French I Unit Guide: Bon Voyage Chapter 1 Un Ami et Une Amie
Standards and Performance Tasks
FL.7-12.MLI.IP1.E - [Element] - Give simple descriptions.
Real World Application: Looking for someone or something: if you lost your luggage at the airport, you would have to describe it in order to make a claim.
FL.7-12.MLI.IP1.G - [Element] - Ask questions and provide responses based on topics such as self, family, school, etc.
Real World Application: Having a basic conversation with new people: if you recently met someone, you might ask them how old they are and you might also tell them your age as well.
FL.7-12.MLI.INT2.A - [Element] - Differentiate among statements, questions and exclamations.
Real World Application: Being able to understand the needs of others: If someone asked you for help, you would have to find out what they needed through their questions and statements.
Performance Tasks/ Projects
Writing Portfolio: Due at end of Unit 1 (tentatively Feb. 3rd & 4th)
Create a portfolio of your best writing samples from the chapter. Your portfolio should have at least 8 pieces of writing and each piece should be no less than 4 sentences. Each sample should be neatly written or typed on a separate sheet of paper. The portfolio may be presented in a folder or stapled together with a cover page.
Avatar Pitch: Due January 12th & 13th
A new island has recently been discovered in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with an unknown indigenous people and has been acquired by the French government. You are a world-renowned scientist and the French government has asked you, along with thirty other equally talented scientists, to create an avatar to travel to this island and collect more information about this unknown tribe. You are competing with the other scientists to create the best avatar to travel to this island. You will create a written profile of your avatar with all of its attributes to present to the French government. Your presentation should describe the physical attributes and the personality of your avatar.
Facebook Profile: Due January 26th & 27th
You are a student that has recently moved to France to attend a university in Paris. You need a facebook profile to meet other students at your school, but the one you have now is entirely in English. You must create a new profile in French. Included in your facebook profile should be your name, sex, birthday, interests, bio, and a physical description of yourself. You may also include friends, status, and wall posts.
Culture Project: Summative Culture Category = 7% of final grade
(Tentative due date: April 28th & 29th)
To cultivate a deeper understanding of the French-speaking culture, you will conduct research and create a product about a specific topic pertaining to the francophone world. Your study should include a brief history of the subject, their contribution to French-speaking culture, and the affect they have on the modern day francophone world. You may choose between two categories to present your research: written or visual presentation. If you choose the written option, you will write a five-page paper (times new roman /12 pt font/ double space) including the required information. If you choose the visual option, you will create a visual product (collage, photo story, other computer apps) including the required information and prepare a 2-3 minute presentation about the topic.
Here are some of the contributors to French culture that we have discussed throughout the year.
- Robert Delaunay
- Edgar Degas
- Pierre Bonnard
- Gervais Emmanuel Ducasse
- Auguste Rodin
- MC Solaar
- Carla Bruni
Les Fêtes
- Toussaint
- Epiphanie
- Bastille Day
- Fête de la Victoire
- Jour d’armistice