Curriculum vitae

Name: Britta Edelgard ZAWADA

Id. Number: 5912190046087

Citizenship: South African

Physical Address: 50 Park View

Stellenberg Rd

Equestria X114


Postal Address: Postnet Suite 565

Private Bag X1

Die Wilgers


Family status: Single, with two sons, Jacek (24) and Adam (22), both studying

Tel.: +2772-993-9303



1977 Matric, Overall average: A

1980 BA (US) (cum laude) (Majors: Linguistics, Afrikaans, German; sub-major English)

1981 BA (Hons) (Algemene Taalwetenskap / Linguistics) (US) (cum laude)

1986 HOD (nagraads) (UP) (Postgraduate Teaching Diploma) (after hours)

1993 MA (Linguistics) (Unisa) (cum laude)

Dissertation title: Categorization in the design of linguistic data bases

(Supervisor: Prof. A. P. Hendrikse)

2005 D. Litt. et Phil. (Unisa)

Thesis title: Linguistic creativity and mental representation with special reference to intercategorial polysemy

(Supervisor: Prof. A. P. Hendrikse)

2008 Btec Professional Certificate in Project Management (certificate of attendance)

Currently registered Graduate Certificate in Distance Education and E-Learning at the University of Maryland University College (UMUC), USA

Summary of occupational experience:

1980-1981 Tutor (Linguistics and German) and Junior lecturer in the Department of Linguistics, Stellenbosch University

1982-1986 Scientific editor at the Council for Geoscience

1987-2005 Full-time lecturer in linguistics at UNISA; and part-time lecturer in Linguistics for Speech-Language Pathology MEDUNSA

2006-2008 Chair of the Department of Linguistics at UNISA

2009- 2011 Director of the School of Arts, Education, Languages and Communication, now the School of Arts, at UNISA

2011- Currently Deputy Executive Dean of the College of Human Sciences at UNISA (University of South Africa)


I have more than 20 years’ experience teaching Linguistics at all levels.

Teaching involves all aspects of setting and marking assignments and exam papers, answering student queries, face-to-face lectures, training tutors and using ICTs in teaching and learner support, in contact, distance and online environments.

1. At undergraduate level: as primary lecturer in syntax, morphology, phonetics, phonology, semantics and pragmatics, typology and cognitive linguistics; and as team member in psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, discourse analysis and text linguistics, and corpus linguistics.

2. At postgraduate level: various aspects of descriptive and theoretical linguistics, especially in cognitive linguistics and psycholinguistics.

3. Supervision of Masters and Doctoral students.

Development of study material:

Designing and writing camera-ready and online study material at both undergraduate and postgraduate level in the domain listed above. This includes interactive teaching texts which are not based on a primary textbook, as well as a blended learning approach at Honours level. Editing, translating and doing critical reading and quality assessment of all other modules in linguistics.

I am currently responsible for the training of the approximately 700 academics in the College of Human Sciences in e-learning and in using ICTs in the design and development of study material.

Curriculum design:

1. Designing (and re-designing) the undergraduate Linguistics major, as well as designing (and re-designing) the Hons in General Linguistics.

2. Ensuring that the overall undergraduate and postgraduate linguistics curriculum is coherent, and complies with all the requirements of School, College and University.

3. Experience in the design and compliance of academic programmes with the DoE / DoHET and CHE / HEQC and HEQSF policies and criteria. This involved, amongst other things, the submission and accreditation of new qualifications, as well as aligning existing qualifications, ranging from Higher Certificates to doctoral programmes. Specific projects in 2013 include the Music and the Theology PQM at Unisa (ranging from non-formal workshops and programmes to doctoral level).

4. Experience in the design, development and quality assurance of non-formal short courses and learning programmes in the Centres of the College of Human Sciences.

4. Pursuing interdepartmental university-wide, as well as international, cooperation for developing undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.

Quality Assurance:

1. Responsible for the Quality Assurance processes in the College of Human Sciences; this involves amongst others things, self-initiated external peer-reviewed programme reviews, as well as programme reviews done by the CHE, as well as the HPSCSA and the SSCSA.

2. During my tenure as School Director responsible for Education Unisa’s B. Ed. Programmes (which had been on improvement plans before my tenure) were fully accredited.

Academic administration, management and leadership:

I have more than 7 years’ experience in senior management positions at Unisa, first as Chair of the Department of Linguistics, as School Director of the School of Arts, and now as Deputy Executive Dean of the College of Human Sciences. The list below reflects my experience in the more than 20 years that I have been at Unisa.

1. Convener of Departmental and School Tuition Committees and Departmental Research Committee

2. Departmental representative on the Tuition Committees of Sub-faculty/School and Faculty/College, including Member of Task Team on Semesterisation, and Member of Task Team on Tuition Excellence Awards

3. Course leader at undergraduate level for several modules each year

4. Paper leader at postgraduate level for two papers each year

  1. Member of the Departmental Management and Executive Committees, Acting CoD for extensive periods
  2. Chair of Department of Linguistics: involving all aspects of tuition, research as well as HR and financial management
  3. Director of the School of Arts, Education, Languages and Communication (now the School of Arts) and member of College Management of the College of Human Science at Unisa
  4. Chairperson of the School Management Committee and the School Tuition Committee of the School of Arts
  5. Member of the College Management and Executive, the Board of the College of Human Sciences, and the College Research and Community Engagement Committees
  6. Chairperson of the College Tuition and Learner Support Committee, College Short Learning Programme Committees, as well as the College Projects and Planning Committee
  7. Member of the Senate of the University of South Africa, also serving in the Senate Students’ Disciplinary, Senate Tuition and Learner Support Committee and Senate Language Committee
  8. Elected member representing Senate on the Senate Executive Committee
  9. Involvement in the Commonwealth of Learning and HEQC Institutional Audits of Unisa in 2007 and 2008
  10. Member of the ODL Task Teams on Assessment and on Open Admissions 2010 - 2011
  11. Convenor of the Senate Task Team on Semesterisation 2012 – 2013
  12. Academic liaison on the Vice-Chancellor’s Task Team on Exam Security
  13. Leading the Senate Language Committee task team and projects on Multilingualism and the Introduction of African Languages as Languages of Teaching and Learning.

Mentoring and staff development:

  1. Monitoring and training of lecturers, tutors, e-tutors, student assistants and outside markers.
  2. Mentoring colleagues in all aspects of tuition, research and academic citizenship.
  3. Participating in the College of Human Sciences Mentorship Programme as a mentor.

External examining:

Third-level linguistics courses at University of Stellenbosch

Honours paper in psycholinguistics at University of Kwa-Zulu/Natal

Masters and doctoral examination of theses in Cognitive Linguistics

Completed Masters students:

Magda Altman Making sense of traditional Chinese medicine: a cognitive semantic approach (2004) (Awarded with distinction)

Chantelle van Heerden Intertextuality Reinterpreted: A Cognitive Linguistics Approach With Specific Reference to Conceptual Blending (2008) (Awarded with distinction)

Completed Doctoral student:

AJG Roux Kognisiewerkwoorde in Afrikaans (Awarded in May 2012)

Current Doctoral students:

TD Nkwe: The acquisition of Tsonga in the preschool years to Grade R

S Naicker: A metatheoretical analysis, comparison and evaluation of generative and cognitive linguistics



1994 The defining features of scientific concepts. S. Afr. J. Ling., Supplement 20: 285-316. (Accredited article).

1995 On the adequacy of terminological concept theories. Terminology 1 (2): 253-275 (Joint author with Prof. P.H. Swanepoel). (International accredited journal).

1996 The representation of noun and verb polysemy. S. Afr. J. Ling., Supplement 30: 103-117. (Accredited article).

1997 Review of the Dictionary of Geology of the National Terminology Services Lexikos 7: 315-319. (Book review).

1998 Mineral species: A case for Cognitive Semantics. Proceedings of the XVIth International Congress of Linguists (Pergamon CD Rom: Elsevier Science). (Peer-reviewed conference proceedings).

2001 Introduction. In: Polysemy in Cognitive Linguistics. John Benjamins: Amsterdam: 1-13 (together with Hubert Cuyckens). (pages ix-xxvii).

2001 Polysemy in Cognitive Linguistics. Issues in Linguistic Theory. John Benjamins: Amsterdam (together with Hubert Cuyckens). 296 pgs.

2005 Preface. Editor: Special volume of Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies on Cognitive Linguistics. Volume 23 (2): iii-v.

2006 Linguistic creativity from a cognitive perspective. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 24(2): 235-254. (Accredited article).

2007 Conceptual integration and intercategorial polysemy. Language Matters 38(1: 150-175. (Accredited article).

2007 Writing across the lines. Editor: Special volume of Language Matters as a Festschrift for Prof AP Hendrikse. Volume 38 (1): 1-2.

2008 A cognitive and corpus linguistic re-analysis of the acquisition of the Zulu noun class system (with Mtholeni N. Ngcobo). Language Matters 39 (2): 316-331. (Accredited article).

2012 Education Programmes for Prison Inmates: Reward for Offences or Hope for a Better Life? (With K Quan-Baffour). Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, 3(2): 73-81. (Accredited article).

2013 Sustaining Informal Sector Women Entrepreneurs through Financial Literacy (With Veli Jiyane). Libri, 63(1): 47-56. (Accredited article).

Unpublished research reports:

1989  A manual for describing and analysing morphological data in the Term Bank of the South African Terminological Service (report commissioned by the Department of Arts and Culture).

2007 Advisory report on the provision of government information and services for socio-economic development in local South African Languages of choice using ICT platforms (report commissioned by the Presidential National Commission on Information Society and Development). 124 pgs.

Papers read at national and international conferences:

1987 Describing and analysing morphological data in the Term Bank of the South African Terminological Service: how linguists can help terminographers. Conference of the Linguistics Society of South Africa, Grahamstown

1989 Terms as words or words as terms? Pre-conference symposium of the Linguistics Society of South Africa, Pretoria

1996 What noun and verb polysemy can tell us about the lexicon. Symposium on Linguistic categorisation, Unisa, Pretoria

1997 What noun and verb polysemy can tell us about the lexicon. International Conference of the Cognitive Linguistics Association, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

1997 Mineral species: A case for Cognitive Semantics. XVIth International Congress of Linguists, Paris, France.

2003 Using Cognitive Linguistics as a tool to interpret the concept ‘Son of Man’ Conference of the Linguistics Society of South Africa, Johannesburg.

2005 Theoretical models of linguistic creativity Conference of the Linguistics Society of South Africa, Dhikhololo, Pretoria.

2006 Conceptual integration as a model to account for intercategorial polysemy Conference of the Linguistics Society of South Africa, Durban.

2007 A framework for church interpreting. Conference of the Linguistics Society of South Africa, Potchefstroom.

2008 The lexical and conceptual development of pre-school children. Acquisition of African Languages 2008, Stellenbosch.

2009 The limits and possibilities of quality assurance in an open distance learning institution: A case study of teacher education and linguistics provision at the University of South Africa (UNISA). (With KP Dzvimbo). Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Teacher Educators (IATE) in association with the Institute of Distance and Open Learning, Mumbai, India.

2010 Adult Basic Education Training Programmes for Inmates: Reward for offences? (With K Quan-Baffour). EASA Conference, Potchefstroom.

2010 Linguistic barriers to informed consent in clinical trials. First Patient Recruitment Conference of the South African Association for Clinical Research, Pretoria.

2011 Cognition and vision in Afrikaans. International Conference of the Cognitive Linguistics Association, Xi’an, China.

Member of scientific organisations:

Linguistics Society of South Africa (current President and Board member)

Bursaries, awards and other achievements:

1976 Prefect

1977 Head Girl

Die Burger and The Argus Leadership Awards

Dux Scholar

Numerous Eisteddfod Awards for Drama

Committee member and chairperson of several religious and cultural organisations (such as debating, choir, drama)

Member of first school team in tennis, hockey, netball and athletics

Cape Provincial Administration Award for Best Matric Pupil in Afrikaans in the Cape Province

1978-1980 Cape Provincial Administration Education Bursary

1981 US 2000 Bursary

1991 Unisa funding for visiting the Lexicography Unit at the University of Exeter and the offices of the Oxford English Dictionary

1996 Unisa Doctoral Exhibition

1997 CSD funding for attending conferences in Paris and Amsterdam

1999 Grant from the Istitute Mitteleuropeo di Cultura to attend the Bolzano International School in Cognitive Analysis 99 in Italy

2006-2008 NRF Thuthuka Women-in-Research

2008-2010 UNISA Strategic project for the development of the UNISA Spoken Language Corpus (with colleagues from the Unversity of Gothenburg)

Several Unisa conference grants

Other relevant experience:

·  Regularly reviewing papers in cognitive linguistics to be published in national and international journals and/or books.

·  Terminology consultant for the development of the linguistic aspects of the National Term Bank.

·  Participated in project management of research projects in the Council for Geoscience (1982-1986).

·  I have edited and supported the writing of several government research reports, amongst others the Systemic Review of the Science Councils led by Dr Muhammed Jeenah.

·  Attended the Bolzano International School in Cognitive Analysis 99 in Italy.

·  HERS-SA Academic Leadership School, Cape Town, 2006 and 2011.

·  Various other leadership training programmes