03 Feb2017

Aseason to repair relations

  1. What are the Irritants between India and china relations?
  2. Is Indian Tibet policy is getting recaliberated?
  3. What were the proposals of Chinese ambassador for better relations?
  4. How changing global context can influence India china relations?
  5. What is the meaning of early harvest as stated by ambassador? Is it acceptable to India?
  6. Is free trade agreement between India and china is suggestible?
  7. What are the sensitives of India in developing a partnership with china on connectivity?
  8. What are the connectivity options India can explore with china?
  9. What is the new thinking necessary in India- China relations?

Neither transparentnor accountable

  1. Why political corruption need to be tackled first?
  2. What are the ways to raise illegal money by political parties?
  3. Can recent proposals make any difference to political corruption?

H-1B visa in the spotlight

  1. What are H1B visas?
  2. What are the new restrictions being imposed by the Trump administration on H1B visas?
  3. In your opinion, how these restrictions will hurt Indian and American economy?

First among allies?

  1. What are the two pillars of Britain foreign policy?
  2. Why Britain is in a hurry towards trade deals?
  3. Can a deal is possible with USA? What USA want from the trade deals?
  4. Why free Trade deals are not accepted by India and Australia?


Aseason to repair relations

India – china relations are going through a rough patch in relations to Chinas obstruction of Indias entry in to NSG, listing terrorist Masood Azhar before 1267 committee and deployment of Chinese military and engineering assets in gilgitBalitisatn region of Kashmir.

Chinese envoy has stated for a friendship and cooperation treaty and a free trade agreement between india and china. At the same time he suggested for an early harvest on border issue. It mean settlement of border issue in segments rather than as a whole.

If these recommendations are carefully observed, Free trade agreement may not be in favour of India if we can see the large trade deficit existing between countries. So, a comprehensive agreement covering goods, services, investments can be proposed from Indian side.

Given the state of bilateral relations much can not be expected form a realty of friendship and cooperation. But, connectivity can be a major booster for relations. India shall consider opening connectivity to Tibet through Nath la and an air connectivity br thought between Xinjiang province and India.

Above all, if relations need to be strengthened a new thinking is necessary. Competitive co existence with a clear delineation of of differences and development of people centred connectivity can be a way forward.

Neither transparent nor accountable

Budget has proposed for a a ceiling on cash donations by any individual to party to 2000 rs and it also proposed for introduction of electoral bonds.

These can do little to fight electoral corruption that is deep rooted in india. The reasons are

  1. Most of the spending happen during election period from the candidates and not from political parties.
  2. Electoral bonds encourage anonymous donations.
  3. Rs 200o ceiling can cause some inconvenience to political parties but, with out a ceiling on the total amount that can be collected through cash there can be no check.

H1B visas

Trump administration proposes for following changes in H1B visas

  1. The minimum amount of salary a visa holder has to get is getting raised to $130K.
  2. Extensions on optional practical training is being scrapped.
  3. Rigorous monitoring or L1 visa holders, intra company transfers.

It can worst effect the USA economy for following reasons.

  1. USA tech sector is dependant on the foreign talent.
  2. Many of the Indian companies have their subsidiaries in USA. They might shift back to India.
  3. USA companies may not be able to find suitable Americans for the Job.

First among allies?

USA and Uk enjoy a special relationship. As brexit has become a reality and its contours are set UK is looking for alternative trade deals with other countries.

India and Australia have made it clear that free trade agreements are not possible with out UK relaxing its immigration policies.

President Trump has expressed his support for Brexit and Britain is expecting a favourable trade deal from USA. But, protectionism and America first stand of Trump is taken in to consideration, a fair deal can be a distant dream.

Question of the day

  1. Suggest the way forward for India and China to better their relations? Do you think relations between these countries are victims of rebalancing happening across world?