Registration Form
to 47thFICPM International Days - from 2 to 5 May, 2013
Domus Pacis – Santa Maria degli Angeli – ASSISI - Piazza della Porziuncola 2

Participants (*)

Mr.–Family NameName: GBBirth date:Nationality:

Mrs. –Maiden name: NameBirth date:Nationality:

Child–Family name:Name:Birth date:Nationality:00/00/00

Child – Family name:Name:Birth date:Nationality:00/00/00

Child – Family name:Name:Birth date:Nationality:00/00/00

Child – Family name:Name:Birth date:Nationality:00/00/00

(*) Layman  Priest  Religious Deacon


Street, No., P.O. Box:


Phone:GSM/ Portable:Fax:

E-mail :


Arrival: Date :Time:
car train  plane flight no. / Departure:Date :Time :
car train  plane flight no.


Do you need accomodation: YES NO  Double/family room Single bed room Crib

Basic accomodation: Full board from dinner of May 2 to breakfast of May 5

Additional lunches:Lunch of May 2 Lunch of May 5 Additional stay: night of May 1 

Tourist circuit after the International Days: YES NO  (see separate registration form)

Free additional stay after the International Days up to May 11: No. of nights [ ] from: to:

Notes:Food intolerances:YES - Which ones:

Mobility problems: YES - Which ones:


With overnight stay:€235,00/person Extra charge for single bed room: € 25,00

These prices include the overnight stay from Thursday May 2 at 2.30 p.m. to Sunday May 5 at 11.30 a.m., the meals, the activities, the simultaneous translation, the documentation and the visit to Assisi

Children up to 12 years old: Free of charge Children from 13 to 16: € 110.00 Children after 17 years old: €185,00

Without overnight stay and dinners:€ 150,00

Additional meals: € 16,00/meal/person

Extra daily charge for additional stay: per person: € 55,00 full board - € 49,00 half board–single bed room € 15,00


The registration will be accepted upon receipt of the registration form and of the credit transfer within March 15, 2013 on

Banca Prossima S.p.A. – Filiale di Milano – IBAN:IT94 N033 5901 6001 0000 0070 996 – BIC (or SWIFT) BCITITMXheadedto Associazione Italiana dei Centri di Preparazione al Matrimonio – Piazza della Vittoria 15/30 – 16121 Genova.

Cause: Giornate Internazionali Assisi 2013. Bank expenses at your charge.

In case of cancellation within April 20, 70% of the transfer will be refunded. After that date no refund. At your care and charge to sign a cancellation insurance with a Company of your choice

Paid on ……………………………… €………………………….. –Receipt attached


Choice of the workshops in order of preference. The registration will take place according to priority of form receiving and availability.

Mister / Mistress
preference / 1rst2nd3rd / 1rst2nd3rd
1. Sociological aspect (The map)
2. Spiritual aspect (The compass)
3a. Pedagogic aspect (The course)
3b. Pedagogic aspect (The humour)
4. Theological aspect (The rests)
5. Pastoral prospects (The horizon) /  
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Known languages : / Italian
Croatian / Italian

Registrations and Contacts

- see the site

- or send to Anna e Carlo Beltramo – Corso Sebastopoli 295/3 – 10136 Torino – Italia - @:

I authorise the data treatment inside F.I.C.P.M. and Italian C.P.M. according to law 196/93 and This authorisation can be cancelled
How to reach Domus Pacis – Piazza Porziuncola 2 - Santa Maria degli Angeli – Assisi
By plane / PerugiaAirport (5 km) - then taxi or bus direction Assisi – stopSanta Maria degli Angeli – Domus Pacis / for the connections please refer to site
By train / Assisi railway station (800 m) – from the station turn left – Via Carducci – enter the railway underground, follow Via Patrono d’Italia up to the Santa Maria degli Angeli Basilica, cross the square and walking along the left side of the Basilica you arrive at Domus Pacis / for the time tables please refer to site
By car from Florence and Rome / highway A1, exit Valdichiana, continue on the road E45 direction Perugia, then drive on road SS 75 direction Foligno/Assisi, exit Santa Maria degli Angeli Nord, afterwards follow the roads signs for Santa Maria degli Angeli /