Ingham Early Childhood Joint Application Process

  • Families can fill out application online at by phone at 1-855-644-7735, during outreach events, or in person at all program locations (ISD, Head Start, GSRP)
  • Each site will have access to a secure intake portal at to submit and view applications.
  • If a paper application is submitted at a program location the site is responsible for inputting the application into the online application system.
  • If an email address is included on the application an automatic email response will be immediately sent to the family.
  • All applications first go to IISD. IISD reviews the application to determine initial eligibility and program preference. Applications will be routed to the appropriate program within 10 business days.
  • IISD sends all Head Start eligible applications to Head Start first
  • Head Start has 10 business days to contact the eligible family and either enroll student or return to IISD.
  • Head Start will explain program options, enrollment process and estimated timeline
  • If Head Start is not able to contact after 3 attempts, the application goes back to the IISD for redistribution into an program the family is eligible for
  • All contact attempts will be recorded in child’s application on
  • The status of the application will be updated on the child’s application throughout the enrollment process
  • IISD sends all non-Head Start qualifying applications to the appropriate receiving agency (GSRP or community programs) based on LEA/Agency and parent preference
  • GSRP has 10 business days to make initial contact with families as applications are routed to them
  • GSRP will explain program options, enrollment process and estimated timeline
  • All contact attempts will be recorded in child’s application on
  • The status of the application will be updated on the child’s application throughout the enrollment process
  • GSRP enrolls applicants based on GSRP eligibility protocol prioritization starting on June 1st
  • Program verifies eligibility during intake interview.
  • After at least 3 attempts over 2 weeks, the applicant would move down the list.
  • GSRP contacts families to confirm enrollment by July 31st
  • At the time of enrollment into GSRP verification of income and risk factors must be documented and kept in child’s file along with the application.
  • GSRP eligible families that do not receive a GSRP slot will be returned to the IISD by September 15th for further distribution and/or addition to the waiting list.
  • IISD will maintain application intake and wait list electronically at
  • There will be a dedicated email address for all application questions
  • All programs will submit their out of district and out of county enrollment policy to IISD by March 20, 2015
  • Programs that still have unfilled slots at the start of school will communicate and work with the ISD to fill slots with families on the joint waitlist.
  • Programs will maintain communication with IISD to ensure that no GSRP slots remain unfilled and that as few GSRP eligible children remain unserved throughout the school year
  • If slots are still available, IISD will work with program to do targeted recruitment

Revised 1.7.15