OFFICE: / 620/108
Course Description
This is a study in the design principles and criteria for commercial and public landscapes. Emphasis will be on using color in the design, elevation drawing, and computer design.
Required Course Material
Grading System and Policy
Major project50%
Homework and Participation50%
Veteran Students
All veteran students are required to maintain attendance in classes in order to earn VA benefits. Whenever a Veteran student's absences exceed 10% of the hours assigned to the course, the student will be administratively dropped with a grade of W, which could result in an overpayment of benefits.
Students with Disabilities
The College will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Students should notify the Counselor for Students with Disabilities (located in Counseling and Career Development Building 410, rm. 210) and their instructors of any special needs. Instructors should be notified on the first day of classes. For your safety if you have a medical condition that results in seizures, blackouts, etc., (e.g. epilepsy, diabetes), please inform your instructor. This information will be kept confidential.
Attendance Policy and Procedure
Prompt and regular attendance is the responsibility of each student. The student is responsible for all material covered and all assignments made in class. Any time a student is absent from a class, laboratory, or other scheduled event, it is the student's responsibility to make satisfactory arrangements for any make-up work permitted by the instructor. It is the student's responsibility to initiate the paperwork required to drop or to withdraw from the course. Failure to attend class does not constitute proper procedure for dropping or withdrawal and will result in the grade of F. Contact the Admissions and Records office for additional information.
Adjunct Instructor Statement
Adjunct faculty do not have offices on campus. To contact an adjunct faculty member call the Industrial and Engineering Technology Division (574-6156 or 574-6115). The administrative specialists of program coordinator will contact the adjunct and request that he/she call you at the phone number specified.
Electronic Communication Devices in the Classrooms
To minimize classroom disruptions and protect the integrity of test-taking situations activated electronic communication devices such as pagers and telephones are generally not permitted in classrooms at Trident Technical College. The only exception to this policy will be for on call emergency personnel who will be required to notify their classroom instructor of their need for such devices at the beginning of the term and provide documentation verifying their occupation. However, on call emergency personnel may not leave testing situation, communicate by electronic means and return to complete an examination. In these cases, instructors should make arrangements for re-testing.
5/31/2016 / T / Computer design: imaging6/2/2016 / TH / Computer design: imaging
6/7/2016 / T / Computer design: imaging
6/9/2016 / TH / Computer design: plan drawing
6/14/2016 / T / Computer design: plan drawing
6/16/2016 / TH / Computer design: plan drawing
6/21/2016 / T / Computer design: plan drawing color
6/23/2016 / TH / Color: pencils and markers
6/28/2016 / T / Commercial Project Site Visit
6/30/2016 / TH / Site Plan (Email DPD)
7/5/2016 / T / OFF / OFF
7/7/2016 / TH / OFF / OFF
7/12/2016 / T / Preliminary (Email DPD and PDF)
7/14/2016 / TH / Preliminary feedback, Image lab
7/19/2016 / T / Image (Email LND and JPG)
7/21/2016 / TH / Master plan (Email DPD and PDF)
7/26/2016 / T / Master Revisions (Email DPD and PDF); PowerPoint DUE
7/28/2016 / TH / Presentation Packet DUE
8/2/2016 / T / Presentation Practice
8/4/2016 / TH / PRESENTATION