DD-175, Breeze X departure, CEW MGM ATL OMARR, Request D 1+00 OMARR (VXV

145/35) VXV TYS.(DSN: 266-2565)

Expect about 45 minutes to 1 hour enroute, entering the MOA with approximately 4500-5000

pounds of gas.

Expect your switch to Crisco Control (freq 264.2, 369.9 or 279.2) to come from Atlanta

Center about 10 miles north of Harris VORTAC. If not switched by the time you are within 5

nm of the MOA, call Center with a request to switch. Crisco will also be monitoring our base

frequency so any other conflict can be resolved with them.

Upon entering the MOA, you will be given a vector by Crisco and issued clearance to climb

within the altitude reserved (11-29,000 feet). The amount of commercial traffic will dictate what

altitude restrictions we're given.

Expect separation vectors to the east and west from Crisco before the firstrun.Anytime

separation vectors are given, repeat the heading withyourfuel state in thousand of pounds (i.e.

"Bogey heading 280, state 5.5").

When the radar is set up, your playmate is up on the same Crisco frequency, and you are

ready to run, broadcast your intentions as follows:

"Bogey, Fighter based 16 thousand, speed set .5, break...Crisco, Fighter is ready to play

with a (your event, i.e. a FR-1 will be a Romeo 1)".

Keep track of your position in the MOA no matter which role you are playing. Crisco should

keep you in the area butyou are ultimately responsible. Use the river in the middle of the area as

a guide and keep your TPC handy.

Upon completion of runs turn the plane towards the VXV VORTAC unless otherwise

instructed by Crisco. Keep sight of your wingman at all times.

The bingo for leaving the area is NLT 1800 pounds. All approaches will be either visual to

the overhead (2500 foot break) or a PAR. There usually will not be enough gas or a need to do a

full TACAN approach, butyou can request vectors to a TACANfinal.

Crisco will switch you back to Atlanta Center to depart the MOA. Center will switch you to

Knoxville Approach on 360.8. You can expect to use VHF frequencies, however.

Contact "Scouter Command Post" on frequency 303.0 twenty minutes prior to landing.

Inform then that twoT-39's are inbound.

When switched up to Tower, inform them that you'll be getting gas from either Knoxville

Air(civilian side) or the Air National Guard side, depending on how busy each side is.

When exiting the MOA, on the return leg to NPA, bingo outwith no less than 4200 pounds

of gas. Expect 1 hour enroute and, at 1000 lbs per hour per side, 2000 lbs per hour total return

home, assuming no wind.