Chap 14 Sec 3


Reforming American Society

A Spirit of Revival

Second Great Awakening—______, 1790s, early 1800s

• Preachers speak at ______—meetings to reawaken religious faith

• Revivalist preachers claim that anyone can choose salvation

• Claim sin is ______, religious faith leads people to help others

• Such teachings awaken a spirit of reform

• Americans believe they can make things ______

Temperance Societies

Temperance movement—______

• Heavy drinking is ______in the early 1800s

• ______workers hand out pamphlets, produce plays

• Temperance speakers get a million people to promise to give up alcohol

• Business owners ______temperance, want sober workers

• By 1855, 13 states pass laws to _____ alcohol, most are repealed

Fighting for Workers’ Rights

• Factory work is noisy, ______, unsafe

• Women mill workers start labor union

• Labor union—______, get better working conditions

• Women go on _____—stop work to get better working conditions (1836)

• Many other strikes follow; depression hits (1837), jobs are ______

• Labor movement falls apart, achieves a few goals

Improving Education

• ______heads first state board of education in the U.S. (1837)

• A few Northern cities start ______

• Churches, other groups start many ______; women cannot attend most

• ______to teach enslaved person to read in the South

• Few colleges accept ______

Caring for the Needy

• ______pushes reforms for the care of mentally ill

• Thomas H. Gallaudet starts first American school for the ______(1817)

• Samuel G. Howe starts Perkins School for the ______(1830s)

• Reformers improve prisons:

- separate ______from main jails

- call for ______of adult prisoners

Spreading Ideas Through Print

• Cheaper newsprint, steam-driven press lowers price of ______

• Average Americans can afford to buy “______”

• Contain serious news, gripping stories of fires and crimes

• Hundreds of new magazines appear

• ______advocates education for women

Creating Ideal Communities

• Some people attempt to build an ideal society—______

• New Harmony______are two famous utopias

• Experience conflicts, financial difficulties last only a few years

• Shakers set up a utopia, follow teachings of Ann Lee:

- lead ______in communities

- communities show God’s love

- share, not fight

• Depend on converts, ______children to keep communities going