Academic Assistance Program 19

Academic Honesty Policy 31

Activity Buses 16

Administrative Procedures for Excused Absence 6

Alma Mater 4

Alternative Education 30

Assemblies 56

Attendance/Tardiness 5

Bulletin Announcements 15

Bus Transportation 15

Cafeteria 13

Career Resource Center 23

Closing of Schools 12

Co-Curricular Activities 62

College Entrance Requirements 64

Counseling 20

Daily Schedule 13

Dauphin County Technical School 30

Detention 50

Discipline Code 38

Distinguished Scholars Program 26

Dress Code 51

Drug Detection Dog 51

Dual Enrollment 28

Early Dismissal 10

Electronic Devices Policy 54

Extra-Curricular (Non-Athletic) Academic Eligibility 59

Field Trips 16

Fire Drills 18

Graduation Requirements 23

Harassment/Improper Conduct 51

Health Services 21

High School Enrollment at HACC or Other Colleges 27

Homebound Instruction 11

Homework 25

In-School Suspension 49

Independent Study 31

Interscholastic Athletic Academic Eligibility 58

Intramural Program 61

Keiser-Fearen Library Media Center 21

Leaving School Without Permission 56

Locks and Lockers 14

Medication 21

National Honor Society 62

Obligations 16

Opening Exercises 17

Parking Lot Rules and Regulations 47

Pass Procedures 49

Peer Tutor 31

Phone Usage 17

Possession of Paging Device 54

Principals’ Student Advisory Committee 61

Searches of Lockers 14

Security 18

Six-Day Cycle 13

START Program 31

Student Accident Insurance 17

Student Assistant Team 20

Student Conduct and Discipline Code 38

Student Responsibilities 36

Summer School – Final Exams 24

Tornado Alert 18

Weighted Grades 25

Work Study 29


Best of all High Schools

Loud rings her cry

Proud of her students

Is the Susquehanna High

We’ll stand by you

Ever the same,

We’ll always love you

and honor thy name


Dear old Susquehanna

We’re all for you

Dear old Susquehanna

With a heart that’s true

Where ‘ere our paths may lead

We’ll ever cherish, honor you

In word and deed,

So good old, dear old Susquehanna

We’re all for you.

When we shall leave you

For worlds of fame

Oft to our minds will come

Thoughts of thy dear name

When we’ll remember

Times that are gone

Of dear, old, S.T.H.S.

And of this song.

Repeat Chorus


Regular attendance at school is essential. The law recognizes this fact and all absences must be declared either excused (legal) or unexcused (illegal). Accumulated minutes/hours of unexcused tardy arrivals may be translated into equivalent days.

If a student fails to bring a note from home within three (3) school days explaining the absence or tardiness, it will be considered unexcused as provided by the Pennsylvania Public School Code. Legal action may also include a fine of $300 or more.

Absences for the following reasons are excused:

1. Illness or recovery from an accident

2. Quarantine of the home

3. Death in the family

4. Court appearance

5. Family emergency (unavoidable)

6. Religious holidays and religious instruction.

The principal, using his/her discretion, could rule

the following reasons as excused:

1. Impassable roads

2. Inclement weather

3. Health care

4. Tutorial work

5. Educational trips and tours

6. College interviews, testing, and orientations.

Absence for other reasons may be ruled excused if the situation is urgent, unavoidable, child-related, and not merely for the convenience of the parent.



Religious Holidays

Upon written parental request, in advance, and approval of the principal, a pupil may be excused from school for religious holidays observed by a bonafide religious group.

A. A pupil’s absence for bonafide religious

holidays will be recorded as an excused

absence. There shall be no penalty attached

to such an excuse.

B. The student is responsible for making up

tests and assignments within the time frame

established in the teacher’s syllabus.

Health Care

Upon written parental request and approval of the

principal, a pupil will be excused for the purpose of obtaining professional health care or therapy if the following requirements are met:

A. Health or therapeutic services are to be

rendered by Commonwealth-licensed


B. It is not practical or possible for the student

to receive the services outside of school


C. The time of necessary absence from school

involves a minimum of interference with the

pupil’s regular program of studies.

Tutorial Work

Upon written parental request, a pupil may be excused during school hours for the purpose of receiving instruction in a field not offered in the district’s curricula only under the following circumstances:

A. The excusal does not interfere with the student’s

regular program of studies.

B. The qualifications of the instructor are approved

by the superintendent.

C. Any instruction or transportation costs associated

with receiving tutorial instruction shall be the

responsibility of the parent/guardian involved.

Educational Trips and Tours

Educational trips will be considered for approval

if the principal determines that the trip will be

educationally significant to the student. In order for the

principal to make such a determination, the parent/guardian

shall complete the district form seven (7) school days prior

to the trip. The building principal may not approve the request for any of the following reasons:

A. The principal feels that the trip is not

adequately educational to warrant an

absence from school.

B. Student’s prior attendance record is not

adequate to approve additional days out

of school.

C. The principal determines that the trip

would be detrimental to the student’s

progress or success in school.

D. The trip takes place during the final two

weeks of the school term, unless an

emergency exists.

E. Requests exceed a total of five school

days in one school year.

It is the student’s responsibility to get assignments

from his/her teachers. The teachers will need at least one

week’s notice prior to departure. All work must be turned

in within five days of the student’s return to school.

Students who have not been granted an excused absence

will be considered unexcused. They will not be permitted

to make up assignments or tests during such absence.

College Interviews, Testing, and Orientation

Upon written parental request and approval of the

principal, a pupil will be excused from school for a college

interview, college testing, or college orientation if the

following requirements are met:

A. The student is a junior or senior and his/her

counselor has verified that the absence is

for an interview, testing, or orientation.

B. Upon the student’s return, he/she must

present a letter on college stationery

indicating that the purpose of the college

visit was to be interviewed, tested or

to participate in an orientation program.

Excused Absence Procedure

Following a student’s absence, a written excuse

from a parent should be submitted the day that the

student returns to school. A doctor’s note is required

for three or more consecutive days of absence. The

mere fact that a parent has sent a written excuse does

not necessarily mean that the absence is excused. A

pre-printed 3”x 5”attendance card must be presented to the

attendance clerk before the student may attend class. Students have three school days to hand in the 3”x5” attendance card. All absences will be recorded as unexcused if the card has not been turned in before the fourth school day.

Participation in Extra-Curricular Activities

A student who is absent from school or reports after

11:00 a.m. on a school day may not participate in any form

of extra-curricular activity that day. Any student sent home

during the day for medical or disciplinary reasons is not

able to participate in any extra-curricular activites that day.

Any student in ISS or on OSS is not permitted to

participate in extra-curricluar activities. If the ISS or

OSS spreads over the course of a weekend a student will

not be able to particpate in activities over the weekend

other than an assigned weekend detention.

Unexcused Absences

Students are not permitted to make up assignments

or tests given on days when their absence has been declared

unexcused. Students are not permitted to turn in

assignments, term papers, etc., which are due on days when

their absence has been declared unexcused.

Students with three or more unexcused absences

are subject to official notification by the school district and

possible fines by the District Justice for violating the

compulsory school attendance law. The District Justice

may fine families up to $300 and suspend a student’s

driving privileges for three to six months.

Any student accumulating ten unexcused absences

in a marking period will be denied credit for all courses

for which he/she is registered unless the student can

satisfactorily make up the time missed through attendance

in the Academic Assistance Program. (This option is only

available if recommended by the principal and

accompained by a written contract outlining the makeup

requirements.) Students absent for ten consecutive days without a valid excuse will be dropped from the rolls.

Corrective Measures for Excessive Absences

When a student has been absent for a total of

fifteen days without a doctor’s excuse during any school

year, a referral will be made to the principal. The par-

ents will be notified by a letter informing them of

excessive absences. The principal has the prerogative of

requiring a medical excuse for each absence beyond the

level of fifteen days if they are to be declared legal.


A student is tardy to school when not in his/her

homeroom by 7:55 a.m. A student must report to the

attendance office if he or she has not arrived at school prior

to the end of homeroom at 8:06 a.m. Failure to report to

the attendance office when arriving to school after home-

room has ended will result in a series of escalating

penalties starting with in-school suspension and parent


Unexcused tardies fall under the same definitions as unexcused absences, and must be documented (see page 5). In addition to a written note, the parent must call the attendance office or appear in person to explain the circumstance for the tardy. In a limited number of unusual circumstances the principal will grant an excused tardy. The principal will make the final determination.



Any unexcused tardy will result in the following disciplinary action:

1st through 3rd - no disciplinary action

4th through 6th - one detention for each

7th through 9th - weekend detention for each

10th and on - ISS

20th - Hearing


No student may be excused from school during school hours unless a parent calls before 9:00 a.m. or the parent is personally picking up his or her son/daughter and the reason for the early dismissal is one of the following:

1. An appointment with a doctor, medical, or

dental (appointment card is needed)

2. A sudden family emergency

3. Driver’s examination

4. Prior approval of the principal

5. School sponsored events (athletic – approved by Athletic Director).

Parents are urged to make medical and dental

appointments that will cause a minimum of interference with the student’s school program.

A limited number of requests will be honored for interviews at institutions of higher learning or for full-time employment upon evidence that an appointment has been scheduled. All such requests must be processed through guidance as explained in the section on college visitations.

Prior to being excused, the student must present a parental note to the administration, and upon return, certification of the visit must be presented to the attendance clerk.


A student of school age, physically incapacitated

for a prolonged period and unable to attend regular classroom sessions, may qualify for homebound instruction. Parents of students whose physicians have recommended homebound instruction should contact the principal or guidance counselor to make the necessary arrangements.


The school law of Pennsylvania requires that accurate records be kept for all students in each school. This is possible only with the full cooperation of parents. Please report promptly any change of address within the school system, or the date of withdrawal if the family is moving from the school district. This is imperative during both the school term and the summer vacation period.

When a withdrawal from a school is to be affected because of a move from the school district, parents should supply the school with the exact date of withdrawal, their new address, and the name of the school district to be entered. Written parental permission for release of records must be made prior to withdrawal.

Pupils who make a school transfer within the last 60 days may normally complete the term in the school in which they are currently enrolled.



Whenever schools must close because of heavy snowfalls or other emergencies, parents will be informed through an automated telephone system, or through radio and television announcements. Please do not call the school office. If you do not hear any announcements, you will know our schools will be open.

During heavy snowfalls every effort will be made to announce a decision prior to 6:30 a.m. If feasible, a delay of one or two hours will be announced rather than closing schools for the full day. Students who walk to school or arrive by car should adjust their arrival time.

Weather conditions also make it necessary at times for early dismissals. Radio and television stations are informed and the automated telephone system may call the number provided by the parent.

In case parents cannot be home at the time of an early dismissal, provisions should be made with neighbors for the care of children upon their arrival at home; it is very important that parents make adequate provisions for child care in case of bad weather.



Homeroom 7:47-7:57

Period 1 8:01-8:43

Period 2 8:47-9:29

Period 3 9:33-10:15

Period 4 10:19-11:01

Period 5/6 11:05-11:47

Period 6/7 11:39-12:21

Period 7/8 11:51-12:33

Period 8/9 12:25-1:07

Period 10 1:11-1:53

Period 11 1:57-2:40

Period 5 Period 7 Period 9

1st Lunch 2nd Lunch 3rd Lunch

11:05-11:35 AM 11:51-12:21 PM 12:37-1:07 PM


The high school year is composed of 30 six-day cycles. When a day of school is missed due to a holiday or snow day, school resumes with the next consecutive cycle day.