Activate! A2 Extra Grammar Tests

Test 3

1 Circle the correct form of the verb in these sentences. Look at the example.

X] Gareth didn’t | taught | teach | teaching | Science. He taught Music.

1] Gareth Malone | start | starts | started | a school choir last year.

2] Gareth | puts | putted | put | a message on the school noticeboard.

3] Imran | sees | saw | seed | the message but he didn’t join the choir.

4] Imran didn’t think that singing | is | was | were | cool.

5] The boys | doesn’t | aren’t | didn’t | like classical music.

6] The boys | were liking | liked |are liking | modern songs.

7] The boys were happy and they | sang | singed | sings | very well.

8] The choir of boy singers were so good that they | won | wined | wins | a competition in


9] Gareth | know | knew | did know | that Imran was a good singer.

10 Gareth | wrote | writes | did write | a special song for Imran.

Marks _____ /10

2 Complete Imran’s diary. Use words from the box. Don’t use all the words. Look at the example.

woke / get / got / had / go
arrived / put / went / sit / said
was / liked / made / wear / sat


I wokeX up early because it was a special day. I had1 a shower and put2 on my school uniform. Then I had breakfast and went3 to school. When I arrived4 at school, I saw Mr. Malone and all my friends from the choir. There was5 a big bus at the school. We got6 on the bus and I sat7 with Mr. Malone. We went to a big concert in London.

The audience liked8 the performance by the choir. They clapped and made9 a lot of noise. I sang my solo. Mr. Malone said10 it was very good. I was over the moon!

Marks _____ /10

3 Make these sentences negative. Write the correct verb on the right. Look at the example.

X] The choir travelled to Manchester. didn’t travel

1] Imran saw the message on the blackboard. ______

2] The boys in the choir liked classical music. ______

3] We had Geography with Mr. Malone. ______

4] Imran wore a sweatshirt. ______

5] The audience enjoyed the performance. ______

6] The choir were in the school hall. ______

7] Juliet told a long story. ______

8] The choir practised in the canteen. ______

9] Martin drank six bottles of cola. ______

10] The football team won the game. ______

Marks _____ /10

4 Circle the correct time phrase. Look at the example.

X] The lesson started | now |20 minutes ago | every day |.

1] Mike rides his bike to school | yesterday | every day | at the moment |.

2] Janet travelled to school in her Dad’s car | every morning | yesterday | now |.

3] Did you play basketball | sometimes | last week | usually |?

4] Are you wearing trainers | yesterday | at the moment | every day |?

5] Mr. Bennett was my Science teacher | three years ago | now | at the moment |.

6] Were you in the choir | in 2010 | often | next week |?

7] They didn’t go to Spain | last summer | next month | at the moment |.

8] Do you always have Geography lessons | last week | yesterday | on Tuesdays |?

9] Who found America | usually | in 1792 | just now |?

10] I have lunch at 12 o’clock | yesterday | every day | tomorrow |.

Marks _____ /10

Total Marks _____/ 40

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