Lakeside Elementary School

Community Council Meeting

December 4, 2013


I.  Attendance: Don Holt, Regina Oechsle, DeLayne Hansen, Quinn Frampton, Jody Hansen, Patricia Russell, Chersty Titensor, Todd Laker, Michelle Jones, Mechele Homer, Bruce Hassard, Joy Lyn Dawson, Brent Hansen, Lisa Dennis and Trudy Thompson

II Minutes of November 6, 2013, meeting approved.

II Reports of Standing Committees for School Improvement:

A.  SNAP – No changes or new information at this time.

B.  Reading Improvement – Teachers continue to receive support from the instructional coach, data meetings, and staff development classes offered through the district. The district has elected to adopt the McGraw Hill Language Arts Series, which will be introduced to schools during the current school year.

C.  Technology Advancement – Survey results were distributed. Results were favorable. Based on results and depending on cost, six i-Pad Airs with 32 GB RAM will be purchased. Regina Oechsle will research the cost, and it is the Council’s intent to purchase these i-Padsprior to Christmas break. Teachers will be invitedto submit a request for one of these devices. Applications will be due at 4:00 p.m.December 12.A subcommittee, consisting of Don Holt, Regina Oechsle, Todd Laker, DeLayne Hansen, Brent Hansen, and Joy Lyn Dawson,will review the requests and determine who will receive the i-Pads. Other budget categorieswill be examined for additional funding sources for technology, with additional purchases made as funding is available.

D.  Staff Development – Training needs include use of i-Pads and i-Pad apps and will be scheduled early in 2014.

E.  Trust Lands – The budget was discussed and the purchase of i-Pads approved.

IV Miscellaneous Business: The Council was invited to write letters to elected officials thanking them for ongoing support of schools through LAND Trust money.The chair and vice-chair will assume these duties.

V. Adjournment 5:10 pm – Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2013, 4:00 p.m. in the School Library.