U.S. Grant PBIS Lesson Plan

Setting: Playground (Safe)

Skills and Critical Rule:

·  Ask: What are some ways to BE SAFE on the playground.

Ask students to define what “being safe” means. Shape their responses into observable behaviors (e.g. if they say “to be nice” ask for examples of being nice that equate to observable skills, such as taking turns, asking someone to play, etc...)

·  Tell: There are several ways to BE SAFE. For example, we can…

o  Use equipment appropriately (elaborate and use specific examples)

o  Stay in the designated area

o  Take turns on equipment

o  Playground Pals

·  Review: Key behaviors and any other skills the students identify.

Demonstration and Role Play:

·  I am going to show you some ways to BE SAFE and some ways to BE UNSAFE. I want you to watch me and see if you can tell if I am BEING SAFE.

·  After each example, ask the students if you were BEING SAFE. Ask what you might do instead during non-examples.

·  Examples:

o  Play in designated area

o  Run and hide behind the building

o  Throw things at students

o  Pushing

o  Running to skip in front of someone on equipment

Role Plays:

·  Set up a few practice sessions with students (based on key behaviors of rule) or use older students to role-play appropriate examples of the skill.

·  Following each role-play, review with students:

o  Was he/she BEING SAFE? How do you know?

Review and Test:

·  Today we talked about BEING SAFE on the playground. As you can see, there are lots of ways to BE SAFE on the playground.

·  Ask students to identify key behaviors to BEING SAFE.


·  Today, we will be watching to see if you are BEING SAFE on the playground. At the end of the day, I will ask you to tell me what you did to BE SAFE.

·  What should you do today?

·  What am I going to ask you?