MVERP Committee Recommendations

May 10, 2012

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May 10, 2012

Board of Directors

Eastern Kern APCD

2700 "M" Street, Suite 302

Bakersfield, CA93301

SUBJECT:Recommendations of EKAPCD’s Motor Vehicle Emission Reduction Program (MVERP) Committee

Honorable Board:

Each year, pursuant to state law, Eastern Kern Air Pollution Control District(District) receives a four dollar “air quality impact” fee collected by DMV, at District’s request, from each East Kern motor vehicle registration. State law requires the use of these monies be restricted to certain activities and upon receipt, they are deposited in a trust fund. The District’s primary use of these funds is for projects to reduce mobile source (motor vehicle) emissions. The other uses allowed are for public education, air monitoring, and technical studies/planning activities necessary to implement the California Clean Air Act.

The overwhelming majority of the four dollar DMV money each year is committed to the MVERP Committee process. Once per year, the Board-appointed MVERP Committee reviews, assesses, and prioritizes project proposals to develop a list of recommended projects to present to your Board. The MVERP Committee was advised that they could select $325,000 in projects with two additional standby projects to be funded if any of the recommended projects decline funding by September 30, 2012.

This year, the District received eighteenproject proposals. These proposalsincluded ten vehicle replacement projects, five road surfacing projects, one public education project, one alternative fuel infrastructure project, and one innovative project to convert a gasoline vehicle into all electric. Sixteen of the eighteenproject proposals were eligiblefor funding under the 2012 MVERP guidelines. Two road surfacing project proposals were disqualified because they were submitted to the District after the application deadline. Copies of the sixteen eligible project proposals were provided to the MVERP committee for their consideration.

On March 28, 2012, seven members of the ten-member MVERP Committee conducted a public meeting to prioritize these projects. The MVERP Committee selected thirteenprojects for their recommendedfundinglist for a total of $325,555, with two additional projects placed on standby, and one project rejected. Alist identifying the Committee's recommendations isattached. An MVERP Committee member will present the Committee’s recommendations to the Board.

IT IS RECOMMENDED your Board receive MVERP Committee’s recommendations for project proposals; receive public comment; approve MVERP Committee's recommendations as submitted by staff; authorize Staff and Counsel to draft necessary project implementation agreements; and to bring back those agreements for consideration by the Board of Directors.


David L. Jones

Air Pollution Control Officer

DLJ: JC: dm
