphere MQ, EJB, RAD, ClearCase, ANT / CHICAGO
(01/07-present) / OBJECTIVE ARTS
Work on both product development for Objective Arts as well as client engagements staffed by Objective Arts.
CANS Client Assessment Tool: Created a web application used by caseworkers to assess the progress of their clients. The application was designed to be very easy to implement and very easy to extend (modular design). The application has been implemented in several state level child and family services departments. The application is a GWT front-end application communicating to a Spring/Hibernate back-end over GWT/RPC.
Tools: GWT, GXT, Java, Spring MVC, Hibernate, SVN, Maven
Coventry Healthcare: Wrote the customer-facing portal that allows individuals the ability to see all aspects of their claims. The application was an HTML/XSLT front-end (XSLT in the client) on top of BEA Weblogic Portal in the back end over AJAX calls. The back-end aggregated information from a variety of different data sources, from local JDBC to remote WS calls.
Tools: BEA Weblogic Portal, Java, XSLT, XML
Illinois Department of Family and Children’s Services (DCFS): Wrote an application that provided Screening Assessment and Support Services (SASS) to children in psychiatric crisis. The application tracked a child’s progress through the entire treatment process-- from the initial crisis call intake through patient discharge.
Tools: Java, Spring, Spring MVC, Hibernate
University of Chicago:Wrote an application to populate ArcIMS, an application that creates dynamic maps for the web, using geospatial data and information extracted from Illinois DCFS databases.
Tools: Java, Spring, Hibernate, Spring MVC, MySQL, dBASE / CHICAGO
(02/06-present) / BLOGSTAMP.ORG
Created a service which creates and validates certified timestamps for character based content. A certified timestamp guarantees the time at which the content was created. The site was designed to be a back-end service to blog/cms software. It uses standard Java encryption packages and is accessed via a REST message over HTTP or HTTPS. Created a Drupal front-end client that transparently invokes the stamp service when new content is posted. Donated the client/module to the Drupal community; it is active on several websites and has been translated into other languages.
Tools: Java, digital certificates, NetBeans, OSX, PHP, MySQL, Drupal, Tomcat, CVS, Linux / EVANSTON
(contract: 07/06 – 07/07) / KRAFT FOODS
Supply Chain Architect: Designed global solution for data storage and maintenance for Manugistics software packages (demand planning, promotion, networks reporting). Performance tuned nightly batch schedule and applications that updated Manugistics database tables. Performed AIX system tuning and analysis, specifically the I/O stack. Performed hardware capacity modeling analysis and planning for the global supply chain group. Created automated testing application (and accompanying reports) used to monitor and report the Manugistics application response time from multiple countries. Created an application that enabled Control-M scheduling of ReportNet reports.
Tools: AIX, Selenium, Excel, Manugistics, Java, Cognos ReportNet, BMC Control-M / GLENVIEW
Developer: Created a web application for the global supply chain group. The application allowed clients to split demand forecast across many mixing centers and plants. The solution functioned similarly to an interactive spreadsheet and allowed clients to redistribute forecast in user-defined measurements and time intervals. The grids were large and data intensive; the biggest case had 30,000 input field cells and 25,000 historical value cells (on one screen).
Tools: Java, Spring, Spring MVC, Hibernate, JUnit, Manugistics, Oracle, WSAD, ClearCase
(contract: 07/05 – 07/06) / TRANSUNION
Developer: Created java application that returns consumer credit data to customers through a batch file interface. The application was able to handle 25M requests per hour— a fulfillment rate of 7000 requests per second. The application was backend agnostic and was tested against Sybase IQ, DB2 UDB, and Oracle RDBMSs.
Tools: Java, JDBC, Sybase IQ, DB2 UDB, Eclipse, Oracle / CHICAGO
Performance Tuning: Tuned a batch maintenance application expected to process 65M input records in a 20-hour day (900 records/second); each input record resulted in an average of 35 SQL statements (75% select/fetch) against a 10TB database. Before tuning, the system could process 555 records/second (60% of goal). Achieved SLA by reducing I/O Wait (through faster DASD and data de-normalization) and increasing concurrency (decreased AIX and DB2 CPU utilization).
Tools: Java, SQLJ, JProbe, Wily Introscope, TMON, DB2, zSeries, AIX, Eclipse, ClearCase
Enterprise Architect: Led design, implementation, and standardization of all IT related projects across all business channels. Created a message oriented enterprise environment using proven technologies and best of breed applications. Assisted and mentored engineers on principles of design, implementation, performance tuning, and agile methodologies. / CHICAGO Designed and wrote an application which offers product installation services to customers of retailers (e.g. and The application was accessed via a REST web service and a management GUI. Configured the runtime environment- a tomcat server-farm accessed via load balanced apache web servers. The site and services performed at sub 1-second response times during peak load.
Tools: Java, Spring, Hibernate, UML, STRUTS, XML, Zeus, CVS, WSAD, ANT, Anthill, JUnit, Tomcat, DB2, MySQL, Solaris Solely responsible for entire software stack and hardware platform. Decreased response time from 1466 ms to 579 ms and increased availability from 99.46% to 99.99%. This was achieved by tuning the java heap, better usage of caches, and by adding three new application server clones (2 vertical and 1 horizontal). Designed and implemented the total re-platforming of the previous website using Endeca and WebSphere Commerce Suite. Created and administered scalable, redundant n-tier hardware architecture that currently services 70 concurrent requests per second in sub two-second response times.
Tools: Java, EJB, XML, UML, ANT, Anthill, JUnit, WebSphere, WebSphere Commerce, ATG Dynamo, Endeca, JMS, WebSphere MQ, NetCelera, Apache, DB2, WSAD, CVS, Solaris, Linux
Order Management System: Solely responsible for the technical implementation of data conversion and data synchronization (interfaces) between a new order management system and 23 disparate internal and external systems. Performance tested and tuned the entire suite of enterprise applications and their integration points. Established the corporate standard for data integration and developed numerous extensions to the integration software package.
Tools: Java, CommercialWare CWDirect, Quovadx Cloverleaf, RPG, WebSphere MQ, iSeries
Product Information Database: Designed an n-tier internet application framework using STRUTS, Informix, and an object to relational mapping layer. Led the implementation of the framework as the company’s Product Information Database that houses over 100,000 skus.
Tools: Java, STRUTS, NetBeans, ATG Relational Views, DB2, Solaris
Senior Software Engineer: Developed new and ported existing product software enabling real-time viewing, trading and distribution of 401(k) funds on the web and over the phone. Developed UI frameworks, designed J2EE middleware, and led product implementation using WebSphere. Led client implementation and installation teams. Enhanced performance of a large application using caching and database optimizations. / CHICAGO
Net-Finance 401(k): Responsible for “productization” of custom client application. Created standardized development environment, deployment procedure and application structure using J2EE EAR/WAR specification. Created web-based order processing workflow modules to automate and simplify loan confirmations and document management. Developed numerous processing modules and data models. Implemented software at Northern Trust, Scudder Investments, Chicago Trust and Federated Investors.
Tools: Java, Edify, JMS, EJB, JBuilder, UML, SQL Server, COM, Pervasive DB, WebLogic, WebSphere, Custom MVC, XML, Log4J, CSS, ANT
Associate Consultant: Teamed with clients and consultants to define business/technical requirements and test applications. Developed and implemented a structured testing methodology at Heller Financial. Created impact assessment documents detailing Y2K business risks and performed Y2K readiness testing on 15 client/server and mainframe applications at Bank One.
Tools: Microsoft Access, SAS, Oracle, PSQL, COBOL / OAKBROOK
CERTIFICATES: / Expert’s Exchange Certified Java Programming Master
Sun Certified Developer for Java 2 Platform,
Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform
Brainbench Java 1, JavaScript Master, HTML 3.2 Master / EVANSTON
Gamma Sigma Alpha Honors Society, Chi Psi Fraternity, Varsity Soccer, Jujutsu Club
SKILLSET: / Language: / Java, PHP, DTD/XSD, EDIFY, SQL, UML, HTML, JavaScript, PowerBuilder
Sun Java: / J2SE (Core, RMI, JNDI, JNI), JEE (Servlet, JSP, EJB, JDBC, JMS, JAXB, JAX-WS)
IDE: / Websphere Application Developer (Eclipse), NetBeans, JBuilder, TogetherJ
Version Control: / SVN, CVS, ClearCase, PVCS, Visual SourceSafe
Persistence: / Hibernate, EJB, Spring, ATG RelationalViews, JDBC, SQLJ, Castor, Zeus, JDOM
Web Framework: / Spring MVC, STRUTS, ATG Droplet, IBM WCS, Drupal, Edify, Servlet
Commercial Package: / Endeca, WebSphere Commerce, CommercialWare CWDirect, Manugistics
Web Server: / Apache, IBMHTTPD, NetCelera Web Accelerator, IIS
Application Server: / IBM WebSphere, Apache Tomcat, ATG Dynamo, Jacada
Middleware: / WebSphere MQ, Quovadx Cloverleaf
Database: / DB2 (LUW, z/OS, iSeries), MySQL, Informix, SQL Server, Oracle, Access
Operating System: / Solaris, AIX, Linux, OSX, Win32, iSeries, DOS