St. Theresa School

Technology Responsible Use, COPPA & Privacy Policy

Middle School Students


An annual signature is required by Student and Parent/Guardian to

gain access to the St. Theresa School Network (wired and wireless), the St.Theresa School e-mail account, and other School accounts.


The St. Theresa School Network is intended to enhance the educational resources of the School. The goal is to facilitate access to resources, improve communication, and encourage innovation. Part of our responsibility in preparing students for the 21st century is to provide them with access to the tools that they will use as adults. Use of technology at St. Theresa school is a privilege and its benefits are highly dependent on an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust as students explore the digital world.

It is the expectation of the School that students will behave in a lawful, ethical, and respectful manner at all times. It is important to recognize that behavior both on and off campus reflects on the reputation of the School. Failure to act responsibly may result in disciplinary consequences such as loss of e-mail privileges, loss of Network and Internet access, detention, all listed in the St. Theresa Student Handbook. St. Theresa School will cooperate with any law enforcement agency in the event of suspected illegal, inappropriate, or harmful activities.

There is no expectation of privacy when using the School’s network. If a violation of this policy is suspected, private files or correspondence may be investigated. The purpose of the Technology Responsible Use Policy is to make sure students understand St. Theresa’s policies for using the Network, the Internet, e-mail, and other accounts. Students must agree to act in a responsible, considerate, and safe manner and comply with the following policies to ensure a positive technology experience for all students as well as ensure the privilege of continued use of our Network and Internet resources.

As a St. Theresa Middle School Student, I Agree To:

●Practice responsible, balanced, and healthy use of technology both at school and at home.

●Be solely responsible for the use of my St. Theresa School e-mail account both on and off campus, during or after the school day.

●Maintain the privacy of self and others.

●Use only my St. Theresa e-mail account to communicate to faculty.

●Always treat others in a respectful, positive and considerate manner.

●Report misuse of the technology of others and the St. Theresa Network and technology equipment.

●Abide by further guidelines set in the Student Handbook.

As a St. Theresa Middle School Student, I Agree NOT To:

●Share personal passwords or other private information about my account.

●Use another person’s account, files, or passwords with or without their permission.

●Engage in cyberbullying, including harassing, outing, tricking, excluding and cyberstalking.

●Impersonate others or re-post comments without permission of the original sender.

●Access or post information to inappropriate sites from devices on the wired or wireless St. Theresa School Network.

●Attempt to circumvent any web filters or safety measures blocking access to any sites.

●Alter, destroy, or obstruct the settings, configurations or resources of the Network.

COPPA (Children’s On-line Privacy Protection Act)


In order for St. Theresa School to continue to be able to provide students with the most effective web-based tools and applications for learning , we need to abide by federal regulations that require a parent signature as outlined below. St. Theresa School utilizes several computer software applications and web-based services, operated not by St. Theresa School, but by third parties. These include Dropbox, Evernote, Google Apps for Education, and similar educational programs. In order for our students to use these programs and services, certain personal identifying information, generally the student’s name and school email address(if applicable) must be provided to the web site operator. Under federal law, these web sites must provide parental notification and obtain parental consent before collecting personal information from children under the age of 13. The law permits schools such as St. Theresa School to consent to the collection of personal information on behalf of all of its students, thereby eliminating the need for individual parental consent given directly to the web site operator. This form will constitute consent for St. Theresa School to provide personal identifying information for your child consisting of first name, last name, email address and username to the following web-operators: Google Apps for Education, Dropbox, Mathletics, Notability and Desmos and to the operators of any additional web-based educational programs and services which St. Theresa School may add during the 2017-2018 academic year.


COPPA requires that web site operators never knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13 without prior verifiable parental consent. Pursuant to COPPA, St. Theresa may collect personally identifiable information from students under the age of thirteen when such students use their St. Theresa e-mail accounts to communicate with School. A parent or legal guardian’s consent is required for the School to collect any personal information that may be contained in the e-mail transmission. Please see the School’s Privacy Policy for further information on COPPA, the School’s privacy practices, and for parent or legal guardian’s options with respect to consent.


As parent or legal guardian, I have read this Technology Responsible Use & COPPA Policy (together with the School’s Privacy Policy and have discussed it with my child.

On the associated signature Agreement Form, I grant permission for my student to use a personal computing device while at St. Theresa School and to have access to the St. Theresa School Network (wired and wireless), Internet, a St. Theresa e-mail account (if applicable), and other School accounts. I further grant permission for the School to collect, use and disclose personally identifiable information about my child, in accordance with the School’s Privacy Policy, as a result of my child’s access to and use of the Network, Internet, St. Theresa e-mail (if applicable), and other School accounts. I also understand that it is impossible for St. Theresa School to restrict access to all controversial materials and will not hold the School responsible for materials acquired on the Internet. I understand that my child will face disciplinary action if s/he violates the St. Theresa School Technology Use Policy, whether that misuse occurs on campus, or off, on School computers, or on technology that is privately owned.

St. Theresa School

Technology Responsible Use, COPPA & Privacy Policy


Middle School Students

Please read and complete all sections. Sign and return to the Homeroom Teacher.

STUDENT AGREEMENT FORM-Technology Use / COPPA/ Privacy Policy

By my signature below, I agree to accept the terms of the St. Theresa School Technology Responsible Use, COPPA Verifiable Parental Consent, and Privacy Policy and understand that the St. Theresa School Administration has the right to make the final decision on appropriate use. I understand that if I don’t follow the rules, I may not be permitted to use the Network, Internet, e-mail and other accounts, and I may face other disciplinary action.

Student Name (please print) ______Grade (2017-2018) ______

Student Signature ______Date ______

PARENT PERMISSION: Technology Use/ COPPA/ Privacy Policy

Permission Granted / Permission Denied

As a parent or legal guardian of the student signing above, I have read the Technology Responsible Use Policy, COPPA Verifiable Parental Consent, and Privacy Policy and have discussed it with my child. I grant or deny permission for my child to have access to the St. Theresa School network (wired and wireless), Internet, his/her e-mail account, and other School accounts. I further grant permission for the School to collect, use, and disclose personally identifiable information about my child, in accordance with the School’s Privacy Policy, as a result of her access to and use of the Network, Internet, St. Theresa e-mail account, and other School accounts. I understand that it is impossible for St. Theresa School to restrict access to all controversial materials and will not hold the School responsible for materials acquired on the Internet. I understand that my child will face disciplinary action if he/she violates the St. Theresa School Technology Responsible Use Policy, whether that misuse occurs on campus, or off, on School computers, or on technology that is privately owned.

The St. Theresa School Technology Responsible Use Policy, COPPA Verifiable Parental Request Policy, and Privacy Policy are available for review in the St. Theresa Student Handbook.

By my signature below, I have read each section of the Policy Agreement Forms (Technology Responsible Use, COPPA, Privacy Policy, and Student Handbook ) and have indicated above whether I grant or deny permission.

Parent/Guardian Name (please print);______

Parent /Guardian Signature: ______Date ______