Introductory, TVPC Meeting, May, 10, 2017

The following were present: Carl Hally, Sunnee Clark, Alan Kleinfeld, and Nancy Moore. Kerry Hupp, Hope Johnston, and Vince Perna were absent.Soraya McKay represented Little Dog Agency.Robin Brooks represented the city staff.

Minutes for the Aprilmeeting were approved on a motion by Kleinfeld and a second by Clark.

Remarks and Updates by Chair Hally and Committee Members

  • An RFP for the digital welcome sign is out.
  • Following an invitation by Clark, Jimmy Buffet, who has some history here, was on Folly this week.
  • Stickers are available for tourist packages. Brooks will take them to agencies.
  • Air B&B is targeting SC for testing whole “Experience” packages.

Treasurer’s Reportand Budget Discussion

  • Hally noted that the main business of this meeting is the budget for next year.
  • Monies for the fountain and the sign were already set aside, and are not part of the advertising budget for next year.
  • Accommodations tax money, which was $203,099 last year, is already at $200,787, with a check expected for at least $15,000 still to come.
  • Both Clark, our Treasurer, and McKay, Little Dog Agency, presented similar budgets for next year of approximately $200,000.
  • Key changes in the advertising budget include:
  • Moving radio monies to cable, using our prepared Raycom videos
  • Reducing focus on Columbia, SC
  • Increasing budget for January
  • Buying SEO consulting for 6 months (more bids still to come)
  • Probably advertising with the new
  • McKay will look at Canada as a possible target.
  • Clark will prepare a budget in a format suitable for Council, which should consider it next month. Also, she will estimate the amount to be spent each month in order to make monitoring easier.
  • This draft budget was unanimously accepted on a motion by Clark and a second by Kleinfeld.
  • Hally praised the work on budgets done by both McKay and Clark.

Data Reportsent from Vince Perna

  • There was a12.71% increase in A-tax monies January-April 2017, totaling $4,999,393, over the same period of 2016, totaling $4,221,763.
  • Because we are targeting the off-season, it is notable that there was an 18.42%, increase over 2016 for December-March. The increase for the regular season has not been as dramatic.

Adjournment came after meeting for 1.5.

Next meeting: June 7

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Moore, Secretary