Application for fundinggrants and collaborations in 2019

Phileas is an independent philanthropic organisation based in Vienna, Austria, that raises private funding to support and co-produce ambitious projects within the field of contemporary art.

Phileas works together with artists, museums and Biennials to enable the production and exhibition of art for public institutions. A particular focus lies on the commission and production of exhibitions by Austrian artists abroad, and by international artists in Austria. When possible, support is extended to include the donation of artworks to public collections.

Phileas is funded by the annual contributions of its Partners and Junior Partners, in additionto privatefoundations and corporations. Thesesupporters are actively involved in the development of each project from studio to exhibition tomuseum donation.

Guidelines for applications:

Applications must be submitted by an institution.

Only complete applications will be considered.

Dates of projects must be confirmedand final.

Applications can be completed in either English or German.

Applications must be submitted both in printed and digital form.

This application should be submitted no later than Friday 20th July, 2018 (date of postmark), to the following address:

Phileas - A Fund for Contemporary Art

Schleifmühlgasse 1

A-1040 Vienna

and sent by email before the same deadline to

The projects to be supported and co-produced in 2019 will beselected at an annual meeting ofPhileasPartners in autumn 2018.

Any collaboration and support for projects is subject to a formal written agreement between Phileas and the institution in question.

For further information, please contact us at r call on +43 1 929 41 39.

Part one: Project Description

Name of institution

Type of project (exhibition, commission of new artwork, publication, etc)

Dates of project (preview / opening / release / launch etc)

Name(s) of participating artist(s):

Description of project and its relevance to your institution (maximum length 250words):

Please attachrelevant images (maximum 6 images, jpg, minimum 300dpi)tothisapplication, together with their caption information.

Part two: Contact details and Finance

Name of the project’s curator / project manager

Contact details

Estimated total cost of project

(please attach a detailed breakdown of all individual costs)

Planned sources of project funding

(please indicate and identify funding that has already been secured)

Institutional funding

Public funding

Private funding

Sponsorship or additional funding by other supporting bodies

Difference to total cost

(Level of funding requested from Phileas)

The contribution of Phileaswould be separately identifiable

The contribution of Phileaswould be a general contribution and therefore not separately identifiable

Donations to the institution are tax deductible by Austrian law and the institution can issue according receipts to donors



Part three: Commission of New Artwork

If you propose the commission of a new artwork (or series of artworks) for your project,please provide the following additional information:

Author of the artwork(s)

Production costs of the artwork(s)

Please state when and in which context the commissioned work will be on display:

Please attach a description of the proposed commission (maximum length 250 words).