Welcome to
Dunoon Grammar School
S1 2012/2013
A warm welcome to Dunoon Grammar School to all our new first years!
You are about to embark on one of the most exciting journeys in life – from childhood to adulthood.
We are looking forward to supporting you on that journey.
You will meet new friends, new teachers and will take new subjects. This starts with the transition project “On the Move”. We hope you enjoy working with both your primary teachers and your new secondary teachers in this study.
We hope that the journey is going to be a successful one for each and every one of you.
W. Stewart Shaw
Head Teacher
Dunoon Grammar School telephone number – 01369 705010
Dunoon Grammar School website – www.dunoongrammar.argyll-bute.sch.uk
Dunoon Grammar School is a comprehensive secondary school serving the eleven primary schools of the Cowal Area and offering courses in most school subjects. There are approximately 900 pupils in the school and this year about 136 pupils will enter the first year.
The Head Teacher, Mr W Shaw, is in charge of the school. There are also four Depute Head Teachers who help run the school. One of these is Mr. McLean who will also be your Year Head.
The school day starts at 9.00 am and ends at 3.35 pm. The day is divided into six periods of 50 minutes with a 20 minute period for House Time. Assemblies will be held approximately each term.
Period 1 9.00 - 9.50
House Time 9.50 - 10.10
Period 2 10.10 - 11.00
Interval 11.00 - 11.15
Period 3 11.15 - 12.05
Period 4 12.05 - 12.55
Lunchtime 1.00 - 1.50
Period 5 1.50 - 2.45
Period 6 2.45 - 3.35
The 30 periods in the week are allocated to the various subjects as follows:
Art & Design 2 periods
RE 2 periods
Social Education 1 period
English 3 periods
Geography }
History } 3 periods
Modern Studies} in rota
Home Economics 1 period
Mathematics 4 periods
French 3 periods
Music 1 period
PE 2 periods
Science 3 periods
Technical 2 periods
Drama 1 period
Business &Computing 2 periods
DAY/TIME / 19.00-9.50 / House Time 9.50-10.10 / 2
10.10 - 11.00 / 3
11.15 - 12.05 / 4
12.05-1.00 / 5
1.50 - 2.45 / 6
2.45 - 3.35
Monday / B&C / PSE / French / Maths / Art / Geography
Tuesday / Technical / Science / Geography / RE / French / English
Wednesday / French / English / RE / Maths / Drama / Science
Thursday / English / PE / Maths / Geography / Music / B&C
Friday / Science / Home Ec / Maths / Technical / Art / PE
S6 Support Group (SMILE)
We are a group of twenty-five 6th year pupils who are available to talk to any pupils having problems, or who want to make suggestions about the school. The Support Group focuses primarily on 1st year pupils since we remember how scary the Grammar School was when we first started!
All members are identified by a yellow smiley face badge, making it quicker and easier for anyone needing help to find a member of the Support Group.
Homework - Please look after your homework diary
Homework forms an integral part of your class work and helps to reinforce what you have learned at school.
You will be issued with a homework diary in which you must note all work which has to be done at home.
There are various types of work that you may be asked to do at home, for example - written exercises, preparing for an exam, reading parts of a book or looking up facts for a project.
The House System
All S1 pupils will be allocated to one of our 5 Houses. Each House has nine groups of pupils consisting of S1-6 pupils and will be led by a House Teacher. The Head of each House will be your Guidance Teacher. As a member of the House Group you will be involved in daily tasks and in the organization of activities such as Inter-House Sports, Assemblies and Fund Raising.
If you are absent your parent/carer must phone the school and tell us of your absence. On your return give a letter to your Form Teacher explaining your absence.
The Forum
The Forum in Dunoon Grammar School is the main social area and is used as both a social area and dining room. Assemblies are also held in the Forum during the registration period.
The Walkway
The Walkway above the Forum connects the two main blocks of the school on the first floor. ONLY Senior Students (S5/S6) and School Staff are permitted to use the Walkway.
A strong waterproof bag is recommended to carry all your jotters, books, PE Kit and other items in. Your schoolbag should not be left unattended.
Mobile phones
Mobile phones brought into school must be switched off in all classes and can only be used during intervals and lunchtimes out with the building.
In the Forum a cafeteria style system is operated which allows pupils to select their own meal.
Hot dishes, salads, vegetarian dishes, sandwiches and other items are available. Pupils bringing a packed lunch can eat it in the Forum.
Pupils will be issued with a ‘Cashless Catering’ card/ Young Scot Card for use in the cafeteria. Money will be recorded on the card using the automated machines.
There is a wide range of extra-curricular activities within the school e.g. badminton, chess, art club, circus skills, basketball, games club, football, hockey, cheerleading etc.
I hope you will participate in such activities. Further details will be provided.
You will have many teachers in the Grammar School and you will see some of them for only 1 or 2 periods each week. Your House Teacher will be important because you will see him/ her every day and will get to know him/her quite well.
Another important teacher will be your Guidance Teacher. The job of the Guidance Teacher is to get to know you, help you make the most of your time in the school and offer assistance or advice when required. Your Guidance Teacher will usually be the teacher your parents will contact at the school when they want to know how well you are doing.
Your parents have a copy of the school handbook, which contains a list of the school rules. You will be expected to follow these rules. The rules were not devised to prevent you enjoying your time at Dunoon Grammar School. Some of them are there to provide for your safety and protect your property. Others provide a framework for the smooth, efficient running of the school.
* Dunoon Grammar School Ground Rules, Rights and Responsibilities are displayed in each classroom.
Remember Dunoon Grammar School will be your school and you must cooperate with everyone else in the school to provide a good working environment for your education.
The school rules will be explained to you in greater detail during your Social Education periods.
Our Rights
1. Everybody has a right to safety (physical and psychological) .
2. The teacher has a right to teach.
3. All pupils have a right to learn.
4. Everybody has a right to be treated with dignity and respect.
Our Responsibilities
1. All pupils have the responsibility to see that everyone’s 4 basic rights are protected.
2. The teacher has the ultimate responsibility to protect everyone’s 4 basic rights.
Ground Rules
1. Arrive on time properly prepared for learning.
2. Follow instructions straight away.
3. Keep hands, feet, objects and unkind words to yourself.
4. Listen to the person who is meant to be talking.
5. Work to the best of your ability.
Classroom Consequences
1. Verbal Warning
2. Move seat / kept back after class
3. Removal from classroom
4. Referral to Principal Teacher (Principal Teacher will contact home / Departmental Monitor Sheet)
5. Referral to Year Head
Rewards – these will vary from Department to Department
(Example shown from RMPS Department)
1. Positive atmosphere in class
2. Music
3. Positive notes home
4. Term time rewards
5. Positive Report Cards
1. Pupils should at all times treat each other with respect and tolerance. In particular they should not indulge in any obscene, sexist or racist activity.
2. Pupils will carry out the instructions of all members of staff both teaching and non teaching
3. All property must be treated with care and respect
4. Behaviour which endangers anyone must be avoided.
5. Chewing Gum is not allowed in school.
6. Energy drinks are not allowed in school.
1. Pupils will conform to the school policy on uniform
2. Pupils will arrive for all classes on time.
3. Pupils should arrive fully prepared and equipped for all classes.
4. Pupils will walk directly to and from classes in a quiet, orderly manner.
5. Smoking is not allowed. Pupils must not bring cigarettes, lighters, matches or fireworks to school.
6. All sweets, food and drink must be consumed during intervals only, and litter placed in the nearest bin.
7. Pupils should not carry, or eat, food or drink, in classes or corridors.
8. At intervals pupils should remain in the permitted areas or in the school grounds
9. Pupils will not leave the school premises during class time or intervals.
10. School equipment should only be used with the permission of a member of staff.
11. Mobile phones, MP3 players and electronic games should not be used in School.
Choose any 1 of the rules listed above in the pupil code of conduct – circle it – and say why YOU think this rule is important.
Technology, computers and the internet
You will be able to use various types of technology, for example, computers and the internet in school. Technology is developing rapidly and its use is expanding.
There are rules that you will be expected to follow when using technology,
for example:-
· take care of the equipment
· follow the rules for using any piece of technology
· be aware of the safe use of the internet
· do not tell anyone your password
Welcome to the school year 2011 – 2012.
We are a group of staff who are here to support pupils and teachers. We aim to ensure that all pupils achieve their potential. Be all you can be!!
v We LISTEN to pupils, parents and staff.
v We help you to access YOUR learning needs
v We support learning in classes (lots of different ways)
v We LINK with staff and other people (each year group has a Link Teacher)
v We help to make sure the materials in class are right for you
v We give information and advice about additional support for learning.
We are always welcoming and happy to discuss any of the above with pupils and parents. Please come and talk to us if you have concerns or worries about your learning.
Pupil support exists to help pupils who may need support to enjoy and benefit fully from classes and social times. No matter what that difficulty please drop in. Our team consists of Mr. Marshall, the Principal Teacher, and Mr. Price, who looks after Platform1 on a daily basis. The door is always open for anyone who wants to seek help or just to speak to a friendly face.
You will shortly become a pupil of Dunoon Grammar School. It will be a new experience for you. Enjoy it. To begin with you may feel strange. Many things will be different from that which you are used to at primary school; bigger classes, more pupils and teachers; moving from classroom to classroom. However, you will quickly become accustomed to the hustle and bustle of life at the Grammar School. You will be joining a great school; take advantage of all that it offers you. I look forward to seeing you in August.
All pupils of Dunoon Grammar School wear a uniform. This has been agreed by our pupils and their parents.
Dunoon Grammar School Uniform consists of:
v Plain black school trousers
(NOT jeans, sports bottoms or other casual or hipster fashion trousers)
Plain black school skirt
v Black v-neck sweater with school logo.
A plain black v-neck sweater may be worn.
Girls may wear a plain black sleeveless sweater or black school cardigan.
v Plain white shirt
v School tie
S1-S2 Red tie with school badge
S3-S4 Blue tie with school badge
S5-S6 Black tie with school badge
v Plain BLACK footwear
v Plain black or white PE kit. No football strips, designer clothing or advertising logos.
All your belongings such as clothes, books and PE kit should be clearly marked with your name. Valuable articles such as jewellery or large sums of money should not be brought to school. During activities and physical education classes pupils are given the opportunity of depositing valuables with a member of the teaching staff. The school cannot accept responsibility for valuables (particularly watches and money) which are not handed in to the teacher but are left in the changing areas.
We are endeavoring to make the school uniform as cost effective as we can. For this reason expensive designer labels are not welcome. School Ties and School Sweaters can be ordered through the school. Please complete the order form overleaf and return to Dunoon Grammar School during the primary 7 two day visit on Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st June. Order forms should be returned to the school with payment on these dates.
Ordered items can be collected from Dunoon Grammar School between Monday 9th August and Friday 13th August 2010.