
Joint meeting:

One Hundred and Seventh Plenary meeting of NCITS/L8 - Data Representation

and the SC32/WG2 TAG meeting

Date:17 September 1999

Place: National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland

1.0Administrative Matters

Dan Gillman, Chair of NCITS L8, opened the meeting at 9:30 AM.

1.1Review of Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes were accepted as written.

1.2Approval of the Agenda

The agenda was accepted as modified.

1.3Membership attendance list and address list

See attached attendance list. The address list was circulated for update.


No action required.

1.5Document Distribution Report

Documents were distributed electronically before the meeting.


2.1Report on NCITS/L8 Special Interest Group meetings

Judith Newton reported that the SIG meetings have been very productive. Much of the work has focused on the revision of ISO/IEC 11179 Part 3, since this must be done before most of the other projects can be completed. In addition to the SIG meetings, several interim meetings took place to work on names and definitions for the Part 3 metamodel. Larry Fitzwater led the interim meetings. The reports of the SIG meetings can be found at:

The URL for the July SIG report is:

No meeting was held in August

The URL for the September SIG report is:

2.2 Report on SC32 Matters

Bruce Bargmeyer noted that SC 32 had met during May in Matsue, Japan. Details of the meeting had been discussed earlier at SIG meetings and were not repeated here.

The next SC 32 and SC 32/WG 2 meetings will be held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA during January 2000. The SC 32 Plenary days are January 24 and 28, 2000, with the afternoon of the 24th reserved for Tutorials by the WGs. US delegates and experts planning to attend should register immediately and reserve hotel rooms. To do so, see:

2.3 Report on WG2 Matters

At the time of this meeting, Eliot Christian, the WG 2 convener, was attending a meeting of the W3C XML-Query group as liaison from WG 2.

Eliot has notified us that he will not be able to continue as WG 2 convener. The members expressed appreciation for his work in getting WG 2 started.

An interim Convener will be appointed and the selection of a replacement will be put on the WG 2 agenda for Santa Fe. The WG 2 meetings will be held January 17-21, 2000 (Open Forum on Metadata Registries) and January 25-27, 2000

2.4 Report on NCITS/L8 projects

Dan Gillman reported on the status of L8 projects. Almost all of the L8 work is taking place on international projects. Dan has done considerable work to clean up both L8 and T2 project lists, before proceeding with the L8-T2 merger. See item 5.1, below.

2.5 Liaison report on activities of TC204 and ITS America

Andy Schoka was on travel, but sent the following report: As a piece of information that may be of interest to the group, IEEE has been funded by FHWA to develop an ITS Data Registry which is intended to be the repository for ITS data elements, messages, and other data concepts as they become identified. Under contract to IEEE, Burt Parker is the Registrar. Ontek, as the contractor to IEEE, is developing the tool to support the ITS Data registration process. They expect to have a prototype available in approximately 3 months. At that time, the participating SDOs will load their data dictionaries in a format spelled out in IEEE P1489, which is based significantly on ISO 11179. In addition to that activity, there is a data harmonization activity taking place among functional area data dictionary stewards. Burt Parker can fill you in on that as well.

2.6Report, Open Forum on Metadata Registries

Bruce Bargmeyer reported that the Open Forum will be held January 17-21, 2000 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. Now is the time to forward the URL for the Open Forum web site to individuals or groups who may be interested in participating. The URL for the Open Forum web site is:

3.0 Status of Projects

3.1 Status of ISO/IEC 11179-1 Framework

Dan Gillman reported that the JTC 1 FDIS ballot closed on September 15, 1999. The results are not yet available. Dan has made the format edits requested by the ISO editor and returned the document to ISO.

3.2 Status of ISO/IEC 11179-2 Classification

Bruce Bargmeyer reported that the JTC 1 FDIS ballot closed on September 15, 1999. The results are not yet available. Michael Huhns made the format edits requested by the ISO editor and the revised document is being sent to ISO.

3.3 Status of ISO/IEC 11179-3 revision

A great deal of work is being accomplished on progressing on this revision. See the SIG meeting reports for details. The URL for information about this project is:

A checkpoint version will be prepared on October 1. A set of documents pertaining to the revision of Part 3 will be placed in the directory:

Another checkpoint version will be created on December 1. This version will be discussed during the WG 2 meeting in Santa Fe.

3.4 Status of ISO/IEC 15452 - Data Value Domains

Judith Newton announced that this passed its final JTC 1 ballot. Judith Newton is making the format edits requested by ISO and will send the final document back to ISO.

3.5 JTC1 Ballot on ISO/IEC 7826

WG 2 had voted to withdraw this standard. That information probably did not reach the ISO ITTF in time to stop issuance of the five-year review ballot. L8 voted to withdraw ISO/IEC 7826.

4.0International Representative (IR) Activities

4.1IR Report

Frank Farance is picking up the responsibilities of the IR and is now receiving the documents that need to be distributed and acted upon. Bruce Bargmeyer will work with Frank on setting up web site capability for Frank to utilize for IR work.

5.0New Business

5.1 Merger of T2 and L8

Dan Gillman received a list of the T2 projects. Dan sent out a message, requesting people to respond by September 17, 1999, if they are interested in continuing to work on any of the projects. The merged L8/T2 would pick up projects with active support. Dan has received some responses. Interest was expressed in actively participating in the areas CSMF, KIF and Conceptual Graphs, and in the work of the Ad Hoc Group on Ontologies. A preliminary look at the responses indicates that other projects did not receive adequate support to be picked up by the merged committee. The next step in the merge of L8 and T2 is to work with NCITS to specify which projects will be included in the merged committee.

Judith Newton moved and Phong Ngo seconded a motion that Dan Gillman be requested to negotiate with NCITS with the following guidance. L8 should take on projects for CSMF, KIF, Conceptual Graphs and the work on Ontologies. NCITS should be asked to find homes for the rest of the T2 projects. Within the negotiations, Dan may accept other T2 projects, if substantial active support emerges and if L8 seems to be the best committee for this work.

Vote: 5 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain, 14 members

5.2 New Work Items

Object Extensions

The New Work Item was sent for JTC 1 ballot. Michael Huhns reported on work that he is doing that is related to the metadata query service.


Frank Olken and Eliot Christian attended the XML-Query meeting in San Jose, California, which was scheduled for the same days as the L8 meeting.

Registry Content

Substantial progress was made on this since the last meeting. A new version was prepared that will be sent with the NWI ballot.


Most of the work in this area was directed toward scheduling Open Forum presentations responding to the for the SC 32/WG 2 study period.

5.3 JTC 1 N5847, New Work Item Proposal for IT Enablement of Value Domains

The ballot is out for this New Work Item. This group supports the NWI.

6.0 Future Meeting Schedule

L8 Plenary December 10, 1999 at NISTwill be followed by a Christmas Party. Dan Gillman will send a message requesting suggestions for restaurants and requesting people to indicate their interest in attending.

Future L8 Plenary meeting dates, with associated SIG meetings:

April 12-14, 2000

Sept 13 - 15, 2000

December 6 - 8, 2000


Judy Newton moved and Phong Ngo seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting. Approved by acclimation.


List of Attendees:


Branch ArcherHIRS

Bruce BargmeyerEnvironmental Protection Agency

Dan GillmanBureau of the Census

Frank FaranceFarance, Inc.

Larry FitzwaterEnvironmental Protection Agency

Michael HuhnsUniversity of South Carolina

John McCarthyLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Judith NewtonNational Institute of Standards and Technology

Phong NgoScience Applications International Corporation