Web Reporting User Guide

From the main menu select NUT local officers > officer reporting. From the blue box in the central column, click on launch officer reporting tool.
You will then be taken to a new page, which will open in a new window.
/ This page will
confirm your name
and membership
It also serves to
refresh your understanding of the importance of
protecting our
members’ data
in line with
legislation and
prudent care and management of computer files.
Click on Start reporting
The “Create New Report” section prompts for Report Category, Report Name and Filter (if needed). The down arrow beside each selection will enable you to select which category of report, report name and filter you need. Options in each will only be available if logical, e.g. not all reports need a filter so if such a report is chosen; nothing will be in the filter.
After each, you will need to click “Select”. The ‘Run’ button stays greyed out until the complete selection is made.
The options will be customised to your officer status so if you were a divisional secretary and association treasurer you will have personalised options for both officer functions.
/ Selecting a report
/ Using the filter
Once you are satisfied with the selection of the three options available on the reporting tool menu click on the Run button.
/ This report has now been queued, as indicated by the black box, together with user details and the date and time requested.
Please note
The system will not refresh automatically, please click Refresh to see how the report is progressing.
If you have selected a full list for a sizeable association you will have to wait while the report data is selected and built. A full member report may take up to 10 or more minutes to run.
When the report appears in the Report Name list with a green box, it has completed successfully. The underlining indicates that it has yet to be viewed or downloaded.
/ Hint:
You can close the reporting module and log back in for your report if you know it will take a while to process.
/ When you click on the underlined report name, you may open it in your browser by selecting Open, or download it to your desktop by selectingSave.
If you are using a public or shared computer please do not leave the downloaded file on that system, please delete it when finished.
/ Once open, the file will display in your browser as per the diagram.
You are advised to move this worksheet to a spreadsheet program e.g. Excel, where it can be more easily manipulated.
/ Once viewed the report name will display in Blue.
/ When the report is being run, the display will show an orange box.
/ Queued reports are identified by a black box, these are waiting for a previously requested report to run.
Please note
  • Report requests are queued for all users, so it may take a while to start. You do not have to stay on this page, because the report should be there when you login later.
  • Reports will be cleared out on a ‘first in first out’ basis.
  • All reports will show the date and time generated, if you need an up-to-date list you need to run a new report.

/ If a report comes up with a Red box and “Error”, this means the system could not find any data.
If you feel that a report has come up with an error when you expected some data, please contact Sabrina Cudjoe in RSS. Sabrina will be able to assist during working hours on 020 7380 4853 or .
It is important to remember to logout from this module.
The logout button appears after you select “Start Reporting”, on the second page.
You can use the ‘logout’ button at anytime; if a report will take a long time, you can logout and come back later.
1 / FULL MEMBERS LIST / All members except students / School name by surname
2 / RETIRED AND LIFE MEMBERS LIST / Retired and life members / Association by membership description by surname
3 / COUNT OF MEMBERS BY MEMBER TYPE GROUPING / All members except students / Membership stats group
4 / FULL MEMBER LIST WITH VALID EMAILS / All members except students with a valid email address / School name by surname
5 / LAPSED MEMBERS UNPAID 2008 / Lapsed non payers for 2008 / School name by surname
6 / SOULBURY PAID MEMBERS / All soulbury paid members / Association by school name by surname by teacher description
7 / YOUNG TEACHER MEMBERS / All members except students 35 & under / Association by school name by surname by teacher description
8 / DOTMAILER EMAIL CSV FILE / All members except students with a valid email address / Membership number
9 / FACILITIES TIME REPORT / All members except retired, life, left profession & students / School stats group by school name by surname
10 / LEADERSHIP GROUP MEMBERS / Leadership group members / Association by school name by surname by teacher description
11 / NQ1 MEMBERS SUBSCRIPTION COMMITMENTS / All NQ1’s / Payment method by subs paid
12 / MEMBERS WITH VALID EMAILS / All members except students with a valid email address / Association by school name by surname by teacher description

A fuller description of these reports can be found in the documents, Hearth Officer Reports