Leading Edge Learning Programme

The International School of Paris with CreativePractice Education


Welcome to the Leading Edge Learning Programme

You’ve signed up or maybe you’re still thinking about it?
You definitely want to change something in your classroom or professional practice but are perhaps still unsure how to frame a question around it, or have a question but it still feels like it needs shaping.

A brilliant opportunity to make some changes, improve your practice, work alongside like-minded other staff, starts on January 30th at ISP. Better still, there’s external support from three tutors, there to listen to you, to support you, to guide you if necessary, in framing that change into a great question and then into an intervention plan of action – your project.

And just to cap it off, there’s a stipend for participating! What’s not to like?

Action research methods will be introduced to participants by the visiting tutors as an approach to designing and implementing your intervention project.

Programme Schedule 2015 Cohort 1.

Þ  The Programme commences on Friday January 30th, and will run through to November 2015.

Þ  Your project will run between January and the end of this academic year, with time in the Autumn to analyse and reflect on what happened and how you might share your experience with others.

Þ  The Programme consists of three ‘face-to-face’ meetings with the supervising tutors, six hours in total x 3 occasions spread over Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings;

Þ  Three Skype conferences each of one hour duration with tutors are available;

Þ  Tutors will email key points following up the Skype conferences;

Þ  A wiki is already set up for further online support, readings and project pages;

Þ  Alongside the tutor and peer support, you will be implementing your project, making changes, collecting evidence, reflecting and evaluating, analysing and sharing;

Þ  A Professional Learning Conference to share findings will be held around November, 2015 at ISP.

SCHEDULE OVERVIEW https://creative-educate.wikispaces.com/International+School+of+Paris

Face to Face 1
January 30th 2015
1:1 meetings will take place at participants’ school; Friday twilight and Saturday sessions will take place at the Secondary School - room TBC / Friday 30th 13.30-15.30 (45 minute slot per project)
1:1 with supervising tutor. Discussion around your question.
How can I/we…(What do you want to change?) / Friday 30th
Followed by drinks
Introduction to the programme, the tutors, programme aims, sharing intentions, action research approaches, ethics, literature and readings… / Saturday 31st
Followed by lunch
Shaping your focus, action research methods, looking at different kinds of impact and indicators of change…
Skype conference 1
February/early March
Opportunity to update on progress and discuss interesting issues arising.
Date and detail to be confirmed with your tutor / Email follow up Record of key points and actions from the Skype will be sent to participants
Face to Face 2
April/May 2015
Date TBC / Same format as above review of progress, reflection on data collection methods, emerging findings / Sharing emerging findings, review of data collection, looking for gaps, blocks… / Ethics review, readings, reflecting on progress and methods – working in tutor groups and time to work individually
Skype 2 May/June
– as above / Email follow up
Face to Face 3
Sept./October 2015 / Review of findings – analysis and reporting / Reporting findings, impact, levels of dissemination / Gaps, unanswered questions, new questions, second cycle thinking
Skype 3 October / Email follow up
ISP Research Conference November 2015 / An opportunity to share and disseminate findings; consideration of further publication/ presentation / A consideration of moving on to a second and third cycle of research / Support for the second cohort of staff undertaking the programme

Leading Edge Learning Programme The International School of Paris with CreativePractice Education

Face-to-Face 1. January 30th 31st, 2015 ISP rue Beethoven
Welcome to the opening sessions of the Programme. Over Friday and Saturday, project teams will meet 1:1 with supervising tutors, work as a whole programme group, and work in tutor groups.
1:1 meetings will take place at participants’ school; Friday twilight and Saturday morning sessions will take place at the Secondary School – room TBC.
Participants need to identify times when they can be free for the 1:1s and communicate this to Principals by Thursday 29th January. Participants working in groups should either nominate a representative or attend with as many group members as can be free.
Friday 30th 1:1 meetings
1. 10.00-12.00
2. 13.30-15.30 (45 minute slot per project)
1:1 with supervising tutor.
At this point tutors have not been allocated to projects – allocation will happen on Thursday evening/Friday. / 1. Opportunity for undecided colleagues to talk to Phil Whitehead, lead supervisor, about the programme and ideas for an action research project; support also offered in completing a project submission form.
30 minute slots are available. Venue: secondary school and primary school if time allows, rooms TBC. Please discuss with your Principal or Simon if you need to be freed up.
2. Opportunity to meet with a supervising tutor to explain your context, clarify your ideas and programme matters. Discussion around your question:
How can I/we…(What do you want to change?)
Opportunity to rehearse ‘sharing your intentions’ during the twilight session
Friday 30th
16.30-17.30 all ISP colleagues are welcome to here more about the programme.
Followed by drinks at 18.30 / An opportunity for the first hour to hear more about the programme and, if project places are still available, complete a project submission form in situ with Phil Whitehead and Simon Murray.
Introduction to the programme, the tutors, programme aims, sharing intentions; introduction to action research approaches, ethics, literature and readings…
Each project individual/team will be invited to explain their context, their research focus, and preliminary ideas for their intervention project.
Saturday 31st
Followed by lunch provided by ISP / Working as a whole group and in project teams, we will look in more depth at shaping your focus, action research methods, looking at different kinds of impact and indicators of change; there will be time to read some research literature and feedback your responses (see articles on wiki link)



6, rue Beethoven, 75016 Paris, France | T: +33 (0)1 42 24 09 54 | F: +33 (0)1 45 27 15 93 | | www.isparis.edu

Accredited by New England Association of Schools & Colleges and the Council of International Schools – Association Loi 1901 No.W751005074 – Enregistrée à la Prefecture de Paris