From the food you buy every week to the stores you shop to the restaurants you visit, here are some easy ways you can help St. Thomas More earn money and free playground equipment. Raising money for your school doesn’t get much easier than this!

Kroger Community Rewards

St. Thomas More received nearly $6,000 last year though this program. Simply attach your Kroger Rewards card to the St. Thomas More PTO by doing the following:

1.  Visit: www.krogercommunityrewards.com

2.  Sign in or create an account using your email address and password

3.  Enter “St. Thomas More” or our NPO# 80165

4.  Select St. Thomas More, 800 Ohio Pike and click enroll

Be sure to invite family member to attach their Rewards card to St. Thomas More!

Box Tops

Clip Box Tops from over 100 different products you use every day. Collect these, and then be on the lookout for information on turn in days. Once they are turned in, St. Thomas More will receive a check for the total amount submitted.

La Rosa’s Pizza

The first Wednesday of each month, LaRosa’s Pizza will donate 15% of your purchases to St. Thomas More. Be sure to mention your child’s homeroom teacher when placing your order. The class with the most participation each month will earn a free pizza party!


Two times a year Chipotle partners with St. Thomas More for a restaurant night. Chipotle donates 50% of sales on the designated day from 7:00pm – 9:00pm. Please look for our upcoming fall date.


This year we are excited to be partnering with a fun, free, and truly easy fundraiser called Shoparoo! Schools nationwide are already earning hundreds and even thousands every year through Shoparoo and it’s a great opportunity for us to really make a difference this year!

Shoparoo is school fundraising made easy: the free app turns pictures of your everyday shopping receipts into cash donations and sweepstakes entries for our school! Yep, it’s that simple. No more cutting labels, selling door to door, or time-consuming coordinating. All you have to do is shop as you normally do, snap pictures of your receipts with the app, and voila Just shop, snap, earn!

Get started today:

1. Download the free Shoparoo app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store

2. Select our school from the list and start taking pictures of your receipts - shop anywhere, buy anything!

3. You can even select a grade to support and have fun with grade competitions!

There’s no limit to how much money we can raise with Shoparoo - the more supporters, the more we will raise for our school. Schools with just 40 supporters are earning an average of $1,000 every year. That’s free, easy money that we could be fundraising too. Check out shoparoo.com to learn more about this awesome app!

St. Thomas More’s PTO promotes the welfare of our students, advances the interests of the school as a “Christ centered” educational institution, creates and fosters a spirit of community among parents, students and parish; and encourages active participation by the members in school affairs.Membership includes all parents, guardians, teachers, and parish members interested in the purposes of the organization and upholding Catholic principles.

PTO encourages family participation to all members. Research repeatedly shows that involved parents foster a better learning environment with measurable improvements in student achievement.

St. Thomas More’s PTO expands the offerings of a quality education by conducting family-focused fundraising programs that provide:

vCapital Improvement Programs

vClassroom/Library Instructional Materials

vTeacher Appreciation Team

vTeacher Classroom Funds

vPerforming Arts Programs

vField Trip Transportation

vCatholic Schools Week Programs

vBack to School Picnic

vScholarship Money for Parish Financial Aid Fund

Thank you for your support!