Supplementary Material


S1 – A schematic view of SEAPODYM


S2 – Definition of fisheries and fishing data used in basin scale optimization experiments. PL: pole-and-line; PS: purse seine; LL: longline; DOM: domestic; EPO: Eastern Pacific Ocean.

Id / Gear / Region / Description / Nationality / Resolution catch data
(monthly) / Resolution
Size data
(quarterly) /
SKIPJACK available data
P1 / PL / 12N-35N;
120E-160E / PL small boats / Japan / 1°x1° / 1°x1°
P2 / PL / 35N-35S;
130E-150W / PL large boats / Japan / 1°x1° / 1°x1°
P3 / PL / 15S-0;
140E-160E / Pole and line / Papua New Guinea / 1°x1° / 5°x5°, 10°x20°
P3 / PL / 15S-0;
150E-165E / Pole and line / Solomon Islands / 1°x1° / 5°x5°
S4 / PS / 25N-35N;
140E-165E / PS subtropical fishery / Japan / 1°x1° / 5°x5°
S5 / PS / 20S-15N;
130E-150W / PS on LOG / All / 1°x1° / 5°x5°, 10°x20°
S6 / PS / 20S-15N;
130E-150W / PS on FAD / All / 1°x1° / 5°x5°, 10°x20°
S7 / PS / 20S-15N;
130E-150W / PS on free school / All / 1°x1° / 5°x5°, 10°x20°
L8 / LL / 20S-25N;
115E-150W / LL exploratory fishery / Japan / 5°x5° / 5°x5°
D9 / DOM / 15N-10S;
115E-130E / mixed set types / Philippines and Indonesia / 5°x5° / -
S10 / PS / EPO / PS on Dolphin schools / EPO
(IATTC public data) / 1°x1° / IATTC
stratification areas
S11 / PS / EPO / PS on Floating objects / EPO
(IATTC public data) / 1°x1° / IATTC
stratification areas
S12 / PS / EPO / PS on free school / EPO
(IATTC public data) / 1°x1° / IATTC
stratification areas
P13 / PL / 15N-35N
120W-100W / Pole and Line / EPO
(IATTC public data) / 5°x5° / IATTC
stratification areas



S3 – Correction of IPSL-CM4 temperature fields. a: function (Eq. 4) based on latitude used to correct the bias, b: latitudinal transect at 180°E (from 60 °S to 60°N) for temperature in January (b) and July (c) for WOA climatology (Locarnini et al. 2009), and IPSL temperature with (IPSLc) and without (IPSL) correction in January 2000 and in January 2050 for corrected values (IPSLc2050).


a / Predicted distribution of skipjack larvae with SST

b / Predicted mean speed of skipjack cohorts

c / Predicted mean diffusion rates of skipjack cohorts

S4 – a: Predicted distribution of skipjack larvae with SST (see a comparison with observation from Schaefer 2001); b: Maximum speed and diffusion rates by cohort (depending of age/size and habitat value / gradient) based on model parameterization (dotted lines) and predicted means weighted by the cohort density (black dots) with one standard error (red bars).


a)  (SODA) / /
b)  IPSL / /
c)  IPSLc /

S5 – Skipjack optimization with SODA and IPSL. Spatial correlation between predicted and observed catch with black circles proportional to the level of catch (left) and corresponding relative error in predicted catch for all fisheries (right) for the optimization experiments using forcing from a) ocean reanalysis SODA-Psat (1998-2007), b) IPSL-CM4-PISCES (1980-2000) and c) IPSL-CM4-PISCES (1976-2000) after correction of temperature fields.