Grade 2 Curriculum Connection Chart

The Curriculum Connection Chart has been developed to give classroom teachers and technology integration teachers ideas for integrating skills from Instructional Technology Outcomes and Skills for Computer Applications K-5 Matrix into various content areas.

Suggested software and Web tools appear in parentheses below example activities. One linked exemplar activity is provided for each skill.

Outcome 1: Basic Computer and Application Functions
Students will utilize word processing and basic computer operations in order to communicate ideas and contribute to the learning of others.
Skill / Language Arts / Math / Science / Social Studies / Health / Related Arts
Use mouse/ touchpad to right click / Exemplar: Match That Part / Rightclick to insert or delete rows and columns in a data sheet in order modify data. (Excel) / Rightclick in order to format the background of a presentation on animals. (PowerPoint) / Rightclick on copyright-friendly picture on a Web site in order to save a picture of physical and man-made features in order to sort them. (Internet Explorer) / Rightclick to spell check a paragraph or sentence about healthy habits.(Word) / Right click to print original fairy tales.
Create a new file using “Save As” / Exemplar: Nature’s Gifts / Use “Save As” to save a function table to a student drive. / Use “Save As”to save a labeled diagram of the parts of a flower. / Use “Save As”to save a map of your school. / Use “Save As”to save a poster on how to be a good friend. / Use “Save As”to save stats from a class kickball challenge.
Download and save files / Download and save a Venn diagram in order to compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story. / Download and save a hundreds chart in order to help with skip counting. / Download and save a copy of“My Skeeter Science Book.” / Exemplar: Travel Poster / Download and save a movie on fire safety. / Download and save a song for practice.
Select text and change: Font size/Font type/Style or Effect/Color / Select text and change the font color to identify different parts of speech in a paragraph. / Select text and change font size and style in order to label the title and “X” and“Y” axes on a bar graph. / Select text and change font size and color of the title and labels to improve a poster of the phases of the moon. / Exemplar: Travel Poster: / Select text and change the color of font on a digital menu in order to highlight healthy high energy foods. / Create a brochure about Internet safety. Select text and change font size and color in order to organize the brochure by emphasizing the headings and subheadings. (Microsoft Publisher)
Cut, copy, and paste text / Exemplar: Match That Part / Cut, copy,and paste a caption to match a shape according to the number of angles and faces. / Cut, copy, and paste information from a graphic organizer about animals into a trading card. / Cut, copy, and paste examples of goods and services in order to sort them. / Sort foods into My Plate. Use cut, copy, and paste to place the labels in the correct location. / Cut, copy, and paste the name of various musical instruments in order to label pictures.
Fill in a table / Fill in a table to identify the literary elements of a fairytale or other story. / Fill in a function table. / Exemplar: Tree Storyboard / Fill in a table to identify examples of human, natural, and capital resources. / Fill in a table to identify ways to stay safe while outdoors. / Fill in a table that lists “outside” and “inside” traits of a person.
Toggle between two different applications / Exemplar: Match That Part / Toggle between the BCPS database TumbleBooksstory, “I.Q., It’s Time” by Maryann Fraser, and a time worksheet in order to have students label a clock to show the time when events occurred in the story. / Toggle between National Geographic Kids and a graphic organizer in order to research an animal and itshabitat. / Toggle between the BCPS Database World Book Kids and a digital organizer in order to take notes on Mexican culture. / Toggle between the Web siteKidsHealthand a PowerPointto have students create a presentation on staying safe around fire. / Toggle between the BCPS database Tumblebook story “The Great Shape-Up” by Eleanor May and a word document in order to list the ways the character helped her brother get into shape.
Outcome 2: Digital Imaging and Multimedia
Students will utilize digital imaging and multimedia in order to communicate ideas and contribute to the learning of others.
Skill / Language Arts / Math / Science / Social Studies / Health / Related Arts
Apply pre-production organizational concept / Use a digital organizer in order to determine the beginning, middle, and end of a story which can later be used to create a comic book summary of the story. (Make Beliefs Comix) / Use an appropriate digital organizer in order to list the number and type of geometric shapes a student would use if creating a virtual playground. / Exemplar: Tree Storyboard / Use a digital organizer to identify aspects of a student’s culture which can later be used to create a “Culture Box” that tells the story of the student’s history. / Use a digital organizer in order to list different ways to be a good friend which can later be used to create a poster. / Use a digital drawing program to sketch out ideas before creating pottery pieces.
Insert, resize, and move graphic objects / Have students read a description of various story settings and insert and resize a graphic image that represents each setting. / Insert and resize pictures to match a given measurement. / Exemplar: EcoSystem Dictionary / Insert and resize pictures into a web organizer to identify U.S symbols. / Insert and resize a photograph of a student into an “All About Me” poster or trading card. / Insert and resize graphic images to label a kickball field.
Change the size or shape of an object / Create a list of words. For each word, have one antonym in a box and one synonym in a box. Students can change the size or shape of the antonym box to reflect opposites. / Exemplar: Hide and Go Shape / Label the life cycle of a mosquito. Change the size of the title to enlarge it. Change the size of the labels so they are small and fit directly under each step of the life cycle. (Pixie, Kidspiration) / Create a paragraph describing a type of community (e.g. suburban, urban, or rural). Change the size of the title to enlarge it. Use shapes to illustrate the text.
(Word, Publisher) / Create a poster demonstrating ways of managing stress. Have students resize the text boxes to enlarge the steps.
(Glogster) / Have students use musical notes to compose their own simple song. Resize the notes so a few can fit on each line.
Rotate and flip objects / Create a book review. Have students rotate and flip objects to illustrate a picture for their book review that reflects the story. / Exemplar: Hide and Go Shape / Have students draw a picture of a mosquito habitat. Rotate and flip objects to create the digital picture. / Have students create a digital “Culture Quilt” by rotating and flipping objects to illustrate two things about their culture. / Display a list of both safety rules and non-safety rules for medicine use on the smiley face shape object. Have students read each rule. If the sentence is not a safety rule, have students rotate the smiley face so that it is upside down. (Word) / Have students rotate and flip objects to create an original digital art composition.
Create an original presentation / Create an original presentation summarizing a story in sequence.
(Photostory) / Create a simple two-digit addition quiz by filling in information in a presentation template.
(PowerPoint) / Exemplar: EcoSystem Dictionary / Create a presentation showing where our food comes from by focusing on the job of one specialized worker. (Photostory) / Create a presentation that describes how to stay safe around animals. / Read the story, “Who is Melvin Bubble” by Nick Bruel. Discuss “inside” and “outside” traits. Have students create an original “All About Me” presentation including “inside” and “outside” traits.
Share a multimedia presentation / Create and share an original presentation summarizing the beginning, middle, and end of a story.
(VoiceThread) / Have students create and share a two-digit addition quiz with a fellow student.
(PowerPoint) / Exemplar: EcoSystem Dictionary / Have students create and share a presentation describing the job of a specialized worker. / Create and share a multimedia presentation describing how to stay safe around animals.
(Photostory, PowerPoint) / Students share a self created “All About Me” a presentation.
(PowerPoint, Flip Cam)
Outcome 3: Concepts and Digital Organizers
Students will use concept maps and digital organizers to plan, manage projects, and make informed decisions.
Skill / Language Arts / Math / Science / Social Studies / Health / Related Arts
Create an original visual organizer / Exemplar: Nature’s Gifts / Create a place value chart organizer then solve a word problem using that organizer. (Kidspiration: Math View) / Create an original visual organizer in order to classify different animals depending on if they are “mammals,” “birds,” “reptiles,” “fish,” or “other.” / Create an original visual organizer comparing how American citizens are alike and different. / Create an original visual organizer in order to sort the “cause” and “effects” of illnesses. / Create an original visual organizer in order to organize different songs by genre.
Show relationships by adding or modifying Color/Shapes/ Size/Patterns / Exemplar: Cause & Effect / Show skip-counting by fives by changing the fill pattern on a hundreds chart. (Pixie) / Given an informational web describing an environmental habitat (e.g. desert, rainforest, woodlands. arctic), identify the correct supporting details by changing the fill color of the supporting symbol bubbles to match the center main idea bubble. / Exemplar: Making Decisions / Classify activities as exercise or non-exercise by changing the fill color of the shape or textbox and sorting them. / Show relationships between works of art and the medium used to create that art by matching them. Change the fill pattern of the text box background to show matching pairs.
Outcome 4: Databases and Spreadsheets
Students will use database and spreadsheets to organize and analyze data.
Skill / Language Arts / Math / Science / Social Studies / Health / Related Arts
Enterdata in a cell / Add character, setting, and plot information into the corresponding column on a literary elements chart.
(Excel) / Exemplar: Map It / Complete a table about the habitat and physical characteristics of an animal. (Excel) / Exemplar: Map It / Complete a table to categorize foods into their appropriate food group.
(Excel) / Complete a class chart to track heart rate and pulse after aerobic exercises.
Identify cell coordinates / Type character information into a particular cell (e.g. B2).
(Excel) / Exemplar: Map It / Label a table about habitat and physical characteristics of animals by placing headings in specific cells.
(Excel) / Exemplar: Map It / Use cell coordinates to locate the placement of food group labels. Type the labels in the cells to complete the table.
(Excel) / Type your pulse rate into the class chart and identify your cell coordinate. Refer to specific cells when discussing the results with classmates.
Merge cells / Merge cells in the literary elements chart in order to create a text box to describe the plot of a story.
(Excel) / Exemplar: Map It / Merge cells in the table to create a text box large enough to reflect upon your research. Identify the classification of the animals based on whetherthey are vertebrates or invertebrates.
(Excel) / Exemplar: Map It / Merge two cells to show the food group label (text) with a graphic example of an item within the food group.
(Excel) / Merge cells to create a text box large enough to reflect upon the data. Discuss which, if any, activities can be added to a daily routine to increase heart/pulse rates.
Outcome 5: Web-based Learning
Students will use digital tool to evaluate and use Web-based information.
Skill / Language Arts / Math / Science / Social Studies / Health / Related Arts
Locate and use bookmarks or shortcuts to navigate to a Web site / Locate and use a bookmark to access an online poetry Web site to create a poem in the first person point of view (e.g.Read Write Think). / Locate a shortcut to access the online Elementary School Research Model, The New Zoo. / Locate a shortcut to access the BCPS databases (e.g. Access World Book to research and view pictures of the body sections of a mosquito). Discuss home use and passwords. / Exemplar: State Symbols / Locate a shortcut to the Web siteKids Health in order to complete the graphic organizer on fire safety. / Locate and use a bookmark within a worksheet to learn and practice performing visual searches in Destiny (library online catalog).
Navigate through BCPS Databases / Read different versions of the same story from different cultures. Navigate to the database CultureGrams to research culture (e.g. Lon Po Po, a Red Riding Hood story from China). / Navigate to the BrainPop Jr. database to view one of the money videos (e.g. counting coins, equivalent coins). / Navigate to the database World Books Kids to research the physical characteristic of an animal in order to determine if it is classified as a vertebrateor an invertebrate. / Exemplar: State Symbols / Navigate through Safari Montage to search for and view the video Postcards From Buster: Sleepy in Seattle to understand healthy ways in which to deal with stress. / Navigate to the database TumbleBooks to view Monet Paints a Day by Julie Danneberg.